
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-04-28 02:04:01


1.我们之间已经成为过去式了,但是在我的脑海里,依然是我们最美好的那一段时光。We have become a past tense, but in my mind, it is still our best time.

2.说狠心话的是我,要放手的也是我,而现在伤心难过的也是我。It’s me who said the truth, and it’s me who wants to let go, but now it’s me who is sad.

3.抱着梦见你的心睡去,怀着想见你的心醒来。可终究还是失去了你。Sleeping with your dreams, wake up with your heart. After all, I still lost you.

4.那个让你流泪的,是你最爱的人。但也是你找不回来的人。The one that makes you cry is your favorite person. But also people you can"t find.

5.认识你我并不后悔,没有你,也就没有那段曾经快乐过的回忆。I don"t regret knowing you. Without you, there is no such memory that I have been happy with.

6.很多事情都是我们控制不了的,顺其自然接受现有的一切吧。A lot of things can"t be controlled by us, let us accept everything we have.

7.送给你的礼物,没想过要回来;送给你的一颗心,现在却被弄丢了。The gift for you, I didn’t think about coming back; the heart that was given to you was lost now.

8.你一句不经意的话,有时候会影响我一整天的心情,真的是太在乎你了。f you don"t care, sometimes it will affect my mood all day, and I really care about you.

9.你的电话号码深深地刻在我的脑海里,但是再也没有拨打出去的勇气了。Your phone number is deeply engraved in my mind, but there is no courage to call out.

10.我们在彼此身上,有好几年的时间,学会了去爱一个人,却消失在对方的世界里了。We have been on each other for several years, learning to love someone, but disappearing into the other world.

11.这世界好大,想见的人走散后,真的没有再见过。The world is so big, and the people who want to see it have really disappeared.

12.给足了甜头之后的冷漠,才是最伤人的。The indifference after giving the sweetness is the most hurtful.

13.如果可以回到过去,我宁愿当初不曾认识你。If I can go back to the past, I would rather not know you at the beginning.

14.曾经以为我们会天长地久,没想到只是误会一场。I used to think that we would last forever, but I didn"t expect to misunderstand it.

15.懂再多的道理,也学不会爱情这门课。I understand more and more, and I can"t learn the course of love.
