
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-01-18 07:47:01

1、我没负你 我什么都没有做 没有回应爱意 没有欲擒故纵 没有消耗感情 你做你的春秋大梦 我做我的人世浮萍 别往我身上套莫须有的过错。

I didn"t take responsibility for you, I didn"t do anything, I didn"t respond to love, I didn"t play hard to get, I didn"t consume feelings, you had your big dream of spring and autumn, I was my world, duckweed, don"t make any false mistakes on me.


I will return my fine features to the landscape world, the drizzle between pines to my first encounter, and love at first sight to you.


"The moon in the girl"s eyes has fallen, the stars are dim, and there is no gentleness as before."

4、我妈说 人家放弃你那一刻 一定是经过深思熟虑的 那一刻他觉得没有你会更好 那一刻 一辈子都不值得原谅。

My mother said that the moment someone gave up on you must have been a thoughtful moment. He thought it would be better without you. The moment is not worth forgiving all his life.


If you really understand me, you should know how sad I am at the moment when I am aggressive and unkind.

6、“突然不喜欢一个人,是什么感觉?” “他本来浑身是光。有那么一瞬间,突然就黯淡了,成为宇宙里一颗尘埃。我努力回想起他全身是光的样子,却怎么也想不起来。后来发现,那是第一次见到他时,我眼里的光.”

"How does it feel to suddenly dislike someone?" "He was covered in light. There was a moment when it suddenly dimmed and became a dust in the universe. I tried to recall his whole body is light, but how also can"t remember. Later, it was discovered that it was the light in my eyes when I first saw him. "

7、从此以后 愿你独立坚强 愿你所得皆你所想 愿你拥有成人的成熟却又不失纯真的美好。

From now on, may you be independent and strong, may everything you want be what you want, may you have grown-up maturity without losing innocence and beauty.

8、有的事,我懒得说,你能懂几分就是几分吧,我没有要怪你的意思 只是觉得一切都很没劲 连我费劲心思想对你好的瞬间都显得特别没劲 那些掏心窝子的话我一个字都不想再说了。

There are some things that I am too lazy to say, you can understand a few minutes is a few minutes, I don"t want to blame you, I just think everything is boring, even the moment I try to think good to you is especially boring, I don"t want to say a word of those Tao bottom words

9、我没有怪你的意思 我也没有觉得一个人就必须对一个人怎么样 我就是觉得一切都特别没劲 连我费尽心思对你好的那些瞬间都很没劲 你就像一个黑洞 所有的情绪 所有的爱 所有的付出和精力砸进去就什么都没了。

I don"t blame you. I don"t think one must treat one. I just think everything is boring. even the moments when I tried so hard to treat you are boring. you are like a black hole. all your emotions, all your love, all your efforts and energy are wasted.

10、你看 我这样的人 就像流浪在人间好不容易找到了想要留下的旅店 可惜的是那家旅店唯一的房间已经有人了 。

Look at people like me,Just like wandering in the world,Very not easy to find want to stay in the hotel,Unfortunately, the only room in that hotel is already occupied.

我没有输 只是来晚了那天风很大,匆匆别离的人是你,落荒而逃却又不断回眸的人是我,渐行渐远的我们,终究还是错过了.
