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句子大全 2023-05-11 05:10:01

1.新信息对于有关安全程序的辩论是火上浇油。The new information adds fuel to the debate over safety procedures.《牛津词典》

2.别把这事告诉她,你只会火上浇油。Don"t tell her that—you"ll only make things worse.《牛津词典》

3.这将给新飞机的需求火上浇油。This would add fuel to the demand for new aircraft.

4.公共部门的工资改革也为通货膨胀火上浇油。The reform of public-sector pay is also fuelling inflation.

5.从华沙传来的消息更是火上浇油。The news from Warsaw is if anything worse.

6.此外,银行破产如潮也常常火上浇油。Waves of bank failures also often made things worse.

7.上升的通胀预期是火上浇油。Rising inflation expectations are bad news.

8.不过,此言只为学界的愤怒火上浇油。But that only made the academics angrier.

9.全球对食品和生物燃料的需求持续增加则更是火上浇油。Rising global demand for food and biofuels adds even more to the heat.

10.这对微软有兴趣出价收购的传言来讲,无疑是火上浇油。That added fuel to the rumors that Microsoft was interested in making a bid for the beleaguered search engine once again.

11.高涨的价格也令赝品交易火上浇油,还引起更多盗墓行径。Rising prices fuel the trade in fakes and also lead to more grave-robbing.

12.然而,这次会议为世界金融市场最新一轮的动荡火上浇油。However, the meeting was held before the latest turmoil in world markets.

13.选民们感到愤怒,而与此相关的两个问题更是为此火上浇油。Voters are furious, and have been outraged even more by two related issues.

14.意大利的马格里布政策已杂乱无章,北方联盟似乎只会火上浇油。With Italy"s Maghreb policy in disarray, the Northern League appears bent on making things worse.

15.这和为诗歌最后的结尾火上浇油的,牺牲性的替代是毫无差别的。It"s the same desire for some kind of sacrificial substitution that, I think, is fueling the poem"s ending.

16.不过华盛顿坚持在往火上浇油和在边缘修修补补,而不是直面真相。But Washington insists on torturing the Numbers and tinkering around the edges rather than facing this truth.

17.郑女士就是他们中的一员,尽管她也知道,这样做无异于火上浇油。Ms Chung is one of them, though she knows this could be incendiary.

18.还有人担心,从南美进口的廉价大豆饲料对毁坏雨林无疑是火上浇油。There are also concerns that cheap soya feed imported from South America is fuelling destruction of the rainforests.

19.但是这给要求希腊债务的私人债权方应承受贷款损失的争论火上浇油。But it stoked further controversy by demanding that Greece"s private creditors take losses on their loans.

20.他的批判被中国的媒体广为报道,给中国网上不可开交的争论火上浇油。His criticism was widely reported in the Chinese media and fuelled an acrimonious debate on Chinese websites.

21.2006年初,3300名英军士兵被部署在当地,却给一切火上浇油。The deployment of 3,300 British troops there in early 2006 poured petrol on this fire.

22.2006年初,3300名英军士兵被部署在当地,却给一切火上浇油。The deployment of 3, 300 British troops there in early 2006 poured petrol on this fire.

23.这意味着动荡时代将火上浇油:劳动力短缺,通货膨胀,技术和更高的报酬。This means even more fuel for the Age of Turbulence: fewer workers, inflation, technology and higher wages.

24.现在更是平均每月有23艘船舶加入航运,给目前供过于求的局面火上浇油。There are now 23 such vessels arriving each month, adding to oversupply.

25.就美国而言,股市和房地产泡沫给旺盛的消费火上浇油,同时伴随着美国储蓄率的崩溃。For the United States, the consumption boom was fueled by bubbles in stocks and housing. This was accompanied by a collapse in the U.S. savings rate.

26.起初,IBM给印度员工的过高薪酬使得当地本已白热化的劳动力市场火上浇油。At first IBM paid too much for Indian workers, adding heat to an already sizzling Labour market.


It is reinforced by the experimenter that you are out to make as much money as you can for yourself - the other person"s profit is not a concern.
