
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-05-23 07:32:02

1.Look! Mr.Wang seems very(happy) today. He did well in the sports meeting.

2.Water is important to e,We can"t live without it.

3.I like these cakes very much.Can I have one(many)?

4.﹣Whose scarf is this?

﹣It must be one of the(lady).They are talking over there.

5.It"s a good idea to travel(train) if you go on a trip.

6.All of us had a wonderful time Millie"s birthday yesterday.(celebrate)

7.1 don"t think two kilograms of beef enough for us ten.(be)

8.If Tom(not be) free tomorrow, he won"t go to the cinema with me.

9.Sandy does not have much time(play) tennis. She is too busy.

10.﹣Where is my cat?

﹣Look,it(lie) on the top of the piano.

11.Daniel is tall and strong,and he wears["gla:siz].

12.I am not good at the subject[i"grfi]

13.We all like snowy days because we can have a good time(make) snowmen.

14.As we know, sports can help us keepand strong.(health)

15.The girls(not do) the housework at the weekend.

16.I really don"t know these football players because I am only(interest) in basketball.

17.My children like cakes, I always make some for(they) at weekends.

18.I always go to the parka week.(one)

19.The clothes on the table are their(hero).

20.He usually sleepsthan seven hours every night.(little)

21.Millie and I have different cups.The white cup is,and the pink one is hers.(my)

22.May I take a look at last(year) cards?

23.Kitty doesn"t know what(buy)for her father on Father"s Day.

24.Beef and pork taste(good). But we can"t eat too much meat.

25.Do you think your blue tie[mtz] your red shirt?

26.Messi is one of my favourite football(play).

27.Simon plays football with his friends for(many)than three hours every day.

28.The English Club is a good place(practise)your English.

29.Students often sleep(little)than 8 hours because they have much homework to do every day.

30.Every day, my mum(为……穿衣服) my little brother.

31.There aren"t(足够的) sweets for all the children in our house.

32.We can see somepictures on the wall.(英雄)

33.The Blacks area trip to Yangzhou now.(计划)

34.Andy with her friends often(练习) playing volleyball after school.

35.He was sitting(在……中) a group of children, telling them a story.

36.Daniel likes(借) money from others, but he never gives it back.

37.Why should children do half as much work and get(两倍) as much holiday as their parents?

38.This fruit(有……的味道)bad to me. But my mum enjoys it very much.

39.Very(少数的) students like writing letters to friends now. They often chat online.

40.David is quite strong. He often(搬) heavy things for his mother.

41.Look! That(学生)tie matches his white shirt very well.

42.Susan,(敲) at the door before you come in.

43.Sleeping for(少) than 5 hours every day is bad for your health.

44.Linda with his classmates doing morning exercises every day.(练习)

45.I have only twentyhomework to do today.(分钟)

46.Thank you very much for(借) your blouse to me, mum.

47.The umbrella behind the door is one of those(女士).

48.Thank you for(带领) me around your city.

49.There is a wallet(躺) on the ground. Is it yours, Sandy?

50.My grandma has a few bad(牙齿).She can"t eat such hard food.

51.The boy came into the room without(敲)on the door and it made me very angry.

52.The food(尝起来)very nice, please try it.

53.﹣Why do you like that blouse? I don"t like the colour.

﹣But I like something(特别的).

54.﹣﹣﹣ Jenny, what are you doing in your room?

﹣﹣﹣ I am busy an email to my penfriend.


Can you help me find out whose gifts Millie"s?



﹣What do you the dress?

﹣It"s very pretty but I don"t think it the picnic.


Mary often borrowsbooksthe school library.


That lantern isours. Let"s go and!


meat is not good for our.

60.His mother often tells him(not eat)too much junk food like fried chicken.


1.Look! Mr. Wang seems veryhappy(happy) today. He did well in the sports meeting.


【答案详解】答案: happy


2.Water is important to everyone,We can"t live without it.


【答案详解】根据We can"t live without it"没有它我们就活不下去"及首字母提示,可知,应该是"水对每个人都很重要",填不定代词everyone"每个人".


3.I like these cakes very much. Can I have onemore(many)?




4.﹣Whose scarf is this?

﹣It must be one of theladies"(lady).They are talking over there.



【答案详解】句子中one of后面跟名词复数形式,lady的复数形式是ladies,应该用所有格形式.one of +名复,且主语为one,看作单数。


5.It"s a good idea to travelby train(train) if you go on a trip.


【答案详解】句子中表示乘坐某种交通工具用by+交通工具名称,交通工具前不加任何修饰。这里by train表示乘火车.

故填by train.

6.All of us had a wonderful timecelebrating Millie"s birthday yesterday.(celebrate)


【答案详解】句子中have a wonderful time doing sth表示高兴做某事.


7.1 don"t think two kilograms of beefare enough for us ten.(be)


【答案详解】句子中主语应该是two kilograms,复数形式,be动词使用are.


8.If Tomisn"t(not be) free tomorrow, he won"t go to the cinema with me.




9.Sandy does not have much timeto play(play) tennis. She is too busy.


【答案详解】句子中have time to do sth表示有时间做某事,后面跟to引导的不定式短语.

故填to play.

10.﹣Where is my cat?

﹣Look,itis lying(lie) on the top of the piano.


【答案详解】答案:is lying 考查单词填空.根据题干:﹣Where is my cat?﹣Look,it(lie) on the top of the piano.从句中的look可知时态是现在进行时,构成是主语+be doing,主语是it,系动词用is,lie的现在分词是lying,故答案是is lying.

11.Daniel is tall and strong,and he wearsglasses["gla:siz].




12.I am not good at the subjectgeography[i"grfi]


【答案详解】根据the subject,结合一个,可知是名词"geography地理".


13.We all like snowy days because we can have a good timemaking(make) snowmen.


【答案详解】have a good time doing sth"高兴地做某事"固定搭配,填make的动名词making.类似:have a great time doing sth.\ have fun doing sth


14.As we know, sports can help us keephealthyand strong.(health)




15.The girlsdon"t do(not do) the housework at the weekend.


【答案详解】根据at the weekend可知是一般现在时态,主语是girls复数,故用助动词do.否定用don"t.

故答案是:don"t do.

16.I really don"t know these football players because I am onlyinterested(interest) in basketball.


【答案详解】be interested in 对..感兴趣.固定表达.


17.My children like cakes, I always make some forthem(they) at weekends.




18.I always go to the parkoncea week.(one)


【答案详解】根据go to the park…a week,可知是指一周去公园一次,once a week一周一次.


19.The clotheson the table are theirheroes"(hero).




20.He usually sleepslessthan seven hours every night.(little)


【答案详解】根据than"比"可知,用little的比较级less.less than"少于".


21.Millie and I have different cups.The white cup ismine,and the pink one is hers.(my)


【答案详解】这里为了避免与前面名词重复,用my的名词性物主代词mine代替my cup"我的杯子".


22.May I take a look at lastyear"s(year) cards?




23.Kitty doesn"t know whatto buy(buy)for her father on Father"s Day



故答案为:to buy.

24.Beef and pork tastegood(good). But we can"t eat too much meat.




25.Do you think your blue tiematches[mtz] your red shirt?


【答案详解】根据your blue tie…your red shirt,结合音标,可知是指"蓝领带搭配红衬衣".时态是一般现在,主语是单数,用动词第三人称单数形式matches.


26.Messi is oneof my favourite footballplayers(play).


【答案详解】句子中one of+名词复数形式表示…中的一个,play的名词形式是player.


27.Simon plays football with his friends formore(many)than three hours every day.




28.The English Club is a good placeto practise(practise)your English.


【答案详解】考查不定式.a good place to do sth"一个做某事的好地方"不定式做后置定语,to后跟动词原形practise"练习".

故答案为:to practise.

29.Students often sleepless(little)than 8 hours because they have much homework to do every day.




30.Every day,mymumdresses(为……穿衣服) my little brother.


【答案详解】为…穿衣服.英语表达是 dress,句子是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数.

故答案为 dresses.

31.There aren"tenough(足够的) sweets for all the children in our house.




32.We can see someheroes"pictures on the wall.(英雄)




33.The Blacks areplanninga trip to Yangzhou now.(计划)




34.Andy with her friends oftenpractices(练习) playing volleyball after school.




35.He was sittingamong(在……中) a group of children, telling them a story.


【答案详解】从a group of children这里指的是一群孩子,前面用介词among表示在……中.大于等于3个用among.


36.Daniel likesborrowing(借) money from others, but he never gives it back.


【答案详解】借.英语表达是:borrow.动词,like doing sth喜欢做某事.


37.Why should children do half as much work and gettwice(两倍) as much holiday as their parents?




38.This fruittastes(有……的味道)bad to me. But my mum enjoys it very much.




39.Veryfew(少数的) students like writing letters to friends now. They often chat online.




40.David is quite strong.Heoftencarries(搬) heavy things for his mother.




41.Look! Thatstudent"s(学生)tiematches his white shirt very well.




42.Susan,knock(敲) at the door before you come in.


【答案详解】敲knock,动词;根据句意"苏珊,你进来前要敲门 "和语法可知,要用祈使句,用动词原形.


43.Sleeping forless(少) than 5 hours every day is bad for your health.


【答案详解】少little,少于less than,固定短语;根据句意"每天睡少于5个小时对你的健康有害"可知,要用固定短语less than.


44.Linda with his classmatespractices doing morning exercises every day.(练习)


【答案详解】练习.英语表达是practice.由every day知道句子是一般现在时,with连接前后两个主语时,谓语动词应和前面的那个主语保持一致,主语是Linda第三人称单数.


45.I have only twentyminutes"homeworkto do today.(分钟)




46.Thank you very much forlending(借) your blouse to me, mum.


【答案详解】句子中for是一个介词,后面跟动名词形式,lend sth to sb表示把某物借给某人.


47.The umbrellabehind the door is one of thoseladies"(女士).




48.Thank you forshowing(带领) me around your city.


【答案详解】带领show,谢谢你做某事thank you for doing sth.,是固定搭配;根据句意"谢谢你带我参观你的城市"可知,要用固定搭配thank you for doing sth..


49.There isa walletlying(躺) on the ground. Is it yours, Sandy?

【参考译文】地上有一个钱包.是你的吗, Sandy?



50.My grandma has a few badteeth(牙齿).She can"t eat such hard food.


【答案详解】牙齿.英语表达是tooth.a few后接名词复数.


51.The boy came into the room withoutknocking(敲)on the door and it made me very angry.


【答案详解】敲.英语表达是knock, without介词后接动名词.


52.The foodtastes(尝起来)very nice, please try it.




53.﹣Why do you like that blouse? I don"t like the colour.

﹣But I like somethingspecial(特别的).




54.﹣﹣﹣ Jenny, what are you doing in your room?

﹣﹣﹣ I am busywriting an email to my penfriend.



【答案详解】根据what are you doing ,是指你在做什么,推出:我在帮着写邮件.空缺单词是动词"writing".be busy doing sth忙着做某事.



Can you help me find out whose giftsaredifferentfromMillie"s?

【参考译文】Can you help me find out whose gifts are different from Millie"s?

【答案详解】be different from…与……不一样,根据主句时态可知用一般现在时,从句的主语是复数, be动词用are.

故答案是are different from



﹣What do youthinkofthe dress?

﹣It"s very pretty but I don"t think itisfitforthe picnic.

【参考译文】What do you think of the dress?

It"s very pretty but I don"t think it is fit for the picnic.

【答案详解】think of认为,固定短语;你觉得…怎么样what do you think of…,是固定句式;适合某物be fit for sth.;根据句意"你觉得这件连衣裙怎么样?很漂亮,但我觉得野餐穿它不合适"和语法可知,要用一般现在时,前句要用固定句式what do you think of…,后句用短语be fit for sth..

故答案为:think of;is fit for.


Mary often borrowsall kinds ofbooksfromthe school library.

【参考译文】Mary often borrows all kinds of books from the school library.

【答案详解】all kinds of 各种各样的;borrow sth.from…从……借某物.

故答案是all kinds of ,from


That lantern isdifferent fromours. Let"s go andhave a look at it!

【参考译文】That lantern is different from ours. Let"s go and have a look at it!

【答案详解】be different from…与……不一样, have a look at…看一看……,That lantern指单数,用 it代替.

故答案是different from , have a look at it


Eating too muchmeat is not good for ourhealth.

【参考译文】Eating too much meat is not good for our health.

【答案详解】too much 太多,修饰不可数名词meat, eat too much meat食用太多的肉类,在句中作主语,用动名词; health 名词,健康.

故答案是Eating too much,health

60.His mother often tells himnot to eat(not eat)too much junk food like fried chicken.


【答案详解】考查动词的固定搭配.tell sb not to do sth"告诉某人不要做某事"固定搭配.用not to eat"不要吃".

故答案为:not to eat.

