
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-02-01 07:48:01

只有足够优秀才能遇到更好的人 你想要都会慢慢拥有

Only good enough to meet better people, you want to be slow to have

如果惧怕前面跌宕的山岩 生命就永远只能是死水一潭

If you fear the ups and downs of the rock, life will always be a pool of dead water

请在努力一下叭 为了你想见的人 想做的事 想成为的自己

Please try to horn, for the people you want to meet, what you want to do, you want to be yourself

世界上唯有贫困可以不劳而获忍不了痛苦 就见不到幸福

The only world in the world can be poverty can not bear the pain, you can not see happiness

韶光易逝 劝君惜取少年时 花开堪折直须折 莫待无花空折枝

Yan Guang yi dying to persuade the king to take the juvenile when the flower splendour straight must fold no wait for no flower empty folding branch

没有翻不过的高山 没有走不出的沙漠 更没有超越不了自己的我

There"s no mountain that can"t be turned over, no desert, no more than i don"t have my own

你若想得到这世界上最好的东西 先得让世界看到最好的你

If you want to get the best thing in the world, you have to show the world the best of you

辩一句是非 不如观一刻自在 看一眼乱象不如静一分清闲 你现在过的每一天 都是余生中最年轻的一天

Arguing is right and wrong, it"s better to look at the mess for a moment than to be quiet and idle

我喜欢的东西很贵 我想去的地方很远 我喜欢的人超完美

I like things that are expensive, I want to go far, I like people super perfect
