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句子大全 2023-05-14 04:29:01

「来源: |天问地答 ID:twdd201818」


Steve Jobs: The Magician

By the editorial



The revolution thatSteve Jobs led is only just beginning


WHEN it came toputting on a show, nobody else in the computer industry, or any other industryfor that matter, could match Steve Jobs. His product launches, at which hewould stand alone on a black stage and conjure up an “incredible” newelectronic gadget in front of an awed crowd, were the performances of a mastershowman. All computers do is fetch and shuffle numbers, he once explained, butdo it fast enough and “the results appear to be magic”. Mr Jobs, who died thisweekaged 56, spent his life packaging that magic into elegantly designed,easy-to-use products.在表演方面,计算机行业或其他行业没有人能与史蒂夫·乔布斯相提并论。在他的产品发布会上,他会独自站在一个黑色的舞台上,在一群敬畏的观众面前变出一个“不可思议”的新电子产品,这是一个大师级的表演者的表演。他曾经解释说,计算机所做的只是提取和洗牌数字,但速度足够快,“结果看起来很神奇”。乔布斯于本周( 1955年2月24日-2011年10月5日)去世,享年56岁。他毕生都在将这种魔力包装成设计优雅、易于使用的产品。

The reaction tohis death, with people leaving candles and flowers outside Apple stores and theinternet humming with tributes from politicians, is proof that Mr. Jobs hadbecome something much more significant than just a clever money-maker. He stoodout in three ways—as a technologist, as a corporate leader and as somebody whowas able to make people love what had previously been impersonal, functionalgadgets. Strangely, it is this last quality that may have the deepest effect onthe way people live. The era of personal technology is in many ways just beginning.人们在苹果店外留下蜡烛和鲜花,互联网上充斥着政客们的悼词,这证明乔布斯已经成为一个比仅仅是一个聪明的赚钱者更重要的人物。他在三个方面脱颖而出,一是作为技术专家,一是作为企业领导者,二是作为一个能够让人们喜欢上以前非个人的功能性小玩意的人。奇怪的是,正是这最后一种品质对人们的生活方式产生了最深刻的影响。个人技术的时代在许多方面才刚刚开始。

Apple of his eye他的掌上明珠

As atechnologist, Mr. Jobs was different because he was not an engineer—and thatwas his great strength. Instead he was obsessed with product design andaesthetics, and with making advanced technology simple to use. He repeatedlytook an existing but half-formed idea—the mouse-driven computer, the digitalmusic player, the smartphone, the tablet computer—and showed the rest of theindustry how to do it properly. Rival firms scrambled to follow where he led.In the process he triggered upheavals in computing, music, telecoms and thenews business that were painful for incumbent firms but welcomed by millions ofconsumers.作为一名技术专家,乔布斯与众不同,因为他不是工程师,这是他最大的优势。相反,他痴迷于产品设计和美学,以及使先进技术易于使用。他反复提出一个已有但尚未形成的想法——鼠标驱动的电脑、数字音乐播放器、智能手机、平板电脑,并向业内其他人展示了如何正确实现这一点。竞争对手争先恐后地追随他的领导。在这个过程中,他引发了计算机、音乐、电信和新闻业的剧变,这对现有公司来说是痛苦的,但受到了数百万消费者的欢迎。

Within thewider business world, a man who liked to see himself as a hippy, permanently inrevolt against big companies, ended up being hailed by many of those corporategiants as one of the greatest chief executives of his time. That was partly dueto his talents: showmanship, strategic vision, an astonishing attention todetail and a dictatorial management style which many bosses must have envied.But most of all it was the extraordinary trajectory of his life. His fall fromgrace in the 1980s, followed by his return to Apple in 1996 after a period inthe wilderness, is an inspiration to any businessperson whose career has takena turn for the worse. The way in which Mr. Jobs revived the ailing company hehad co-founded and turned it into the world’s biggest tech firm (bigger eventhan Bill Gates’s Microsoft, the company that had outsmarted Apple sodramatically in the 1980s), sounds like something from a Hollywood movie—which,no doubt, it soon will be.在更广阔的商业世界中,一个喜欢把自己看作嬉皮士的人,永久性地反抗大公司,最终被许多公司巨头誉为他那个时代最伟大的首席执行官之一。这在一定程度上是因为他的才能:表演技巧、战略眼光、对细节的惊人关注以及许多老板都羡慕的独裁管理风格。但最重要的是,这是他非凡的人生轨迹。他在20世纪80年代失宠,1996年在荒野中度过一段时间后重返苹果,这对任何职业生涯出现转机的商人来说都是一种鼓舞。乔布斯先生复兴了他共同创立的这家陷入困境的公司,并将其转变为世界上最大的科技公司(甚至比比尔·盖茨的微软还要大,后者在20世纪80年代曾戏剧性地超过了苹果公司),这听起来像是好莱坞电影中的故事,毫无疑问,它很快就会成为现实。

But what wasperhaps most astonishing about Mr. Jobs was the fanatical loyalty he managed toinspire in customers. Which other technology brand do you ever see on bumperstickers? Many Apple users feel themselves to be part of a community, with Mr.Jobs as its leader. And there was indeed a personal link. Apple’s products weredesigned to accord with the boss’s tastes and to meet his obsessively highstandards. Every iPhone or MacBook has his fingerprints all over it. His greatachievement was to combine an emotional spark with computer technology, andmake the resulting product feel personal. And that is what put Mr Jobs on theright side of history, as the epicentre of technological innovation has movedinto consumer electronics over the past decade.但乔布斯最令人惊讶的可能是他设法激发了顾客的狂热忠诚。你在保险杠贴纸上看到过其他哪个科技品牌?许多苹果用户觉得自己是社区的一部分,乔布斯是社区的领导者。而且确实有个人的联系。苹果的产品被设计成符合老板的口味,并达到他痴迷的高标准。每个iPhone或MacBook都有他的指纹。他最大的成就是将情感火花与计算机技术相结合,并使产品具有个性化。这也正是乔布斯在过去十年中,技术创新的震中已经转移到消费电子领域的原因。

A world without Jobs没有工作的世界

As our special report in this week’s issue (printed before Mr. Jobs’death) explains, innovation used to spill over from military and corporatelaboratories to the consumer market, but lately this process has gone intoreverse. Many people’s homes now have more powerful, and more flexible, devicesthan their offices do; consumer gizmos and online services are smarter andeasier to use than most companies’ systems. Familiar consumer products arebeing adopted by businesses, government and the armed forces. Companies areemploying in-house versions of Facebook and creating their own “app stores” todeliver software to smartphone-toting employees. Doctors use tablet computersfor their work in hospitals. Meanwhile, the number of consumers hungry for suchgadgets continues to swell. Apple’s products are now being snapped up in Delhiand Dalian just as in Dublin and Dallas.


Mr. Jobs had areputation as a control freak, and his critics complained that the products andsystems he designed were closed and inflexible, in the name of greater ease ofuse. Yet he also empowered millions of people by giving them access to cutting-edgetechnology. His insistence on putting users first, and focusing on elegance andsimplicity, has become deeply ingrained in his own company, and is spreading torival firms too. It is no longer just at Apple that designers ask: “What wouldSteve Jobs do?”乔布斯素有控制狂的名声,他的批评者抱怨说,他设计的产品和系统以更易使用的名义是封闭和僵化的。然而,他也通过让数百万人获得尖端技术而赋予他们权力。他坚持把用户放在第一位,注重优雅和简单,这在他自己的公司已经根深蒂固,并正在蔓延到竞争对手的公司。设计师们不再只是在苹果问:“史蒂夫·乔布斯会怎么做?”

The gap betweenApple and other tech firms is now likely to narrow. This week’s announcement ofa new iPhone by a management team led by Tim Cook, who replaced M。r Jobs as chief executive in August,was generally regarded as competent but uninspiring. Without Mr. Jobs tosprinkle his star dust on the event, it felt like just another product launchfrom just another technology firm. At the recent unveiling of a tablet computerby Jeff Bezos of Amazon, whose company is doing the best job of followingApple’s lead in combining hardware, software, content and services in aneasy-to-use bundle, there were several swipes at Apple. But by doing his bestto imitate M。r Jobs, Mr. Bezos also flattered him. With Mr. Jobs gone, Apple is just oneof many technology firms trying to invoke his unruly spirit in new products.苹果和其他科技公司之间的差距现在可能会缩小。本周,由蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)领导的管理团队发布了一款新iPhone。蒂姆·库克在8月份取代了M.r.乔布斯担任首席执行官。人们普遍认为,蒂姆·库克称职,但缺乏灵感。如果没有乔布斯在这次活动上撒下星尘,感觉就像是另一家科技公司推出的另一款产品。亚马逊公司的杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)最近发布了一款平板电脑。亚马逊公司在将硬件、软件、内容和服务整合成一个易于使用的捆绑包方面效仿苹果的领先地位,在这方面做得最好。在这次发布会上,苹果遭到了几次抨击。但贝佐斯先生也尽了最大努力模仿M.r.乔布斯,以此来奉承他。随着乔布斯的离去,苹果只是众多试图在新产品中激发乔布斯不羁精神的科技公司之一。

Mr. Jobs wassaid by an engineer in the early years of Apple to emit a “reality distortionfield”, such were his powers of persuasion. But in the end he conjured up areality of his own, channeling the magic of computing into products thatreshaped entire industries. The man who said in his youth that he wanted to“put a ding in the universe” did just that.

(October 8th, 2011, The Economist)




Exercise 1

Reading comprehension

1.Why could nobodymatch Jobs when it came to putting on a show?

Because hisproduct launches were the performances of a master showman.

Because nobodybut Jobs would stand alone on a black stage and conjure up an “incredible” newelectronic gadget in front of an awed crowd.

Because Jobs is the only clever money-maker in Apple.

Because it was Jobs’ dream in his youth to put on ashow.









2.How could theresults of computers appear to be magic?

When consumers use electronic gadgets in front of an awed crowd.

Whenconsumersstand alone on a black stage and conjure up an “incredible” new electronicgadget in front of an awed crowd.

When computers fetch andshuffle numbers fast enough.

When computers are elegantly designed and easy-to-use.







3.What does people’s reactionto his death imply?

Mr. Jobs hasstarted the era of personal technology.

Mr. Jobs had become something much more significant than just a clever money-maker.

Mr. Jobs is theboss of all consumers’ communities.

Mr. Jobs wasable to make people love what had previously been impersonal, functionalgadgets.







4.Which of Mr. Jobs’ quality mayhave the deepest effect on the way people live?

His quality asa technologist.

His quality asa corporate leader.

His quality as anoutstanding technologist.

His quality assomebody who was able to make people love what had previously been impersonal,functional gadgets.







5.Which of the following is NOT trueabout Mr. Jobs?

He was not anengineer.

He was just obsessedwith making advanced technology simple to use.

He repeatedlytook an existing but half-formed idea and showed the rest of the industry howto do it properly.

He was atechnologist.







6.What is the main reason that madeMr. Jobs one of the greatest chief executives of his time?

Mainly due tothe fact that he liked to see himself as a hippy, permanently in revolt againstbig companies.

Mostly due to histalents: showmanship, strategic vision, an astonishing attention to detail anda dictatorial management style.

Mostly due to theextraordinary trajectory of his life.

Mainly becauseMr. Jobs once performed a part in a Hollywood movie.







7.What was perhaps most astonishingabout Mr. Jobs?

It was the fanaticalloyalty he managed to inspire in customers.

It was perhaps Mr. Jobs had the wind of history at his back

Every iPhone orMacBook has his fingerprints all over it.

Apple’sproducts are now being snapped up in Delhi and Dalian just as in Dublin andDallas.








Exercise 2

Directions:Put the followingsentences into Chinese:



WHEN it came to putting on a show,nobody else in the computer industry, or any other industry for that matter,could match Steve Jobs.


The reaction to his death, withpeople leaving candles and flowers outside Apple stores and the internethumming with tributes from politicians, is proof that Mr. Jobs had becomesomething much more significant than just a clever money-maker.


As a technologist, Mr. Jobs wasdifferent because he was not an engineer—and that was his great strength.


Rival firms scrambled to followwhere he led.

Which other technology brand do youever see on bumper stickers?

Apple’s products were designed toaccord with the boss’s tastes and to meet his obsessively high standards.




And that is what put Mr. Jobs on theright side of history, as the epicentre of technological innovation has movedinto consumer electronics over the past decade.

Apple’s products are now beingsnapped up in Delhi and Dalian just as in Dublin and Dallas.



Exercise 3

Directions:What does each italicized word refer to?



1.WHEN it came to putting on a show, nobody else in the computer industry,or any other industry for that matter,could match Steve Jobs. For what matter?在表演方面,计算机行业或其他行业没有人能与史蒂夫·乔布斯相提并论。什么事?

2.Mr. Jobs, who died this week aged56, spent his life packaging that magic intoelegantly designed, easy-to-use products.


3.What magic does it refer to?

Strangely, it is this last quality that may have thedeepest effect on the way people live.



4.What is this last quality?

As a technologist, Mr. Jobs wasdifferent because he was not an engineer—and that was his great strength.



5.What was his great strength?

In the process he triggered upheavals incomputing, music, telecoms and the news business that were painful forincumbent firms but welcomed by millions of consumers.



6.In what process?

That was partly due to his talents:showmanship, strategic vision, an astonishing attention to detail and adictatorial management style which many bosses must have envied.



7.What does that refer to?

…, sounds like something from aHollywood movie—which, no doubt, itsoon will be. 那是指什么?


8.What does it mean?

Many Apple users feel themselves tobe part of a community, with Mr. Jobs asits leader.



9.Whose leader?

And that is what put Mr. Jobs on the rightside of history, as the epicentre of technological innovation has moved intoconsumer electronics over the past decade.



10.What is that?

The man who said in his youth that he wanted to “put a ding in the universe”did just that.

11.What did he just do?






