
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-05-23 04:57:01



1.(1分)What does Lucy want to be when she grows up?

A.A teacher.

B.A doctor.

C.A scientist.

2.(1分)How is the weather today?

3.(1分)What kind of vegetable did the man grow?




4.(1分)When will the meeting begin?




5.(1分)Where are they talking now?

A.In the restaurant.

B.In the police station.

C.In the hospital.

第二节 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。


(1)Whom will Tommy go with?

A.His parents.

B.His friends.

C.His teachers.

(2)Which place will Ann visit next year?





(1)Why did Bob go to the bookstore?

A.Because the books weren"t expensive.

B.Because he had nothing to do after dinner.

C.Because he was preparing for the coming exam.

(2)How much did Bob spend on the books?

A.50 yuan.

B.75 yuan.

C.100 yuan.


(1)Whose name is Susan?

A.A robot"s.

B.A clock"s.

C.A dog"s.

(2)What can Susan do?

A.Do the shopping.

B.Surf the Internet.

C.Water the plants.

(3)Which language can Susan speak?





(1)What"s the woman doing?

A.Asking the way.

B.Helping the man

C.Showing the way.

(2)Where is the woman going?

A.To a bank.

B.To a museum.

C.To a supermarket.

(3)How will the woman get there?

A.By bus.

B.On foot.

C.By taxi.

第三节 听下面一篇短文。按照你所听内容的先后顺序将下列图片排序,短文读两遍。


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)




(1)Which of the following will the members learn in the club?

A.Dressing properly.

B.Sending emails.

C.Visiting websites.

D.Making dresses.

(2)How long can the members in the club meet a week?

A.An hour and a half.

B.Over two hours.

C.Two hours.

D.Nearly three hours.

(3)What will Janice Smith do in the club?

A.Teach the members.

B.Organize fashion shows.

C.Help the students join the club.

D.Introduce the club to the students.

(4)What should you do if you want to know more about the club?

A.Make a phone call.

B.Send an email.

C.Visit the school website.

D.Have a talk with Ms Smith.

(5)What"s the text?

A.A report.

B.A notice.

C.An ad.

D.A letter.

12.(10分)Two cats were walking through a forest.Suddenly,they found a piece of bread lying under a tree.They both jumped at it and caught it at the same time.Neither would give it up,so they decided to divide(分)

A monkey sitting on the tree saw what had happened.He got an idea.He came down from the tree and walked up to them.

"Hi,dear friends!Can I help you?"the monkey asked.The cats told the monkey what the problem was and asked,"Can you divide the bread for us?"The monkey agreed.The monkey divided the bread into two pieces(相等的),"the monkey said.He took a bite(咬一口)from the bigger piece

"Oh!Now it has become smaller than the other piece.I"ll just have to take a little bite from that piece now,"the monkey said.He took another bite.

The two cats sat in front of the monkey,seeing the bread getting smaller and smaller.When the whole bread was finally gone,the monkey said

"If only we had not fought against each other,we could have kept our bread,"the two cats said.


(1)What did the cats decide to do after they found the bread?

A.To eat it up together.

B.To look for another piece.

C.To ask a monkey to eat it.

D.To divide it into two pieces.

(2)Why did the monkey take a little bite of the bigger piece each time?

A.To have a taste of the bread

B.To show how to divide the bread.

C.To make the two pieces equal.

D.To eat the bread little by little.

(3)How did the two cats feel after they saw the bread was gone at last?





(4)What lesson might the cats learn from this experience?

A.The monkey is ready to help others.

B.It"s very important to work together.

C.It is difficult to divide things.

D.They should learn to do things themselves.

(5)What is the best title for the text?

A.Having a Good idea

B.Eating the Bread

C.Dividing the Bread

D.Meeting a Problem

13.(10分)English is becoming more and more popular in China.It can be used in every field(领域),such as on some signs and restaurant menus.But there are some problems when people use it.Perhaps you can see the English letters"WC"in your city.They show public toilets(厕所).But do you know it is far from native(地道的),foreigners(外国人)from English﹣speaking countries seldom use the letters.

Workers in our city are changing"WC"signs all over the city.The government is spending much money changing all the bad English on signs and restaurant menus.Many other places in China are following our steps.

"WC,or water closet,is old﹣fashioned English.It sounds dirty to me."says Nancy,and not only on signs,"she says,but they are Chinglish,not real English.For example,"I know he or she should say‘My hometown is in Guizhou Province".Hometown is a smaller place in a province."The common mistakes(错误)that Nancy picked up include"Not Entry","Direction of Airport" should be changed to"To the Airport".And it is"Room Rate",not"Room Price".And remember to"Keep off the Grass"rather than"Care of the Green".

The next time you walk on the street or eat in the restaurant,you can go and see if the expressions(表达)are right.

(1)Who seldom uses letters of"WC"according to the passage?

A.Chinese students.

B.Foreigners from other countries.

C.English﹣speaking foreigners.

D.Teachers in China.

(2)What"s the attitude(态度)of the government towards the bad English on signs?

A.It"s native.

B.It can be used on signs.

C.It doesn"t matter.

D.It should be changed.

(3)When Nancy sees much poor English in everyday life, .

A.she thinks it should be corrected

B.she thinks it is dirty

C.she thinks it is proper

D.she likes to use it

(4)Which of the following signs is Right?

A.Not Entry.

B.To the Airport.

C.Room Price.

D.Care of the Green.

(5)What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Chinglish on menus.

B.Usages of native English.

C.Money spent on Chinglish.

D.Letters of"WC".

14.(10分)Do you sleep well every night?Studies show if we have a good rest,we must have more energy to study.At the same time,we will be healthier.

The sleep environment is very important to us.The bedroom is the main place where we sleep at night,so its environment directly affects the quality of our sleep.(1) So we should advise our parents to pay attention to our bedroom environment.

(2) The bedroom light should be neither too bright nor too dark.If the light is too dark,it will affect people"s eyesight.If the light is too bright,it can affect the speed of falling asleep.So we should choose a kind of yellow light that gives feeling of warmth.

(3) Many old people like to put a lot of flowers in the bedroom.Of course these flowers can make us relaxed and feel well.But there are too many plants in the bedroom,which can really affect people"s sleep quality.(4)

Our bedroom should be ventilated(通风的)often.(5) Otherwise,we may find it difficult to breathe,which can affect our sleep quality.

A.Our bedroom should have proper light.

B.So don"t put too many plants in our bedroom.

C.And good sleep plays an important role in our health.

D.There shouldn"t be too many flowers in our bedroom.

E.We should often open the window so that fresh air can come in.


15.(15分)For many years Eric worked on a farm,but then his uncle died and left him his business in the city.

Eric (1) the farm and went to work in the city.For the first time in his life he dressed(2) a businessman.His uncle was in the same size as he was,so he wore his uncle"s clothes.

But city life was not good for Eric,(3) after a few days he began to get very bad pains in his neck.He(4) had pains in his neck before,so he was quite worried.

The pains got(5) day by day.He had to go to the hospital in the end.

He (6) his clothes and the doctor examined him.When the examination was over,the (7) told him to sit down.

"I have got very bad news for you,"he said(8) ."You"ve got six months to live.Have a good time.Enjoy (9) while you can."

Eric took the doctor"s (10) .He sold his uncle"s business and(11) to travel all over the world.But first he had to buy himself some(12) clothes.He went to the most expensive tailor(裁缝)in the city.

"I"d like twelve of your best shirts,"he said.

"Certainly,sir,I will (13) your measurements(尺码)."The tailor measured Eric and wrote down the measurements.

Eric saw that he had written down a size 16 neck.

"You have made a (14) ,"he told him."My neck size is size 14.All my shirts are size14."

"No,sir,"the tailor said."You may be wearing a size 14(15) size 14,sooner or later you will get bad pain in your neck."



Once, there was a little girl named Meredith. Meredith enjoyed spending(1) free time with her friends, but there was something different about Meredith. She was always interested in things (2) chemistry and history. Meredith never wanted to (3) about these interests because she was afraid she would be judged(评头论足). She always learned more about these topics when she was by herself, (4) no one could find out about this. One day, a new girl, Josie, and the new girl was (5) to say three things about herself. Josie stood up and (6) to talk about her interests. First, she said she was (7) in reading and writing stories. Second, she said she liked history.(8) , she said she enjoyed chemistry. Meredith"s eyes lit up with joy. Finally, she had found someone who had common interests as her. (9) that day, Meredith found Josie on the playground and ran over to talk to her. They immediately(立即) became (10) and started to play at each other"s houses on the weekend.


17.(5分)Electric(电动的)bicycles have become one of(1) most popular vehicles in people"s daily life.Electric bicycles can run much faster (2) bikes and they are very easy to ride.

They were first made in the 1980s in China,but they were not popular at that time.Today,thanks to the improvement on the quality(质量)

There are over 100 electric bicycles makers in China.Now China (3) one of the largest makers of electric bicycles in the world,and lots (4) people ride them to work,to send children to schools,to go to the supermarkets and so on.

However,electric bicycles also have disadvantages.It"s not safe enough for people (5) ride them.People must be careful when riding electric bicycles.After all,keeping safe is the most important thing.


18.(10分)A:Hi,Lily!You weren"t at school yesterday.(1) ?

B:Oh,I had a terrible headache.

A:Sorry to hear that.(2) ?

B:Yes,I did.The doctor said I was under too much pressure.He advised me to do more exercise.Do you often do exercise?

A:Yes,every day.What exercise do you like?

B:(3) .

A:I like it,too.Let"s exercise together.

B:(4) !

A:What about starting tomorrow?

B:OK.We only have time in the afternoon.

A:That"s true.(5) ?

B:For half an hour.We can exercise a little longer if we have more time.

A:I agree with you.


19.(20分)良好的习惯是终生享用不尽的财富。下周你校英语角分享的主题是"习惯",请你以"My Good Habit"为题根据以下要点和要求,写一篇英语发言稿在英语角分享。








My Good Habit



11.解答:(1)A.细节理解题。根据What you ?dressing for occasions,特殊场合的穿衣建议,故选A。

(2)B.细节推理题。根据Our meet 2:30 to pm Saturday the Activity 。据此推断学员可以每个星期集合两个小时十分钟,故选B。

(3)A.细节理解题。根据Stylist Janice will the the above.造型师詹尼斯史密斯女士将会教学员以上节能,故选A。

(4)B.细节理解题。根据For information can Karen(karen@ks.edu.com).想了解更多信息,可知想更了解俱乐部可以发电子邮件。

(5)C.文章题材题。根据Do want get styling to yourself bright pleasant and us the Club make different,让自己看起来光彩照人吗,让自己与众不同,故选C。

12.解答:(1)D.细节理解题。根据第一段Neither give up they to into pieces have piece ,所以他们决定把面包分成两片,可知它们发现面包后要分成两片。

(2)D.细节推理题。根据第五段When whole was gone monkey ,猴子说……,据此推断猴子每次咬一口大一点的面包片的目的是一点点地吃完所有的面包

(3)B.推理判断题。根据最后一段"If we not against other could kept bread two said."如果我们不互相争斗,据此推断看到面包没了之后它们后悔了。

(4)B.推理判断题。根据最后一段"If we not against other could kept bread two said."如果我们不互相争斗,可知两只猫在争斗的时候,据此推断从这个经验中我们要学到的是要合作。

(5)C.文章标题题。根据第一段Neither give up they to into pieces have piece ,所以他们决定把面包分成两片,可知本文主要讲了两只猫分面包的故事。故选C。

13.解答:(1)D.细节理解题,根据原文In fact foreigners from English﹣speaking countries seldom use the letters.事实上,故选D.

(2)B.细节理解题,根据原文The government is spending much money changing all the bad English on signs and restaurant menus.政府花很多钱来改变所有不良的英文标志和餐馆的菜单可知政府是认为要改变的

(3)A.细节理解题,根据原文The common mistakes that Nancy picked up include"Not Entry","Direction of Airport" should be changed to"To the Airport.AnditisRoom Rate not "Room Price".And remember to "Keep off the Grass" rather than"Care of the Green".可知,应该是""No Entry"。"Room Rate"。而且记住"勿践踏草地"是用"Keep off the Grass"而不是"Care of the Green"可知她认为应该要把这些不标准的英文该改过来

(4)C.细节理解题,根据原文"Direction of Airport"should be changed to"To the Airport".飞机场的方向应该改为"To the Airport.所以To the Airport的表达是正确的

(5)C.主旨大意题,根据English is becoming more and more popular in China.It can be used in every field?In fact,英语在中国越来越流行,比如在一些招牌和餐馆的菜单上。也许你可以在你的城市里看到英文字母"WC"。但是你知道它离母语英语很远吗,外国人很少使用这些字母,相关部门进行整改,可知主要在讲述地道英语的运用


(1)C.根据前句"The sleep environment is very important to us.The bedroom is the main place where we sleep at night,so its environment directly affects the quality of our sleep.睡眠环境对我们很重要,所以它的环境直接影响我们的睡眠质量,结合选项。故选C。

(2)A.根据后句"The bedroom light should be neither too bright nor too dark.卧室的光线既不能太亮,也不能太暗,结合选项。故选A。

(3)D.根据后句"Many old people like to put a lot of flowers in the bedroom.很多老年人喜欢在卧室里放很多花,"可知说的是卧室里的花,应说我们的卧室里不应该有太多的花。

(4)B.根据前句"But there are too many plants in the bedroom,which can really affect people"s sleep quality.但是卧室里的植物太多了,"可知说的是太多植物影响睡眠,应说所以不要在卧室里放太多的植物。

(5)E.根据前句"Our bedroom should be ventilated(通风的)often.我们的卧室应经常通风。"可知说的是经常通风,应说我们应该经常打开窗户。故选E。

15.解答:(1)A 动词辨析。A离开,C到达,根据上文中Eric worked on a farm(Eric在农场工作)可知。句意:Eric农场然后去了城市工作。

(2)B 连词辨析。A具有,拿,C在...里,根据上文可知他叔叔死后把在城市里的生意留给了他。句意:他第一次打扮得个生意人。

(3)D 连词辨析。A直到,C虽然,根据句意可知,后面说了原因"他的脖子疼",过了几天他的脖子非常疼,所以本空应选D。

(4)D 副词辨析。A总是,C有时,根据下文"he was quite worried(他相当担心)"推测出以前脖子没有疼过,所以他非常担心。

(5)B 形容词辨析。A更忙碌的,C更好的,根据下文"He had to go to the hospital in the end.(他最后不得不去医院,所以本空应选B。

(6)A 短语辨析。句意:他___他的衣服然后医生做检查,B乔装打扮,D照顾,所以本空应选A。

(7)C 名词辨析。A病人,C医生,根据上文可知此时Eric正在医院,所以本空应选C。

(8)B 副词辨析。A开心地,C兴奋的,因为前半句说的是very bad news(非常坏的消息),所以本空应选B。

(9)C 代词辨析。A我自己,C你自己,根据原文可知,应该用第二人称,所以本空应选C。

(10)A 名词辨析。A建议,C任务,take one"s suggestion(采取某人的建议)是固定短语。

(11)C 动词辨析。A同意,C决定,"decide to do sth.(决定做某事)是固定短语,所以本空应选C。

(12)B 形容词辨析。A便宜的,C陌生的,根据上文he wore his uncle"s clothes(他穿他叔叔的衣服,他要为自己买一些好看的衣服更符合语境。

(13)D 动词辨析。A注意到,C触摸,根据上文可知作者找到了这个城市最好的裁缝要做衣服,所以本空应选D。

(14)B 名词辨析。A选择,C讨论,make a mistake(犯错误)是一个固定短语,他自己说自己是14码"可知。

(15)A 动词辨析。A穿,C改变,句意:如果你继续____14码。continue to do sth.(继续做某事)是固定搭配,所以本空应填A。

16.解答:(1)her,考查代词,使用代词her"她的"修饰后面的名词free time.










17.解答:(1)the 考查冠词 of...most vehicles。形容词最高级前加the

(2)than 考查连词 bicycles run faster...bikes。可知句子是比较级,故填than.

(3)is 考查动词 of largest of bicycles the ,可知是指:中国是世界上最大的电动自行车生产国之一,时态是一般现在时,故填is.

(4)of 考查介词 ride to ,可知是指很多人骑自行车上班,固定短语

(5)to 考查介词。根据It"s safe for them。It"s+形容词 for sb to do sth某人做某事是……的


(1)What happened.结合下文,Oh,I a terrible ,因此判断问句是询问对方怎么了

(2)Did you see a doctor.结合下文,Yes,I doctor I was too pressure.可知答语为肯定回答,因此判断问句是询问对方是否去看医生了

(3)I like running.结合上文,What do like,因此判断其答语为喜欢某种运动,故答案为I like running.

(4)Good idea.结合上文,Let"s together.可知上句是邀请对方一起锻炼,故答案为Good idea.

(5)How long shall we exercise each time.结合下文,For an can a little if have time.可知半个小时,据此判断问句是询问每次锻炼多久

