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2019版高一英语二册Unit 4(Stage and screen词汇巩固练习题答案)

句子大全 2023-05-18 06:17:02

Unit4 Stage and screen 词汇巩固练习题答案


Understanding ideas:

1. “To be, or not to be” 生存还是毁灭

2. 充满信心 be full of confidence 3.追溯到18世纪date back to the 18th century 4. 有两百多年的历史 have over two hundred years of history 5. 京剧 Peking Opera 6.我了解到---。 I learn that---. 7.上台 come on stage 8.夸张的动作和比划 exaggerated movements and mime 9.将意思传达给观众 get the meanings across to the audience 10. 造句:so---that---如此---以至于--- 11. 造句:确信Be sure that 12. 一条装饰的鞭子a decorated whip 13. 将一个小舞台改变成大宇宙 transform a small stage into the whole universe

14. 做个后空翻 do a backflip 15. 令人印象深刻的表演 a dazzling performance 16.一个难以置信的事实 an incredible fact

17.一位精力充沛的表演者 an energetic performer 18.拍手clap one’s hands 19. 极为激动on the edge of one’s seat 20.事情发展如人所愿 tick all the right boxes 21. 把A和B结合在一起 combine A with B 22.爆炸性的效果 explosive effect


1. 给某人鼓掌applaud sb. 2. 在观众席上 in the audience 3. 意识到realize 4.忘记台词 forget the lines 5.晚上熬夜stay up late at night 6. 感到沮丧的feel discouraged 7. 克服我的害怕 overcome my fears 8.做到我能做到的最好 do the best I can 9. 一次难忘 的经历an unforgettable experience 10. No pain, no gain. 一分耕耘,一分收获。11.观看芭蕾“牡丹亭” watch the ballet The Peony Pavilion 12. 或多或少 more or less 13. 独特的美丽 unique beauty 14. 对---没有准备 be unprepared for--- 15. 吸引 absorb 16. 改变某人对某事的观点 change one’s opinion about sth. 17. 迫不及待去做某事 can’t wait to do sth. 18. 非常欣赏它 enjoy it very much 19. 从中国舞蹈和音乐中借鉴了很多 borrow a lot from Chinese dance and music 20. 对芭蕾的影响 influence on ballet

Typesof TV programme:

Chinese crosstalk show中国相声节目Sichuan Opera Face-changing 川剧变脸talk show访谈节目 sitcom news新闻 soap opera肥皂剧 game show比赛节目 sports show体育节目 talent show才艺节目 comedy喜剧节目 cartoon卡通节目 action movie动作电影 scary movie恐怖电影nature documentary 自然纪录片

1. 一集《中国好声音》 an episode of The Voice of China 2.上演一场精彩的表演 put on a wonderful performance 3. 有才能的 talented 4. 一档令人吃惊的节目 an amazing programme 5. 豹子是不会改变身上斑点的颜色的。A leopard doesn’t change its spots. 6.有吸引力的生物 appealing creatures 7.难以置信的照片 incredible photographs 8. 在野外 in the wild 9. 高度推荐highly recommend 10. 浪费时间 a waste of time 11. 欣赏创造性的情节和背景 enjoy the creative plot and settings 12.激动地去做某事 be thrilled to do sth. 13.神奇的,有魔力的magical 14.世界上正发生的事what’s going on in the world 15. 以一种令人惊讶和神奇的方式呈现中国文化present Chinese culture in such an amazing and magical way 16. 方便的交通报告 a handy traffic report 17. 一位粗鲁的主持人 a rude host


1. 我绝对喜欢I absolutely love ----.

2.---是非常令人激动和难忘的。--- is very exciting and unforgettable.

3. ---多么令人吃惊的节目!----what an amazing programme!

4. 高度推荐!Highly recommended.

5.我过去喜欢--- I used to love---.

6. 它是如此受人欢迎。It was so popular.

7. ---确定无疑是我的英雄。---definitely a hero to me.

8. 我每周看它。I watch it every week.

9. ---是我最喜欢的,。----is my favourite.

10. ---是真的很酷。---is really cool.

11. 我欣赏创造性的情节和背景。I enjoy the creative plot and settings.

12. 编剧和艺术家有这么大的想象力。The writer and artists have such great imaginations.

13.我激动得观看---。 I’m thrilled to see---.


1. 我不喜欢---。I didn’t like ----.

2. 它变得真无聊。It’s got really boring.

3. ---一点儿都没意思。---are not funny at all.

4. 多么浪费时间。What a waste of time.

5. 主持人是多么粗鲁。What a rude person the host was.

Watching a performance:

1. 音乐艺术节 a music and art festival 2.发生在一个农场 take place on a farm 3.从售票筹集的钱 money raised from ticket sale 4. 去做了慈善 go to charity 5. 增长到大约20万 grow to about 20,000 6.雨衣 a rain jacket

Developing ideas:

1. 一张图胜过千言万语; 百闻不如一见;一幅画顶一千个词 a picture is worth a thousand words 2. 让某人一直做某事have sb doing sth 3. 建立在书上的电影 the movies based on books 4. 质疑这个常用谚语 question the common saying 5. 时常,经常是,再三再四; all too often 6.以做某事结束end up doing sth 7. 失败turkey 8. 把---变成--- turn---into---9.将一些好书变成了电影的失败 turn good books into cinematic turkeys 10. 导致成为不好的电影result in a bad movie 11. 逃开不好的事escape from something bad 12. 失望的粉丝 disappointed fans 13. 使某人

失望 disappoint sb 14. 当事情不是我们想象的那样When things don’t look the way we imagined 15.epic movie 史诗电影 16. 遭到来自观众的各种评论be met with mixed reviews from the audience 17. 最受质疑的问题the most questionable issue 18. 扮演某人的角色 play the part of sb. 19. 达到人们的期望live up to people’s expectations 20. 在某种程度上 to some extent 21.仁者见仁智者见智 There is a thousand Hamlet in a thousand people’s eyes. 22.此外,再者 furthermore 23. 将---牢记在心with --- in mind 24.凭借自身,靠自己 in one’s own right 25. 不违背它的来源 not against its original source 26.转向电视连续剧 turn to television series

27. 逐步的剧情发展gradual plot development 28.使(自己目光,注意力等)固定在屏幕上 glue oneself to the screens 29. 和书里的描述一样引人注目 as striking as the descriptions in the book 30.

可视化,使形象化visualize 31.突出stand out 32.令人满意的 satisfactory

Writing a movie review:

1. 一个想象的王国 a fictional kingdom 2. 一位社交拘谨的女孩 a socially awkward girl 3.表现完美 behave perfectly 3.长期不在的父亲 a long-absent father 4.失去控制get out of hand 5.抓住了故事get hold of the story 6. 做出选择make a choice 7. 把某人放在聚光灯下put sb. in the spotlight 8.继续十岁孩子的正常生活 continue the normal life of a teen 9. 登上皇位step up to the throne 10. 这部电影探索了责任这一主题。 The movie explores the theme of responsibility. 11.以聪明幽默的方式 in an intelligent and humorous way 12.最难忘的场景 the most memorable 13. 自我怀疑的最黑暗的时刻 the darkest moment of self-doubt 14. 被---感动 be touched by--- 15. 电影中最难忘的台词 the most unforgettable lines from the movie 16. 做自己 be oneself 7. 做更好的自己 better oneself




1. We’d like to tell you about a performance of ---

2. We highly recommend this performance . It’s called---.

3. You’ve just got to see ---.

4.4.It’s about /It’s a story of ---.

5. It makes you feel ----.
