
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-05-26 03:36:01


Now nothing has been achieved, now I have passed the age of talking and laughing, now I am fighting for life every day. When we are past the age of laughter, we are greeted by the feeling of crying.


Slowly we will find that with the growth of age, we will slowly become less and less words, more is silent, no matter how many grievances we encounter, we will not express, slowly we will find that our hearts put more and more things.


Now I will think of once, because I am too afraid to lose you, I tried my best to stay with you, but in the end I still completely lost you. Now that I understand a truth, I am really afraid of losing, so I dare not have it.


Life changes a lot, and our hearts change slowly over time. In fact, no matter how our hearts change, we should know that the years are merciless, in fact, we just need to achieve the future without regret, the rest of our lives will not be good.


In our lives, we will meet a lot of people, but some things they only come to meet us, not accompany, all in any case. The road needs us to go alone, no one can really stay with us all the time.


No matter what we should do in the future, when we sleep, forgive the past together, no matter what, when we wake up the next day, stop thinking about the painful memories of the past, grasp the present is the most important.


This world is that all the feelings will not be the same, there will be no contradictions, some people have long been doomed to the end, no matter how hard you try to end is sad.


In the feelings we do not do much, that is, when meeting the right person, cherish carefully, do not meet, usually look pale.
