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极甜心的励志句子 没什么不好(不好的也会变好)

句子大全 2023-05-20 07:42:02

生活的馈赠是慢慢变好的自己你的未来 藏在你现在的努力里

The gift of life is slowly getting better your future, hidden in your current efforts

每个人都会累 没有人会为你承担所有的悲伤 人总有一段时间要学会长大

Everyone"s going to be tired, no one"s going to bear all the sadness for you, and there"s always a time to learn to grow up

人生就像一杯没有加糠的咖啡 喝起来是苦涩的 回味起来却有久久不会退去的余香

Life is like a cup of coffee without a gargane, drinking it is bitter, aftertaste, but there is a long time will not return the aftertaste


You can"t keep doing bad things and then regret yourself as if regretting it works like you need to get better

与其埋怨世界 不如改变自己 管好自己的心 做好自己的事 比什么都强

It"s better than to complain about the world, change your mind and do your own thing better than anything

愿你放下执着 放下不甘心 从今以后只负责自己人生的精彩

May you put down your obsession, put down your unwillingness from now on, only responsible for the wonderfulness of your own life

成熟的标志不是会说大道理 而是你开始去理解身边的小事情

The sign of maturity is not to say the big truth, but that you start to understand the little things around you

最值得欣赏的风景 是自己奋斗的足迹 强者不是没有眼泪

The most appreciated landscape is the footprints of their own struggle, the strong are not without tears

人生的跑道上 有人只欣赏风景 有人努力让自己成为风景

On the runway of life, some people only appreciate the scenery, some people try to make themselves a landscape
