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看一眼便想摘抄下来的句子 正能量温柔文案(美到令人心碎)

句子大全 2023-02-01 02:20:01


You should learn to cover your ears and not listen to the hustle and bustle of voices. There is no one in this world who is not forced by hardship. You are the only one who can really cure yourself.


I hope you can understand that growing up means you can do more things you want to do, rather than being forced to do more things you don"t want to do.


From now on, find your own position: to those who are intimate, say the truth; to those who are worthy, do the worth thing; to those who are affectionate, use 100% heart.


Sometimes, the most suitable person for you is the one you least expect.


In fact, life is very simple, that is, smile to yourself, warm the people around you, leave the color to the years, leave the simplicity to yourself.


Life will never wave and say "boy, come here, we"ll be reasonable". Life will only say "fool, learn to be reasonable" after a big mouth hits you on the ground.


The so-called mature, is to admit that some things, no matter how hard they try, but also powerless.


When your ability can"t keep up with your consumption, remember to reduce your consumption to improve your ability; when your talent can"t keep up with your ideal, remember to reduce your ideal to enrich your talent.


Maturity is: to tolerate the imperfection of life, but also to withstand the turbulence of the world.


In the future, I will try my best to protect what I have now. In the future, try to love those who love themselves. In the future, we will be fine.


You always leave your dreams in the future, travel in the next time, and what you want to do in the future. Then at the time when it should be the future, you are suddenly defeated by "no time".

What you said about the future is just a talk. All the excuses are just your reasons for procrastination and laziness. Where is there such a thing as wasting time? You can only waste yourself. How can there be so much unfinished business Come and wait for you, you only have now!


In your life, you must be with people who share the same frequency with you, with people who encourage you to move forward, with interesting people, and with people with positive energy. In this way, you will gradually become a bunch of sunshine.


