
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-01-25 03:27:01

希望我们遇见一个干净的人 ,没有蓄谋离开的心思, 没有藏着掖着的行为, 忠于一人,只把真诚给你 ,阳光给你, 最好的都给你。

I hope we meet a clean person who has no intention to leave, no hidden behavior, loyalty to one person and only gives you sincerity, sunshine and the best.

虽未曾穿渡星河万顷, 我还是有幸与你相逢。

Although I have never crossed the Milky Way for thousands of years, I have the honor to meet you.

天上的星星 为何像人群一样拥挤 ?地上的人们 为何像星星一样疏离?

Why are the stars in the sky crowded like crowds and people on the ground alienated like stars?

要有最朴素的生活和最遥远的梦想 ,即使明天天寒地冻, 山高水远 ,路远马亡。

To have the most simple life and the most distant dream, even if tomorrow is cold and cold, mountains are high, roads are long and horses are dead.

我恢复了原来的模样 ,不渣也不爱, 清醒又迷茫 , 时而开心时而抑郁 , 却始终温柔。

I have returned to my original touch, not dreary, not conscious and confused, happy and depressed, but always gentle.

没关系的 ,大家都苦涩 ,但都为了打捞美好与闪烁 ,努力生活着。

It doesn"t matter, everyone is bitter, but they are trying hard to salvage the beauty and glitter.


There is a huge crowd of people. We are all the same. We all think the same. If we look forward to another day, we will have our destiny. In the heart unwilling, words have come to this point.

如果实在放不下一个人, 就继续偷偷喜欢吧 ,只要岁岁平安 ,在不在一起 ,其实已经没有那么重要了。

If there is no room for another person, continue to secretly like it. As long as you live safely, it is not that important anymore.


The moon quietly turned off the lights, and then it saw some people on earth counting sheep, some snoring, some dreaming of chocolate fountains, and some lighting up all the time.



I like her, not like love me, love my dog, but because the ship that was confused by Sai Ren was willing to fall into the sea.

-Guan Cheng"s Moon and Rose

图片来源:日本画师: Rei kato

