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成熟优雅有哲理的句子 简短透彻(让你豁然开朗)

句子大全 2023-05-09 03:44:02

1. 美丽的女子令人喜欢,坚强的女子令人敬重,当一个女子既美丽又坚强时,她将无往不胜。

Beautiful women are likable, strong women are respected, when a woman is both beautiful and strong, she will be invincible.

2. 给自己时间,不要焦急,一步一步来,一日一日过,请相信生命的韧性是惊人的,跟自己向上的心去合作,不要放弃对自己的爱护。

Give yourself time, don"t worry, step by step, day by day, please believe that the toughness of life is amazing, with their upward heart to cooperate, don"t give up their love.

3. 对待生命你不妨大胆冒险一点, 因为好歹你要失去它。如果这世界上真有奇迹,那只是努力的另一个名字。生命中最难的阶段不是没有人懂你,而是你不懂你自己。

You may as well take a little risk in life, because at least you will lose it. If there are miracles in the world, it"s just another name for hard work. The most difficult stage in life is not that no one understands you, but that you don"t understand yourself.

4. 成长的道路上总有更新奇的事情,更有趣的新朋友,人的心灵却很小,根本装不下那么多,所以一路前行,一路抛弃。

On the road of growth, there are always more novel things, more interesting new friends, but people"s hearts are very small, they can"t hold so many, so they move forward and abandon all the way.

5. 如果不去遍历世界,我们就不知道什么是我们精神和情感的寄托,但我们一旦遍历了世界,却发现我们再也无法回到那美好的地方去了。当我们开始寻求,我们就已经失去,而我们不开始寻求,我们根本无法知道自己身边的一切是如此可贵。

If we don"t traverse the world, we don"t know what our spiritual and emotional sustenance is, but once we traverse the world, we find that we can never go back to that beautiful place. When we start to seek, we have lost, and we do not start to seek, we simply can not know that everything around us is so valuable.

6. 不是每个人都能成为自己想要的样子,但每个人都可以努力成为自己想要的样子,相信自己,终能破茧成蝶。

Not everyone can be what they want to be, but everyone can strive to be what they want to be, believe in themselves, and eventually break the cocoon into a butterfly.

7. 执着是一种负担,放弃是一种解脱。人没有完美,幸福没有一百分,不能拥有那么多,何必要求那么多。

Persistence is a burden, giving up is a relief. People are not perfect, happiness is not 100%, can not have so much, why ask so much.

8. 活着一天,就是有福气,就该珍惜。当我哭泣我没有鞋子穿的时候,我发现有人却没有脚。

To live one day is to be blessed and to cherish it. When I cry and I don"t have shoes, I find someone who doesn"t have feet.

9. 把自己抬得过高,别人未必仰视你;把自己摆得过低,别人未必尊重你;没有人是完美的,无须遮掩自己的缺失。做人要能抬头,更要能低头。

Put yourself too high, others may not look up to you; put yourself too low, others may not respect you; no one is perfect, there is no need to cover up their lack. To be a man, we should be able to look up, but also be able to look down.

10. 也许你感觉自己的努力总是徒劳无功,但不必怀疑,你每天都离顶点更进一步。今天的你离顶点还遥遥无期。但你通过今天的努力,积蓄了明天勇攀高峰的力量。

You may feel that your efforts are always in vain, but don"t doubt that you go further from the top every day. You are far from the top today. But through today"s efforts, you have accumulated the strength to climb the summit tomorrow.

11. 不要因为打折就买不需要的东西,不要因为空虚就爱不合适的人。

Don"t buy things you don"t need because of discount. Don"t love unsuitable people because of emptiness.

12. 每个人都有潜在的能量,只是很容易:被习惯所掩盖,被时间所迷离,被惰性所消磨。

Everyone has potential energy, but it"s easy to be covered by habits, confused by time, and consumed by inertia.


