
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-01-25 06:26:01

1. 我一生气就想买东西,一买东西就得花钱,一花钱钱就少,钱一少我又生气了。

When I am angry, I want to buy things. When I buy things, I have to spend money. When I spend money the money is less. The first one made me angry again.

2. 刚撞了头失忆了,请问一下哪几个是我男朋友,我这么美丽,应该不可能是单身吧。

Just hit the head to lose memory, excuse me which a few are my boyfriend, I am so beautiful, should be impossible to be single.

3. 多少年过去了,唯一不变的,还是那颗想发财的心。

How many years have passed, the memory remains the same or the heart that wants to make a fortune.

4. 可是光是可爱还是不够,我必须要成为把他打进医院的暴躁女生。

But cute isn"t enough. I have to be the cranky girl who put him in the hospital.

5. 亲爱的上帝,去年我许的愿望是脱单,你似乎听错了呢,并不是脱发。

Dear God, last year I made a wish to take off the single, you heard it wrong, not hair loss.

6. 本想住进先生心里,没想到挺多邻居。

I wanted to go out, sir. I didn"t expect a lot of neighbors.

7. 买个地球仪吧,不但能看看,还能转转。

Buy a globe, not only can you look at it, but you can also turn around.

8. 今日限定,本人全糖去冰。

Limit my whole sugar to ice today.

9. 我之所以把自己吃的这么圆,就是为了不让人看扁。

The reason why I eat myself so far is not to let people look down.

10. 美好的事物正在悄然发生。

Good things are happening quietly.

11. 我低下了头,并不是认输,而是我在找钱。

I bowed my head, not to admit defeat, but I was looking for money.

12. 好想卖掉房子去环游世界。

I want to sell my house and travel around the world.

13. 冬天最流氓了,总是喜欢对我冻手冻脚。

Winter is the most rogue, always like to touch me.

14. 不爱就是不爱了,说那么多废话,装逼给谁看。

Not love is not love, say so much. Who do you want to show me.

15. 口香糖的结局是糖渣,人呢?靠,灰飞烟灭呗。

The end of the gum is the cinder man.
