
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-06-01 03:22:01


这篇文章介绍了一种防止个人身份被盗和数据泄露高科技智能键盘。这几年的高考阅读中,好像都出现了跟大数据、互联网、智能电子产品密切相关的话题,例如,2018年的全国I卷阅读D篇是有关旧电子设备能耗, 2017年的江苏卷阅读C篇聊到数据的价值,称数据是新时代的石油。所以平时阅读时就要多留意了,当然不仅是为了考试,透过不同视角了解这些东西才是最有意思的。

"Smart" Keyboard Can ID You by How You Type

原文标题直接告诉我们关键词了,“smart” keyboard,smart意为“智能的”,比如smartphone智能手机,smart terminal智能终端,smart home 智能家居;

ID我们知道“身份证件”,是"identity" or "identification"缩写,但标题是作动词用,表示“确认,认出”;


As data breaches and identity theft become more and more common, the market is growing for biometric technologies—like fingerprint or iris scans—to keep others out of private e-spaces. They"re still expensive, though, and some balk at the prospect of having deeply personal identifiers taken and maintained by a third party.

data breaches 数据泄露,资料外泄identity theft 身份盗用the market is growing forbiometric 生物统计的biometric identifiers such as fingerprints or iris patterns 指纹、虹膜等生物识别码fingerprint scans 指纹扫描keep sth. out of 使……不进入e-space 电子空间,e-用在其他词前面可以表示通过因特网做成某事,电子的;又如e-mail电子邮件;e-shop网上商城; e-shopping 网上购物;e-commerce 电子商务;e-solutions电子方案;balk (at sth)·;to be unwilling to do sth or become involved in sth because it is difficult, dangerous, etc. 畏缩;回避例如:Many people would balk at setting up a new business during a recession. 经济衰退的时候,许多人都不愿开新公司。又如纽约时报一篇谈到华为禁令对欧洲影响的一段话:For months, Washington has been warning allies of security risks associated with Huawei, but several countries balked at its assessment. The Trump administration has threatened America’s intelligence-sharing relationship with Germany, Britain and other allies as Huawei sought to build their fifth-generation, or 5G, networks. The networks promise not only faster cellular service but also better wireless connections for “internet of things” devices like autonomous cars, security cameras and industrial equipment. 数月以来,华盛顿一直在就华为相关的安全风险向盟友提出警告,但几个国家拒不接受这样的评估。在华为寻求为相关国家铺设第五代、即5G网络之际,特朗普政府在拿情报分享关系威胁德国、英国及其他盟友。这种网络不仅能提供更快速的手机服务,还能为自动驾驶汽车、安全摄像头和工业设备等“物联网”设备提供更好的无线连接。

prospect : the possibility that something will happen可能性;希望prospect of doing sth例如:James and Lachlan were bitterly split over the prospect of selling 21st Century Fox to Disney. 詹姆斯和拉克兰在把21世纪福克斯出售给迪士尼一事上存在严重分歧。have sth. done:与过去分词连用 ,to cause sth to be done for you by sb else 让(他人)为你做(某事)例如:You"ve had your hair cut! 你理发了!



Researchers from Georgia Tech say they have come up with a low-cost device that gets around some of these issues: a smart keyboard. This contraption precisely measures the cadence with which one types and the pressure fingers apply to each key. These patterns are unique to each individual, says Jun Chen, a doctoral engineering student. By measuring how somebody types a password, he says, the keyboard can determine people"s identities, and thus, by extension, whether they should be granted access to the computer it"s connected to—regardless of whether someone gets the password right.

come up with 提出,想出get around:To get around a problem or difficulty means to overcome it. 解决例如: None of these countries has found a way yet to get around the problem of the polarization of wealth. 这些国家均未找到一个方案来解决贫富两极分化的问题。contraption:a piece of equipment or machinery that looks funny, strange, and unlikely to work well奇怪的机械装置,怪模怪样的玩意儿cadence /kedns/ :a regular repeated pattern of sounds or movements节律,节拍,节奏例如,散文《故乡的雨》“雨打乌篷,悠扬疾徐,如听音乐,如闻节拍”,英译为“The rain beating on the awning gave off a pleasant sound, as if with musical rhythm and cadence. ”by extension相关地;引申开来;再则;句子结构分析:①By measuring how somebody types a password, ②he says, ③the keyboard can determine people"s identities, and ④thus, by extension, ⑤whether they should be granted access to the computer ⑥it"s connected to ⑦—regardless of whether someone gets the password right.②是主句,③ ⑤ 是②的宾语从句的主句;①是由介词by引导的状语,表示方式方法,how引导宾语从句,作measuring的宾语;④是插入语;⑤是由and连接的宾语从句,作determine的第二个宾语;⑥是省略了关系代词的定语从句;⑦破折号后是一个补充说明,whether引导一个从句作为regardless of的宾语;

对比高考试题:高考试题将外刊原文一张图片下的文字编入这段话,即“ The keyboard could offer a stronger layer of security by analyzing things like the force of a user’s typing and the time between key presses.”意为“通过分析用户打字的力度和按键之间的间隔时间,智能键盘的安全性会更高。”

参考译文:佐治亚理工学院( Georgia Tech)的研究人员表示,他们已经开发出一种低成本的设备可以解决这些问题,即智能键盘。这个精巧的装置精确地测量了一个人打字的节奏,以及手指按压每个键的力度。工程学博士生陈军(音译)表示,这些模式因人而异,对每个人都是独一无二的。他说,通过测量一个人如何输入密码,这种键盘可以确定人们的身份,进而确定是否可以让他们访问已连接的电脑,不管这个人输入的密码是否正确。

It also doesn"t require a new type of technology that people aren"t already familiar with. "Everybody uses a keyboard...and everybody types differently," Chen says.

be familiar with 熟悉




The device also harnesses energy when fingers touch keys—energy that could be used to, for example, power a wireless emitter and eliminate the need for a cord. The keys are made of layers of polymers that harbor a slightly negative charge, whereas skin is partially positively charged, Chen explains. When fingers come into contact with the keys and press down, and lift again, they transfer electrons to the keys. This completes an electric circuit with the keyboard, producing a small current.

harness:to control and use the force or strength of sth to produce power or to achieve sth 控制,利用(以产生能量等)power :作动词用,to supply power to a vehicle or machine给〔车辆或机器〕提供动力,以动力驱动a wireless emitter 无线发射器eliminate :to completely get rid of something that is unnecessary or unwanted消除,根除;单词助记:e-, 向外;-limin, 界限,门槛;

polymer/"plm/:聚合物,多聚体negative charge 负电荷;positive charge 正电荷current:a flow of electricity through a wire电流 参考译文:当手指触碰按键时,这种设备还能利用能量——例如,这种能量可以为无线发射器供电,这样就不需要电线了。陈军解释说,键盘的按键是由含有少量负电荷的聚合物层构成的,而人体皮肤带有部分正电荷。当手指接触到键盘上的按键,按下,再抬起,电子就会转移到按键上,这就与键盘形成了一条电路,从而产生一个小电流。

This phenomenon, called "contact electrification," is the same process that creates static electricity, Chen says: "It"s like when you run your hand across a wool blanket and see "sparks" in the darkness." Only to a lesser and invisible degree.

contact electrification摩擦生电,接触起电static electricity 静电invisible :~ (to sb/sth) that cannot be seen 看不见的;隐形的例如:stars invisible to the naked eye 肉眼看不见的星球。单词助记:in-“不,非”,-vis-“看,看见”,- ible“可…的,能…的”。参考译文:这种现象被称为“接触起电”,和产生静电的过程是一样的。陈说:“这就像你的手穿过毛毯,在黑暗中看到‘火花’。”只是程度较低,看不见。

In a study describing the technology published in the journal ACS Nano, the researchers had 100 volunteers type the word “touch” four times using the keyboard. Data gleaned from the device could be used to identify individual participants based on how they typed, with very low error rates, Chen says. So far, there is just one working prototype of the intelligent keyboard. But, Chen says, it should be pretty straightforward to commercialize and is mostly made of inexpensive, plastic-like parts. The team hopes it could make it to market in about five years.

glean:~ sth (from sb/sth) to obtain information, knowledge etc., sometimes with difficulty and often from various different places 费力地收集,四处搜集(信息、知识等),高考使用collect代替。identify :高考使用了recognize,辨认出based on 以……为基础/根据error rate 出错率prototype : the first design of sth from which other forms are copied or developed 原型;雏形;最初形态;单词助记:proto-,原始的,最早的;type,种类;



对比高考真题:把“published in the journal ACS Nano”删去了,最后的in about five years改为in the near future,在不久的将来。

参考译文:ACS Nano杂志发表了一项描述这项技术的研究报告,研究人员让100名志愿者用这种智能键盘输入单词“touch”四次。陈军说,根据志愿者如何打字,从智能键盘上收集的数据可以用来识别他们,错误率非常低。到目前为止,这款智能键盘只有一个工作原型。但是,陈军说,这种智能键盘应该非常容易实现商业化,它主要是由廉价的塑料类零件制成。该研究团队希望智能键盘大约在五年后能上市。


(1)Why do the researchers develop the smart keyboard?

A. To reduce pressure on keys.

B. To improve accuracy in typing .

C. To replace the password system.

D. To cut the cost of e﹣space protection.

(2)What makes the invention of the smart keyboard possible ?

A. Computers are much easier to operate.

B. Fingerprint scanning techniques develop fast .

C. Typing patterns vary from person to person .

D. Data security measures are guaranteed.

(3)What do the researchers expect of the smart keyboard?

A.It"ll be environment ﹣friendly .

B.It"ll reach consumers soon.

C.It"ll be made of plastics .

D.It"ll help speed up typing .

(4)Where is this text most likely from ?

A.A diary .

B.A guidebook .

C.A novel.

D.A magazine.


