
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-05-25 06:28:01


Today, we have lived up to our life. Our little surprises and troubles have passed. We should clear our troubles and sleep for a long time, and then go all out to catch up with tomorrow.




I like the wind in May.

Walking on the road, there are people"s houses on the left and right sides. Various kinds of plants come out of the fence. When the wind comes, they shake left and right. For a moment, I seem to shake, like a pine tree, shaking the snow accumulated on my body in winter to my feet. My mind becomes lighter, that is, there is a feeling of no longer being closed.

The original wind is a good mood unlock password.


I hope to have a person who stealthily hides the drum when I want to retreat.



I know you"re tired. Tell the evening wind about the troubles you"ve met today. The wind is gentle. It stealthily packs all the bad things you"ve lost and takes them away. It also keeps the secret for you.

Remember, sadness can exist and can be admitted by the general public. We need to release our bad emotions wantonly, so as to fill the gap in our hearts and regain the ability of love.


You have to try to walk alone and enjoy your time. Loneliness to the depth, loneliness becomes armor.



The most annoying thing adults say is, what is annoying at your age? You are nothing at all. When you grow up, you will understand.

What I want to say is that every age has its own pain and pressure, which has never been higher or lower. Even if I understand that in a few decades, these huge waves will turn into little kittens with soft feet, I can"t stop crying for them now.


I have collected a thousand sentences about summer, which are not as good as the wind blowing at that moment.



"What is your ideal life?"

"Where there are few people, the island is the best. Live in a loft house with tatami, reclining chairs, desks, swings, cats and dogs with each other. If there is a sea nearby, it"s better to have a gentle neighbor. How nice a comfortable and unrestrained relationship without making too many friends. This is my ideal life. "


From dawn to dusk, sunshine is more than all poems. If you just pass by, I will fall in love with you under my window.

【图片来源: 插画师 Amei Zhao 】
