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超温柔的神仙句子 夜晚有星(云朵有雨 这善变的世界难得有你)

句子大全 2023-01-21 03:35:01

因为心中有梦 所以暗里有光遥遥无期 那又怎样 踮起脚尖就很接近阳光了。

Because there is a dream in my heart, there is light in the dark, and how to stand on tiptoe close to the sun.

如果一艘船不知道该驶向哪个港口 那么任何地方吹来的风都不会是顺风。

If a ship doesn"t know which port to sail to, the wind from anywhere will not be downwind.


Your good luck lies in your strength and your unknown efforts. The harder you work, the luckier you will be.


Don"t worry about the present, don"t worry too much about the future. There is no useless experience in life, so we go all the time and it will be bright.

别灰心 你肯定也是某人眉眼间藏不住的欢喜,所以你要记住,你的开心最重要,你值得。

Don"t be discouraged. You must also be someone"s happiness that can"t be hidden between the eyes and the eyebrows. So you should remember that your happiness is the most important, and you are worth it.

总会有一个满眼都是你的男孩子 用所有细节温暖你,只不过他还在路上有点点慢。

There will always be a boy with eyes full of you who warms you with all the details, but he is still a little slow on the road.

希望你在看过这世间所有肮脏和不堪之后 内心能向往积极和温柔。

I hope you can look forward to being positive and gentle after seeing all the filth in the world.

心情要好 人要美 生活要嗨 你一定要努力,才能和更好的人相遇。

The mood wants the good person to want the beautiful life to want to hi you must work hard, can meet with the better person.

在一切都变好之前 总是要经历一些不开心的日子,这段日子也许会很长 也许只是一觉醒来,所以耐心点,给好运一点时间。

Always go through some unhappy days before everything gets better. This period may be long or just wake up, so be patient and give good luck a little time.

我看过一片很美的星空 那时我脑海里第一时间想起的是你的眼睛 头顶漫天的星星 就像被所爱之人的眼睛注视着 心底荡起温柔。

I have seen a beautiful starry sky. At that time, the first thing I think of in my mind is that the stars above your eyes are just like the eyes of loved ones staring at the bottom of your heart.
