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甜系句子‖希望这个冬天 左手奶茶(右手是你)

句子大全 2023-01-20 03:12:01

1.我需要一点点小细节 比如秒回的信息 迟迟不回复后的小心翼翼的解释 晚上临睡前的晚安和你常常主动和我分享的日常。

I need a little bit of detail, such as a second message, a careful explanation after a delay, a good night before going to bed and the daily routine you often share with me.


Hope this winter, left hand milk tea, right hand is you.

3.地球为什么是圆的?有个温柔的原因就是 “世界想让两个道不同的人有机会再次相遇。”

Why is the earth round? There is a gentle reason that "the world wants two different people to have a chance to meet again."

4.每一座孤岛都被深海拥抱 每一颗星星都与银河相交。

Every island is embraced by the deep sea, and every star intersects the Milky way.



Like active people, like to say like, Miss said miss you, really won"t because of the export become not precious.

Let me believe that love is not like, but you.


Because I like you, the clouds in the sky become more beautiful.

7.如果可以的我想和你同住一间屋子 晨起煮粥 过午饮茶 日暮时接吻 若傍晚我从外面回来 就给你买一束花。

If I can, I"d like to share a room with you. I"d like to have porridge in the morning, tea in the afternoon, and kiss at dusk. If I come back from outside in the evening, I"ll buy you a bunch of flowers.

8.这世间给你多少偏见 我就倍数给你偏爱。

This world gives you how many prejudices, I will give you multiple preference.

9.我已经对这个世界很满意了 有日月星河 有山川河流 有春夏秋冬 有日出日落 还有你。

I have been very satisfied with the world, there are sun, moon, Star River, rivers, spring, summer, autumn and winter, sunrise and sunset, and you.


"I love the gentle little details. All of a sudden, I"ll stop holding my hand and share my happiness with you. I"ll smile at you when I drink. Always praise you lovely, as if I have seen the universe lovely, all things can"t compare with your lovely. You will be surrounded by such tenderness, wrapping you into a lovely and loving star, and travel around the universe side by side with another star that gives you enough tenderness. "
