
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-02-01 05:27:01

1. 我会坚定不移地走向你 任它万里长河 任它前路坎坷。

I will unswervingly go to you, let it be a long river, let its road be rough.


I want to borrow a future from you with all your warmth and love.

3.“你知道什么是知音吗” “我知道,我一直在听‘’

Do you know what a bosom friend is? "" I know, I"ve been listening to it "


"You don"t have to be the tired man crossing the mountains and seas. You just have to stay in the bed and count down eagerly, and then run downstairs to meet me tomorrow."

5. 你不是光源,但是我能看到你。

You"re not a light source, but I can see you.


"She"s so cute. She"s going to cheat her to see her mother at home."

7.你是让我最有安全感的人。 因为你让我知道 无论发生什么事情你都会一直站在我身后。而我可以永远依赖你。

You are the most secure person for me. Because you let me know that no matter what happens, you will always stand behind me. And I can always rely on you.

8.冬天是倒放的春天 晚安是爱你的序篇。

Winter is upside down in spring. Good night is the preface to love you.

9.喜欢不能当饭吃 但是被你喜欢 我会好好吃饭。

Like can"t be a meal to eat, but you like me to eat well.

10. "听我说 比起沉默乖巧 我更希望你肆意些 希望你可以把感受表达出来 你内心的自卑和怯懦 想要被爱 外界对你的误解 在别人看来 能忍是一种优点 可痛苦是守恒的 没有爆发出来的情绪会慢慢积攒起来 总有一天 山会崩的。"

"Listen to me. I hope you can express your feelings freely. I hope you can express your feelings. Your inner inferiority and cowardice want to be loved. In other people"s eyes, tolerance is an advantage, but pain is conserved. Emotions that don"t erupt will accumulate slowly. One day, the mountain will collapse. "

