
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-05-11 03:08:01


Only you can understand my nonsense, only you can understand my silence.

青春若有张不老的脸,愿岁月待我们如初见 她永远都代替不了你在我心中的位置。

If youth has a face that is not old, may the years wait for us as if we saw her for the first time and will never replace your position in my heart.

不是在最好的时光遇见你 而是有你在 我才有了最美的时光。

Not in the best time to meet you but with you in me to have the most beautiful time.

那些年我们一起 疯过 笑过 走过 等我结婚揍花的人一定是你们。

In those years, we"ve been crazy, laughing and walking together. It must be you who are waiting for me to get married and beat flowers.


Even if the whole world does not want you, and I come to hurt you, time is not old we do not scatter, the sky will not be blue, I will not be absent.

一起长大吧 我陪你 你是例外 我的姐妹不能羡慕别人 安全感我给 我保护你。

Grow up together, I will accompany you. My sister can"t envy others" sense of security. I will protect you.

过去 现在 未来 我愿意陪你一起优雅到老 我们不能一起出生 但是我们可以一起祸害苍生。

In the past, now and in the future, I"d like to accompany you to grow old gracefully. We can"t be born together, but we can harm the lives together.

我们感动过 吵过闹过 癫狂过 但总是伤太多一个眼神就能了解我的全部。

We"ve been touched, noisy, crazy, but always hurt too many eyes to know all about me.


No matter how long the future will be, please cherish every moment of meeting; no matter how many spring, summer, autumn and winter, we are forever friends.

世界上再好的我都不要 因为我有你不管你需不需要我 我一直在,我从未让你骄傲 你却视我为宝。

No matter how good I am in the world, I will never be because I have you. No matter you need me or not, I"ve always been there. I"ve never made you proud, but you regard me as a treasure.
