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句子大全 2023-02-05 07:28:02


段落话题:In recent years, some students neglect the study of Chinese, thinking that it"s not important. Analyze the causes of the phenomenon.近些年,一些学生忽视了汉语学习,认为汉语不重要。分析该现象的原因。


①There are many reasons why we neglect the learning of Chinese. ②First, globalization plays an important role in today"s popularization of the international common language, English. ③Our attention to learning our native language is distracted. ④Among college students, lifestyle in western is greatly influential on them. ⑤Young people are not interested in native culture. ⑥Second, our college don"t attach importance to Chinese education. ⑦Chinese lessons we have is less than English lessons. ⑧Now English is arranged into elementary school schedules, which occupies students" time that could have been learned Chinese.







①There aremany reasons whyweneglect the learning of Chinese.

这句话并没有语法问题,但是与下文之间的逻辑连接不够紧密。这句话是段落中心句,其中提到的是many reasons,而下面却只有两个原因,存在一定的出入。可以直接将many改为several,即:

There areseveralreasons whyweneglect the learning of Chinese.



Reasons for sth abound, but one/two/three stand out.某事的原因有很多,但是有...个很明显。即:

Reasons for students" neglect of Chinese learning abound, but two stand out.(neglect可以作名词)


Reasons abound for students" neglect of Chinese learning, but two stand out.


②First, globalization plays an important role in today"spopularizationof the international common language, English. ③Our attention to learning our native languageis distracted.

popularization表示普及/逐渐流行。来源于动词popularize。如the popularization of Chinese food in America。也可以替换成the rising popularity(of sth)。

第②句话是globalization与英语流行之间的关系(plays an important role in),但是这种关系与段落主旨并没有直接联系。与段落主旨直接相关的应该是第③句话,而第③句又存在一定程度的头重脚轻:主语较长,谓语(is distracted)较短。这里distract的动作主语就是上一句提到的现象。因此可以考虑将两句话合为一句:

First, the popularization of English, which stems partly from globalisation, has distracted Chinese pupils’ attention from their native language Chinese.

the popularization of English是直接原因,而globalisation是the popularization of English的原因,属于次要信息,因此处理为非限定从。stem from表示由...导致,在上一篇文章中讲到过。

④Amongcollege students, lifestyle in western is greatly influential onthem. ⑤Young people are not interested in native culture.

第④句话犯了一个很常见的错误:一个句子中同样的信息说两遍(英文当中是非常忌讳重复的),即college students和them重复了。由于students是讨论的主体,因此直接将collegestudents 作为主语即可:

College students are greatly influenced by western culture.

这里的college students实际上是对上一句pupils的范围缩小,因此可以使用一个短语:in particular。即:

College students, in particular, are greatly influenced by western culture.

同样,这两句也可以合为一句。由于两句之间存在因果关系:greatly influenced by western culture(因)→not interested in native culture(果)。而且主语实际上相同(college students/young people),因此将两个谓语并列,并使用thus表明前后因果关系:

College students, in particular, are greatly influenced by western culture and thus uninterested in learning their mother tongue.

⑥Second, our college don"tattach importance to Chinese education. ⑦Chinese lessons we have is less than English lessons.

由于第①句当中明确说了是two (reasons) stand out,因此这里使用the other更恰当一些。这里可以使用一个表语从句,增加一下句子结构的多样性,即:

The other contributing factor is that...

attach importance to表示重视,是一个地道表达。前面加上了一个否定don"t,虽然没有什么问题,但是不够自然。

在这个短语当中,importance前面经常会加上形容词修饰词来表程度,如attach great importance to非常重视,再比如place special emphasis on特别关注。因此,可以直接在importance前面加上否定形容词little:attach little importance to不重视,相比于don"t attach importance to来说更加地道。


The other contributing factor is that many colleges in China attach little importance to the teaching of Chinese, with fewer Chinese lessons offered than English ones.

⑧Now English is arranged into elementary school schedules, which occupies students" time that could have been learned Chinese.


Revised version

①Reasons abound for students" neglect of Chinese learning, but two stand out. ②First, the popularization of English, which stems partly from globalisation, has distracted Chinese pupils" attention from their native language Chinese. ③College students, in particular, are greatly influenced by western culture and thus uninterested in learning their mother tongue. ④The other contributing factor is that many colleges in China attach little importance to the teaching of Chinese, with fewer Chinese lessons offered than English ones.
