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句子大全 2023-05-25 06:59:01

一、如果实在忘不掉喜欢的那个人,那就放在心里记一辈子吧。反正一辈子也没多长。If you really can"t forget the person you like, keep it in your heart for a lifetime. I haven"t had a long life anyway.


Not all talents in the world should be appreciated, not all love should be bluffed. Silence does not mean mediocrity, on the contrary, it means living quietly with secrets, free and open.


What do women really want? Isn"t the answer simple? Whatever she seems to want, there are only two things she wants in the end: a lot of love and a lot of security.

四、用三年时间考上一所终生受益的大学总比用三年时间去爱一个与未来无关的人来得实在。It"s better to spend three years in a university that benefits you all your life than three years in loving someone who has nothing to do with the future.

五、希望最后,你嫁给了爱情,而不是嫁给了合适,希望最后,你的爱情是两情相悦,而不是凑合。Hope that in the end, you marry love, not the right one. Hope that in the end, your love is a mutual affection, not a coincidence.

六、人性一个最特别的弱点就是:在意别人如何看待自己。这一程,希望你活得烈马青葱,不为他人的目光所累。One of the most peculiar weaknesses of human nature is that it cares about how others see themselves. This journey, I hope you live a vigorous horse green onions, not tired of the eyes of others.

七、化热烈的妆,见喜欢的人,做向往的梦。努力使每一天都开心而有意义,不为别人,只为自己。Make up warmly, meet the people you like and dream yearning for. Make every day happy and meaningful, not for others, but for yourself.

八、真正的成熟是在合适的时机做该做的事,顺其自然,既不瞻前顾后,也不左顾右盼,不急躁,不慌张。Real maturity is to do what should be done at the right time, let it be, neither looking backwards, nor looking left and right, not impatient, not panic.

九、不喜欢的就不要假装,不适合的就不要勉强,生活已经那么不容易了,何必再辛苦自己。Don"t pretend what you don"t like, don"t force what you don"t fit, life is already so difficult, why bother yourself again?


I study hard, take exams hard, and work hard in my career so that when the person I love appears, whether he is rich or has nothing, I can open my hand and embrace him calmly.

十一、现在要做的就是:多读书,按时睡,然后变得温柔,大度,继续善良,保持可爱。What we need to do now is to read more, sleep on time, and then become gentle, generous, continue to be kind and keep lovely.

十二、反正能跟我玩在一起的有两种人,一种是能忍受我发神经病的人,一种是和我一样神经病的人。Anyway, there are two kinds of people who can play with me. One is the one who can stand my neurosis, the other is the one who is neurotic like me.

十三、人常常都是这么误会自己的,以为自己恋旧,以为自己长情,其实只是你现在过得不好罢了。People often misunderstand themselves, think they are in love with the old, think they are in love with each other, but in fact, you are not living well now.

十四、贵除了贵一个缺点,其余都是优点,便宜除了便宜,其余都是缺点。得不到就是得不到,别总说你不想要。Except for one disadvantage of expensive, the others are advantages, while the others are disadvantages of cheap. If you can"t get it, don"t always say you don"t want it.


Even if life is hard for you, you should try your best to survive; even if others try to make trouble for you, you should be strong and brave to survive.


I don"t like robbing people all my life, but what I deserve won"t let me. The only way to let go of oneself is the following nine words: eat, sleep and love.


The most important thing in life is not what has been lost, nor what has not been gained, but what we have now. Do not disturb the past, the rest of life only willing to laugh.


How many people love another person as a friendship? How many people are telling the truth in a joke way?

十九、成熟,大概是做一个简单的人,怀着少女心,享受被爱,而不是一味单向付出。Maturity is probably to be a simple person, with a girl"s heart, enjoy being loved, rather than blindly one-way pay.

二十、如果没有如果,曾经已是曾经,过去早已过去,做自己的自己。我若不勇敢,谁替我坚强。If there is no if, once was already, the past has long passed, be yourself. If I am not brave, who will be strong for me?

二十一、无论做什么事,都不要拿自己的价值观和生活方式去打扰别人的生活,甚至企图改变别人。Whatever you do, don"t disturb others"lives with your own values and lifestyle, or even try to change others.


At this age, nobody wants to please anymore. When you are comfortable with someone, you can stay with them, including your friends. When you are tired, you can hide away.


Where there are so many fates in the world, it is only through careful consideration that we can get to know each other and love each other inch by inch.

二十四、小事可以感性,大事必须理性。感性让我们更有人情味,理性让我们得以远离致命伤害。Small things can be sensible, big things must be rational. Sensibility makes us more human, and reason keeps us away from fatal harm.


Girls should remember that no matter how old they are, no matter how urged by family and friends, they should not treat marriage casually. Marriage is not a game of cards. Reshuffling will cost a lot.
