
日记大全 > 句子大全

藏在备忘录里的心酸句子 暖心大方(治愈自己)

句子大全 2023-01-23 05:10:01


If he misses you, he"ll call you. If he wants you, he will say; If he cares about you, he will show his true feelings. If none of this had happened, he would have left you alone. The origin is broken, the origin is thick and weak, and we have no control over that. All we can do is cherish the fleeting moments of karma.


Don"t use your boyfriend"s money every day, even in a relationship, because it puts a heavy burden on your loved one.


The saddest and most disturbing part is not the moment when you know you"ve lost someone, but when you"re still on the road and you don"t know you"ve lost someone.


This short life, we will eventually lose. Be bold, love someone, climb a mountain, pursue a dream.


I"m afraid I won"t find the right person after stumbling around. I"m doing fine. Take your time. If the end is you, it really doesn"t matter.


Don"t let the one who likes you cry for you, because you only have one chance to hurt her like that. After that, you"ll be indispensable. Even if she"s still in love with you, something real has changed.


The best way to tell if someone loves you is to look them in the eyes. If someone looks at you with joy, happiness and sweetness, they will love you deeply at that moment. If I love you, then you must be a treasure in his heart. He who loves you is happy even looking at you.


What do you mean, to the point? I just feel that I have never lived in vain, with a high level of happiness and a full soul, and I don"t have many regrets when I look back on my life path. If I asked you to live all your life again, you would live like this.


Life is a contract that can be terminated at any time, but love can span life and death at the purest time.


I want to be with you, not for a while, but for a lifetime.
