
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-01-24 02:21:01

True friendship is silent when it breaks up. I will not delete your friends, not pull you into the blacklist, not delete your phone number. I miss being so happy, but unfortunately, now our friendship can only be regarded as a joke.


I don"t speak beautifully, I don"t pretend, I don"t know two sides and three knives, I don"t know what to say. I thought I would be happy as long as I was frank enough. But I can not deal with the relationship with friends, and family do not get along well, insomnia at night, sleepiness during the day, my life is very poor, poor let me very haggard, maybe this is growth.


I don"t speak beautifully, I don"t pretend, I don"t know two sides and three knives, I don"t know what to say. I thought I would be happy as long as I was frank enough. But I can not deal with the relationship with friends, and family do not get along well, insomnia at night, sleepiness during the day, my life is very poor, poor let me very haggard, maybe this is growth.I don"t speak beautifully, I don"t pretend, I don"t know two sides and three knives, I don"t know what to say. I thought I would be happy as long as I was frank enough. But I can not deal with the relationship with friends, and family do not get along well, insomnia at night, sleepiness during the day, my life is very poor, poor let me very haggard, maybe this is growth.

Don"t be hypocritical. Keep friends with me. I don"t despise or scarce. Don"t laugh at me on the surface. Don"t give me cold arrows behind my back. I can accept all the right opinions put forward by others. But it"s funny that I can"t get used to it. You can"t change my life style, but you can pick your eyes.


True friendship is like a plant growing slowly. People know each other, people know each other, and people know each other. When I want you to talk about my troubles, it"s not complaining, it"s my trust in you.


The person who ties your shoes, lets you eat fat, makes you laugh, touches your head, looks at you while you cry, beats you but doesn"t fight back, encourages you when you are tired, laughs at you silly, always looks at you, sings to you, is the person you should cherish.


Friends who are really good friends do not need to beat around the Bush at all times. I need you to chat with you for the whole day. When you think of me, you come to me for a while. When you are in a good mood, you can share with me the happy things. When I am unhappy, I tell you about the recent situation. I need to ask you to help me. And there is no inner alert.






