
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-05-08 02:54:01

1.It"s true she is unkind, but only because she dislikes your faults. Look how angrily you remember every word! You would be happier if you tried to forget her scolding. Life is too short to hate other people, Jane. We all have faults, but when we die, only the pure flame of the spirit will be left. That"s why I never think of revenge, I never consider life unfair. I live in calm, looking forward to the end.


2. I soon discovered that often, there were good sides to all the sad troubles in life.


3. Well. no, sir, not just because you"re older than me. But if you had learned from your experiences and were very wise, maybe you could command me then.


4. Why am I telling you all this? Because you"re the kind of person people can really talk to. You listen and can give them hope.


5. I had tried hard to forget about Mr. Rochester, but now that I saw him again, I could not hide my feelings from myself. I felt that there was something in our minds and hearts that connected us.


6. " I can prove that you"re cold, and afraid, and a fool, " she said. "Listen. You"re cold, because you"re alone. You"re afraid, because you lack love. And you"re a fool, because love is standing right in front of you, and you won"t even try to fight for it!"

" 我可以证明你冷,还害怕,还是个傻瓜。”她说,“听着!你冷,因为你孤单; 你害怕,因为你缺少爱;你是个傻瓜,因为爱就近在眼前,而你甚至不打算争取!"

7. I see that feelings are important to you, but that common sense is your main guide in life. You will never do anything wrong or dishonest to hurt people.


8. Now, Jane, what if there was a man who made a terrible mistake, years ago in a foreign country. For many years he must live with this mistake. It seems he will always be unhappy and alone. Suddenly, he meets someone fresh, good and pure. Now, can he forget the terrible past, and live the rest of his life with her in peace?


9. As I traveled, I realized it had been nine years since I had left Gateshead. In that time, I had become a different, stronger person. Most importantly, I did not hate the Reed family any more.


10.I"m not worried about what my new life will be like. It will be wonderful, because I love you.


11. “ I know you very well, Jane. I know how firm and strong you are when you"ve decided to do something. You"re planning to destroy my chances of happiness with you. You will treat me like a stranger. You will tell yourself, ‘That man lied to me, and tried to marry me when he couldn"t. I must be cold to him,‘ and you will be!"

“ 简,我非常了解你。我知道一旦你决心已下,你是坚定不会动摇的。你打算毁掉我和你幸福的希望,想和我成为陌路人,你会提醒自己:‘这个人对我撒谎,当他不可以结婚的时候却试图想娶我,我必须对他冷若冰霜。‘ 你会变得冷若冰霜的!”

12. Everything around me has changed, and so I must change too.


13.I knew that Diana and Mary wanted to know all about me, but they did not want to ask questions that would hurt me, so we did not talk of the past.


14. That evening, I stood at the door of my house, looking at the sunset and the quiet fields. I allowed myself to imagine again the life I could have had with Mr. Rochester.


15.When I saw St. John"s unhappiness, I didn"t think so much about my own problems. At least I had loved and been loved by someone, for a short time.


16.If we shared my money equally, there would be five thousand pounds for each of us.


17. When I was with him I felt that I was losing the freedom to be myself, Jane Eyre, and do the things I liked.


18. “ What wonderful dream is this?" he cried suddenly. "Where are you, speaker? I can"t see, but I must know who you are, or my heart will stop! Let me touch you, or I can"t live!"

“ 这是什么奇妙的梦幻吗?”他突然喊道,“说话的人在哪儿?我看不见,但我必须知道你是谁,否则我的心就会停止跳动!让我摸摸你,否则我会活不下去!”

19. ” She is here, " I said, crying with happiness, "and her heart too. I am Jane Eyre. I"ve found you and come back to you!"

" 她在这里。”我说着幸福地哭了,“她的心也在这里,我是简·爱。我找到了你, 回到你身边来了。”

20. “ Sir, I can do what I like now, and I want to be wherever you are. I"ll be your friend, your housekeeper, your neighbor. As long as I"m alive you"ll never be sad or lonely!"

" 先生,我现在想做什么,就能做什么。你住哪儿,我就住哪儿。我要成为你的朋友,你的管家,你的邻居。只要我活着,你就永远不会悲伤或孤独!"

