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句子大全 2023-05-26 04:06:01



(1)order [d]n.所点的菜肴,点菜①May I take your order now?您现在点菜吗?②an order for steak and fries点一份牛排,炸薯条

③Last order at the bar now please!本店打样前最后一次点东西了④a side order配菜(主菜以外的蔬菜色拉等)

v.点(酒菜等)④I order a beer and sandwich.我要了一杯啤酒,一个三明治。⑤Have you ordered yet?你点菜了没有?

⑥He ordered himself a double whiskey.他为自己点了一杯双份威士忌。

(2)change [tend]n.〈1〉找的零钱;找头①别忘了找给你的零钱。Don"t forget your change。

②这是40便士的零钱。That"s 40p change . ③不用找零钱了keep the change

〈2〉硬币;辅币;分币 small change小费

(3)treat [trit] v.招待;款待;请(客) ①~sb/yourself(to sth)她请他吃饭。She treated him to lunch.

②别担心,费用我来替你付。Don"t worry about the cost ,I will treat you.

n.款待 ③咱们到外面去吃午餐,我请客。 let"s go out for lunch/lunch out(出去吃饭)——my treat /I will pay.This is my treat

④我年轻的时候吃巧克力是一种难得的享受。When I was young ,chocolate was a treat。

(4)Dutch[dt] adj.荷兰的;荷兰人的;荷兰语的 go Dutch( with sb)同某人各付各的帐,平摊费用

(5).fully [fli] adj.〈1〉完全的,全部的,充分的〈2〉(强调数量)整整;足足

(6). book[bk] v.预约;预订①对不起,客满了,I"m sorry,we are fully booked.

②我要订一张今晚八点钟的二人餐桌。I"d like to book a table for two for eight o"clock.

③美式英语 make a reservation预订座位 reservation[rezven]n.预订;预约 我想预订今晚八点钟的位置。I"d like to make a reservation for eight o"clock tonight.

以某人的名字预订have a reservation in the name of sb

(7)reserve [rzv]v.〈1〉预约;预订(座位、席位、房间等) ①预订八点钟供三人用餐的座位reserve a table for three for eight o"clock

〈2〉保留;预留 ② 这些座位是留给贵宾的。These sits are reserved for special guests.

(8)split[splt]分担;分摊;分享 pay/split the bill付账/均摊

(9)French [frent] adj.法国的;法国人的;法语的 n.法语

(10).cuisine [kwzin]n.〈1〉 风味;烹饪〈2〉(通常用于昂贵的餐馆中的)菜肴;饭菜 Fench cuisine 法国菜

(11)special [spel] n.〈1〉特别活动(或节目等);特制产品 ①菜肴定期更换,而且每天都有特色菜供选择。The menu changes regularly and there are daily specials to choose from.

〈2〉特价 ②本周咖啡特价。There is a special on coffee this week. ③短期特价on special (NAmE)

(12)chef [ef] n.厨师;(餐馆)主厨;厨师长 chef"s special主厨特餐

(13)buffet美 [bfe , bft]n.自助餐 ①自助午餐/晚餐a buffett lunch/supper②主餐是自助冷食,不是坐等服务员送来的那种。Dinner will be a cold buffet ,not a sit-down meal.

(14)special [spel] n.〈1〉特别活动(或节目等);特制产品 ①菜谱定期更换,而且每天都有特色菜供选择。The menu changes regularly and there are daily specials to choose from.

〈2〉特价 本周咖啡特价。②There is a special on coffee this week. ③on special(短期)特价

④我家附近商店的巧克力在做特价。The chocolate were on special at my local store.

(15)bill [bl] n.

(餐馆的)账单 结账ask for the bill.

(16).continental 美 [kɑntnentl]英 [kntnentl]adj.欧洲大陆的 continental cuisine 欧式西餐

(17)course[krs]n.一道菜 ①有四道菜的正餐A four-course dinner ② main course主菜 ③主菜是烤鸭。Main course was roast duck.

(18)serve [srv]v.(给某人)提供;端上 ①现在上菜好吗?Shall Iserve? ②早餐供应时间从上午七点到十点。Beakfast is served between 7and 10 a.m.

(19)tip [tp]n.小费 ①leave a tip留小费 ②给了服务员很多小费。give the waiter a generous tip.

v.给小费;付小费 ①美国人总是受欢迎,因为他们往往给很多小费。Americans were always welcome because they tended to tip a heavily. tend to do往往做某事

②~sb你记得给服务员小费了吗?Did you remember to tip the waiter?

③~sb sth他给了服务员一美元的小费。he tipped the waiter a dollar.

(20)menu[menju]n.菜单 ①要菜单,看菜单 ask for /look at the menu ②今晚有什么菜?What"s on the menu for dinner tonight?

(21)waiter [wetr]n. (餐馆等的)服务员,侍者 waitress [wetrs]n.女服务员

①我让女服务员拿菜单过来。I will ask the waitress for the bill.

②服务员给我送点水来好吗?Waiter, could you bring me some water?

(22)service [svs]n.接待,服务①饭菜不错,但动作太慢。The food was good, but the service was very slow.②您付账时要另加10%的服务费。Ten percent will be added to your bill for service.


(1)restaurant [restrɑnt]n.餐馆,餐厅 ① 自助餐馆a self-service restaurant ②餐馆老板restaurant owner③在餐厅吃了顿饭 have a meal in a restaurant.

④我们到一家餐馆里庆祝了一番。We went out to a restaurant to celebrate.

(2)cafe[kfe] n.咖啡馆,小餐馆(供应饮料和便餐,在英美国家通常不供应酒类)

(3)pub [pb]n.酒吧;酒馆①下酒馆喝酒go down the pub for a drink②酒馆供的午餐a pub lunch③当地酒馆的老板the landlord of the local pub

(4)inn[n] n.〈1〉(NAmE)(通常指乡村的)小旅馆,客栈〈2〉(用于客栈旅馆饭店的名称中) ①假日酒店Holiday Inn

(5)canteen [kntin] n.(BrE)〈1〉食堂;餐厅〈2〉(装有一套刀叉和勺的)餐具盒

(6)cafeteria [kftri] n.自助餐厅,自助食堂

(7)snack[snk] n.点心;小吃;快餐 v.吃点心(或快餐、小吃)①作为点心,水果比巧克力更有营养It"s healthier to snack on fruit rather than chocolate.

(8)bar [bɑr] n.〈1〉酒吧〈2〉(出售饮料等的)柜台;吧台〈3〉(专售某种饮食的)小吃店;小馆子①咖啡馆a coffee bar ②三明治店a sandwich bar

③snake bar快餐柜台,快餐部,小吃部,点心铺

(9)dining room/hall [dan] n.餐厅 dining table餐桌

(10)hall [hl] n. 礼堂;大厅

(11)servery [srvri]n.(BrE)取餐处


cutlery (especially BrE) [ktlri]/flatware 美 [fltwr](NAmE)餐具(包括刀叉匙)

napkin [npkn]餐巾纸

bowl [bl]碗

knife [naf]小刀

fork [frk]叉子,餐叉

chopsticks [tɑpstks]筷子


plate [plet]盘子

tray [tre]托盘


appetizer [ptazr]开胃菜

steak [stek]牛排

cheese [tiz]奶酪

sandwich [snwt]三明治

hamburger [hmbrɡr]汉堡包

French French fries炸薯条

fries [fraz]n.炸薯条

pizza [pits]披萨饼

soup [sup]汤

dessert [dzrt]餐后甜点

dressing [dres]调味料,调味酱

rare 英 [re]美 [rer]半熟的

drink [drk]饮料

wine [wan]葡萄酒

Coca-Cola [,kk "kl]可口可乐

noodles [nudlz]面条


butter [btr]黄油

ham [hm]火腿

beer [b]啤酒

