
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-02-06 03:49:01


Be sure to start over, not over.

2、眼里要有小星星 ,生活才能亮晶晶。

Life can be sparkling only if you have little stars in your eyes.

3、讲过去像是在卖惨 ,讲未来像是在白日做梦, 讲现在又是当局者迷 ,迟迟无话 ,字字苦酸。

Speaking of the past is like selling miseries, talking about the future is like daydreaming, and speaking of the present is like a fan of the government who has been too slow to say a word or a word.

4、看曲终人散 ,却事过境迁 叹一世繁华, 却抵不过柔情万千。

Seeing the song end and the people end but things change and sigh that I am prosperous but not worth the tender feelings.

5、我来人间一趟 ,未曾花开满巷,细细回想 ,这人间光亮足够半生回望。

When I came to the world, I never saw flowers bloom all over the lane.Looking back carefully, this world is bright enough for half a lifetime.

6、格局是被委屈撑大的温柔 也是懂事换来的,什么都明白的人, 最温柔也最冷漠。

The pattern is that the gentleness of being wronged is also the gentlest and coldest of people who understand everything in exchange for understanding.

7、人一生会碰见很多心动的人,可能会误以为那是喜欢,其实也只不过是某一刻的好感,毕竟心动都不是答案 ,心定才是。

People will meet many people who are moved in their life.You may mistake it for liking.In fact, it is just a moment of goodwillAfter all, heart is not the answer, heart is

8、我也曾对你动心过, 只是赶路要紧, 我忘了说。

I"ve been tempted by you too, but it"s important to hurry. I forgot to say.


I just want to be myself quietly and then give out a little light occasionally in some aspects.

10、你要储蓄你的可爱, 眷顾你的善良 , 变得勇敢, 当这个世界越来越坏时, 只希望你能越来越好。

You have to save your loveliness, care for your kindness and become brave. When the world is getting worse and worse, only hope you can get better and better.


So the enthusiasm will disappear in waiting and disappointment, without exception.


We often say to cheer up, not that you don"t work hard enough, nor do you want to compare your achievements with others, but sincerely feel that you are more than that, you deserve better, and hope that you can be treated kindly and favored, so you don"t give up and work hard again.


Some people are full of hostility and malice.Because they have never been treated gently,I believe I can always be gentle,Because when I was young, I met a kind person.


"Mr Lin Yutang said: wise abandonment is better than blind persistence. blow the wind. it doesn"t matter if you are sober."

15、你不能一直做一件烂事, 然后自己去后悔 ,好像后悔有用一样。

You can"t do a bad thing all the time and then regret it yourself as if it were useful to regret it.

16、在那些鲜为人知的角落里 ,我们 饱满 沸腾 也暗哑 沉默。

In which little-known corners are we full of boiling and silent.

17、解不开的心结, 就把它系成蝴蝶结吧。

Tie a knot that cannot be untied into a bow.

18、"大概是在人际交往方面太自卑了 以至于稍感到被冷落就想着离开对方"。

"probably is too inferiority in interpersonal communicationSo that I feel neglected and want to leave each other. "


