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三年级英语下册Unit6 How(many B Let's talk教学设计)

句子大全 2023-05-10 06:27:01

PEP人教版三年级英语Unit Six How many?

B Let"s talk&Lets find out 教学设计

Teaching contents:

A. Let"s talk & Let’s find out.

1.New words: sixteen

2.Sentences: How many ... do you have? I have...

Teaching aims:

1. Knowledge aims:

(1)Students are able to read and understand the key sentences: How many ... do you have? I have...

(2)Students can read and understand the dialogue, including pronounce correctly and intone naturally.

(3)Students can use the sentence patterns of this lesson to ask about the number of items owned by others, and be able to answer others’ questions in daily life.

2. Ability aims:

(1)With the help of pictures, objects or situations, students" speaking ability can be improved by using the sentence patterns:

How many...do you have? I have... to ask or discuss the number of items you have.

3.Emotional aims:

(1)Students will realize: Help others to enjoy yourself, cherish what you have now.

Important and difficult points:

Important points:

(1)Students are able to read and understand the key sentences:How many ... do you have? I have...

(2)Students can read and understand the dialogue, including pronounce correctly and intone naturally.

Difficult point:

(1)Students can use the sentence patterns of this lesson to ask about the number of items owned by others, and be able to answer others’ questions in daily life.

Teaching methods:

Task-based teaching method; communicative approach; multimedia method

Teaching aids:

PPT,flash, cards

Teaching procedures:

Step Ⅰ Warm up

1.Sing a song : How many fingers do you have?

(设计意图:课前的warm up环节为巩固了旧知(数字1~10、句型How many...? )为引出本节课的新知识How many..do you have? I have...做铺垫。)

Step Ⅱ Lead in

1.Show pictures of COVID-19 and Guangzhou Sunac Land, explain:Because of COVID-19, we can"t go to Guangzhou Sunac Land. But we can go there in today’s lesson.

(设计意图:以因为新冠疫情,我们不能去广州融创乐园为背景, 带领学生在课堂上云游广州融创乐园,引起学生的好奇心,激发学生的兴趣。)

Step Ⅲ Presentation

1. Show our route map


2. Show a picture and a video of the first station: Guangzhou Sunac Land gate.

3. The second station: Treasure of the sea

(1)Can you read? Numbers and sentences

(2)Ask and answer.

(设计意图:第一站:海底宝藏,学生复习数字11-15、句型How many...do you see? I see...同时检测学生是否预习数字16,检测发音。)

4. The third station: Fun Park

(1)Listen and match.

(2)Let’s talk.

Wu Yifan and Amy are in the Fun park.Wu Yifan is drawing.

①Watch and choose: How many crayons does Wu Yifan have?

②Watch and follow.

③Role play.

④Watch and summary:询问对方拥有物品的数量:

How many+可数名词复数+do you have?

回答:I have...

(设计意图:第二站:欢乐园,由听游乐园摩天轮座位数量、自行车数量、碰碰车数量过渡到吴一凡和埃米正在游乐园玩,吴一凡正在画画,看看吴一凡有多少只蜡笔吧?回归到Let’s talk部分。并通过回答问题、跟读、角色朗读方式熟悉对话。最后学生自主观察句子总结How many句型的特点。)

5. The fourth station: Rest Area

(1)Let"s sing. (两只老虎的旋律)

How many pears? How many pears do you have, do you have?

I have four. I have four.

What about you? What about you?

How many oranges? How many oranges do you have, do you have?

I have seven I have seven.

What about you? What about you?

(设计意图:第四站:休息区,利用熟悉的两只老虎的旋律唱句型How many crayons do you have? I have...学生更乐于开口对句型记性进行有效地巩固。)

6. The fifth station: Challenges

(1)Let’s play.



StepⅣ Homework


基础类练习:1. 熟读P61 Let"s talk。

2. 完成学练优Let"s talk部分练习。



相关资源:绘本How many legs,可扫码观看。)

Blackboard design
