
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-05-30 07:01:02

Throughout history, people have thought of the ocean as a diverse and limitless source of food. Yet today there is clear evidence that the oceans have a limit. Most of the big fish in our oceans are now (go). One major cause is overfishing. People are taking so many fish from the sea that many species cannot replace (they).


For centuries, local fishermen caught only enough fish for their own and their community"s needs. However, from the early 20th century, people around the world became interested consuming protein-rich foods. People began (catch) large quantities of fish for profit and selling them to worldwide markets. In a very short period of time, commercial fishing (great) reduced the number of large predatory fish, such as cod and tuna.

Today, there are still plenty of fish in the sea, they"re mostly just the little ones. Small fish, include sardines and anchovies, have more than doubled in number — largely because there are not enough big fish (eat) them.

Such large fish (be) necessary, because they hunt and kill the sick and weak smaller fish. Without this weeding out, or survival of the fittest, ecosystems become less stable. As a result, fish are less able to survive (difficult) such as pollution, environmental change, or changes in the food supply.


1. gone

2. themselves

3. in

4. catching

5. greatly

6. but

7. which

8. to eat

9. are

10. difficulties


1. 本题主要考查过去分词作形容词。结合句意,我们海洋中大多数大鱼都消失了。该空前出现 be 动词 are,be 动词后应用形容词或名词。go 的过去分词 gone 可作形容词,表示“消失的;死去的”。故正确答案为 gone。

2. 本题主要考查反身代词。结合句意,人们从海里捕捉太多的鱼以至于很多品种不能更新换代。该空前主语为 many species,谓语动词为 replace,此处是指很多鱼类来不及繁衍进行更新换代,因此宾语应为鱼类自己。故正确答案为 themselves。

3. 本题主要考查固定搭配。该空所在句子中,be interested in 表示“对……感兴趣”。结合句意,20世纪早期,世界各地的人们开始热衷于消耗蛋白质含量高的食物。故正确答案为 in。

4. 本题主要考查固定用法。结合句意,人们开始大量捕捉鱼类谋取利益并销向世界各地的市场。begin doing sth. 意为“开始做某事”,为固定用法。而 begin to do sth. 意为“准备去做某事,还没开始做”。此处描述的是过去时间上的一种现象,因此使用 catching 更为恰当。故正确答案为 catching。

5. 本题主要考查副词。结合句意,在很短时间内,商业捕鱼大大地减少了大型食肉鱼类的数量。该空所在句子中,应用副词修饰动词 reduce,因此使用 great 的副词形式 greatly。故正确答案为 greatly。

6. 本题主要考查连词。结合句意,如今,大海里依然有大量鱼类,但是它们大多数都是(体型)较小的鱼类。该空前后句子之间为转折关系,因此应填入表示转折的连接词。故正确答案为 but。

7. 本题主要考查非限定性定语从句。该空前先行词为 small fish,为物。分析句子,从句中缺少主语成分,且从句前有逗号隔开。引导非限定性定语从句且指代物,只能用 which。故正确答案为 which。

8. 本题主要考查动词不定式。结合句意,由于没有足够的大型鱼类去捕食小型鱼类,小型鱼类的数量比之前两倍还多。分析句子成分,该空所在句子主谓成分完整,此处动词不定式充当 big fish 的后置定语,表示“去捕食的大鱼”。故正确答案为 to eat。

9. 本题主要考查主谓一致。该空所在句子主语为 large fish,fish 用作可数名词指“鱼”时单数和复数形式相同,结合下文中的 they,可知此处为名词复数。因此 be 动词也应用复数形式 are。故正确答案为 are。

10. 本题主要考查名词。结合句意,鱼类在这些困境中生存能力较低。该空后所列举的困境不止一个,difficulty 在此处表示具体的困难,意为“困境,难处”,因此应使用其复数形式 difficulties。故正确答案为 difficulties。
