
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-01-19 02:16:01



Each party shall fully indemnify the other against any and all actions, claims, liability, costs, damages, charges and expenses suffered or incurred in connection with or arising out of any break by a party of any of the provisions of this Agreement or by any unauthorized disclosure or use of Proprietary Information by a third party or by any employee of any party to whom PI has been disclosed or who has been allowed access thereto and acknowledges and confirms that a break of its obligations hereunder cannot be compensated adequately by an award of damages or indemnity or other pecuniary remedy but the other party shall also be entitled in the event of any such break to the remedies of injunction, specific performance or other equitable relief in respect of any such break.








Specific performance:强制履行令

Equitable relief:衡平救济

Pecuniary remedy:金钱性救济

第一步:定睛一瞧,认真研读,会发现这个长句的核心主干是标红的部分,主干谓语动词是并列的 indemnify 和 acknowledges and confirms:

Each party shall fully indemnifythe other against any and all actions, claims, liability, costs, damages, charges and expenses suffered or incurred in connection with or arising out of any break by a party of any of the provisions of this Agreement or by any unauthorized disclosure or use of Proprietary Information by a third party or by any employee of any party to whom PI has been disclosed or who has been allowed access thereto and acknowledges and confirms that a break of its obligations hereunder cannot be compensated adequately by an award of damages or indemnity or other pecuniary remedy but the other party shall also be entitled in the event of any such break to the remedies of injunction, specific performance or other equitable relief in respect of any such break.


[1] Each party shall fully indemnify the other against any and all actions, claims, liability, costs, damages, charges and expenses [2] suffered or incurred in connection with or arising out of [3] any breakby a party of any of the provisions of this Agreement or by any unauthorized disclosure or use of Proprietary Information by a third party orby any employee of any party to whom PI has been disclosed or who has been allowed access thereto [4 ]and acknowledges and confirms that [5] a break of its obligations hereunder cannot be compensated adequately by an award of damages or indemnity or other pecuniary remedy [6] but the other party shall also be entitled in the event of any such break to the remedies of injunction, specific performance or other equitable relief in respect of any such break.

[1]是句子的主干,[2]是后置定语,修饰 any and all actions, claims, liability, costs, damages, charges and expenses,[3]具体阐述 break(违约)的行为种类,[4]是与[1]并列的地位平等的主干。[5]和[6]一起构成acknowledges and confirms的宾语从句,[5]和[6]是由 but 连接的并列句。

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[1] [4] 主干:对于任何和所有诉讼,索赔,责任,成本,损害赔偿,费用和开支,每一方均应对另一方给予充分赔偿,并且各方承认和确认……

[2] 因……而使一方遭受或给其招致或由此产生的

[3] 一方违反本协议任何条款,或者第三方或知悉或被允许访问专有信息的任何一方的雇员未经授权披露或使用专有信息,

[5] 裁定支付损害赔偿金或补偿金或其他金钱性救济,不能对其违反本协议义务的行为作出充分赔偿,

[6] 如果一方发生任何此类违约行为,另一方亦有权获得针对此类违约的禁止令,强制履行令或其他衡平救济。


[1] Each party shall fully indemnify the other against any and all actions, claims, liability, costs, damages, charges and expenses [2] suffered or incurred in connection with or arising out of [3] any break by a party of any of the provisions of this Agreement or by any unauthorized disclosure or use of Proprietary Information by a third party orby any employee of any party to whom PI has been disclosed or who has been allowed access thereto [4 ]and acknowledges and confirms that [5] a break of its obligations hereunder cannot be compensated adequately by an award of damages or indemnity or other pecuniary remedy [6] but the other party shall also be entitled in the event of any such break to the remedies of injunction, specific performance or other equitable relief in respect of any such break.

参考译文 1:对于因 1)一方违反本协议任何条款,2)或者第三方或知悉或被允许访问专有信息的任何一方的雇员未经授权披露或使用专有信息,


参考译文 2:对于因一方违反本协议任何条款,或者因第三方或知悉或被允许访问专有信息的任何一方的雇员未经授权披露或使用专有信息,而使一方遭受或给其招致或由此产生的任何和所有诉讼,索赔,责任,成本,损害赔偿,费用和开支,各方均应对另一方给予充分赔偿;并且各方承认和确认,裁定支付损害赔偿金或补偿金或其他金钱性救济,不能对其违反本协议义务的行为作出充分赔偿,如果一方发生任何此类违约行为,另一方亦有权获得针对此类违约的禁止令,强制履行令或其他衡平救济。

