
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-06-03 05:56:01



1.(15分)Did you do one thing with many people?That is called "teamwork".

A boss of a(1) asked the people in his neighborhood for help.He had to(2) lots of books to his new store.(3) the new one was just in the near street,it wasn"t a(n) (4) thing.However,he had a good(5) .He put up a notice(张贴通知).It said ,"My store needed some(6) .And all people could come and help."

The boss wanted to finish the moving work in a week.But it didn"t take(7) so much time.In the beginning,there were only 10 people(8) between the old store and the new one.Soon,things got(9) .Many other people came to help him(10) .On the weekend,at least 250 people showed up.The boss was(11) that people in the neighborhood support(支持)him so much.So he decided to change(改变)the(12) of moving books.They stopped taking things(13) the old store to the new one by each person,but formed a human chain(组成人链).Then they just needed to pass (传递)(14) from person to person to send them to the new store.

The boss also(15) with these kind people.He felt happy to see the power (力量) of so many people doing one thing.



(1)If Mr.and Mrs White decide to go to Bali with their 6﹣year﹣old son,how much should they pay?

A.9,000 RMB

B.10,000 RMB

C.14,000 RMB

D.15,000 RMB

(2)Which of the following is TRUE?

A.If you take the trip to Bali,you won"t need to pay for your meals every day.

B.If you leave for Bali on July 5,you will come back on July 11.

C.Visitors can enjoy the sun in the morning at Tanah Lot Temple.

D.If you take the trip to Bali,you will visit at least six places.

(3)Where may the information come from?

A.Someone"s diary.

B.A travel magazine.

C.A storybook.

D.A notebook.

3.(8分)Hundreds of people joined the premiere(首映) of the movie My People,My Country at a Los Angeles Cinema on Sept 30.Waving(挥舞),people sang My People,My Country together at the start of the film.

The song was reworked (重新录制) for the movie by pop singer Faye Wong.Choosing(选择) seven short stories from seven directors,the film has drawn on the nation"s greatest technological and cultural achievements (国家重大科技文化事件)since(自从)

Yet the film does not focus on the historical moments themselves,but shows the important events through the eyes of common people.

The short story Going Home,for example,follows a clock repairer(修理工)(回归) of Hong Kong from British rule to China in 1997.Simon Yam plays the actor himself has experienced the historical moment himself. "On the day of Hong Kong"s return,I felt it wasn"t just a return to the motherland," he told China.org.cn. "When the flag was raised,I was filled with excitement and hope at that moment.I felt like(舒服的)". "

"If a person meets a historical moment,the inspiring power is unbelievable," Chen told China.org.cn.

Many people said they felt the deep love for our country while watching the movie.In a survey ranking audience satisfaction(观众满意度调查),My People,My Country came in first among 267 films made by Chinese directors since 2015.

(1)How did people probably feel when they were watching the premiere(首映) of the movie My People,My Country?


B.Sad .



(2)When did Hong Kong return from British rule to China ?

A.In 1949.

B.In 1997.

C.In 2015.

D.The passage didn"t tell us.

(3)Which is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The song of the movie was first performed(表演) by pop singer Faye Wong.

B.The film only focuses on the historical moments themselves.

C.The film has been the Chinese people"s favourite movie so far.

D.Simon Yam has experienced the historical moment himself.

(4)How does the writer introduce the movie?

A.By making comparison. (作比较)

B.By giving examples.(举例)

C.By determining a definition. (下定义)

D.By using famous people"s words.

4.(8分)One day,I was waiting to take a bus.It was 7pm.A young girl,about 16 years old

After listening to her story,I gave her 20 dollars at once and told her to take a taxi straight to her home.She was thankful and asked my information.She said she would pay back the money.I told my name and my address and then I took a bus home.

When I told this to my roommate(室友) Mike,he said(把戏)!I"m sure she is laughing at you.What do I care?You just lost your money." "But she was sad!" "Of course she looked sad.Maybe she had acted like this many times before she met you." He didn"t stop laughing at me the following days.

However,one week later,Mike handed me a letter(信),when Mike know that,the look on his face was really funny.

(1)What was the girl"s problem?

A.She got lost in the new city.

B.she didn"t know which bus to take.

C.She didn"t have money to go home.

D.she was afraid of going home by herself.

(2)Which of the following may be Mike"s idea according to paragraph 3?

A.The writer gave the girl too much money.

B.The girl didn"t really need money at that time.

C.The writer was kind and he should learn from him.

D.The girl was so poor and he also wanted to help her.

(3)How might Mike feel at last?





(4)What can we infer(推测) from the passage?

A.The writer met the girl in the morning.

B.Mike was smarter than the writer.

C.The girl asked many people for help.

D.The girl didn"t laugh at the writer.

5.(8分)How do you like your sibling?Many people don"t get on well with their siblings because of the differences in age,personality(性格) and habits.

Sharing a bedroom with your siblings may be something good.First ,if you"re scared of the dark,you"ll feel more comfortable if you stay in a room with another person.The same is true if you don"t like staying at home by yourself at night.Second

However,sharing a bedroom with your siblings also can be something bad.It may make your sleep worse.If you"re a light sleeper(浅睡眠),noisy siblings must be a problem.There"s also less private space(私人空间)(窗帘) or tall bookcases,but those aren"t always enough because ______.That makes you feel less comfortable.

As you can see,there are both good and bad things about sharing a room with your siblings.So,talk with your parents to see what works the best for you and your siblings!

(1)What may the "siblings" be?

A.mother and daughter.

B.brother and sister.

C.father and son.

D.teacher and student.

(2)Why is sharing a bedroom with siblings good for some people according to the second paragraph?

A.To help them feel comfortable at night and learn more.

B.To help then make more friends and have more fun.

C.To help them save a lot of money and get healthier.

D.To make them have more private place and feel better.

(3)What should the missing part in the blank be?

A.your siblings dislike a dirty room.

B.Your siblings are still around you.

C.Your siblings like to stay with you.

D.Your siblings like a quieter room.

(4)Which of the following can show the structure of the passage?





三. 任务型阅读(本题有5小题,每小题5分;共计5分)仔细阅读下面的英语句子, 然后从A---E 中选出与之最匹配的中文翻译。


(1)Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.

(2)Where there is a will ,there is a way.

(3)Love me ,love my dog.

(4)A friend in need is a friend indeed.

(5)A faithful friend is hard to find


7.(1分)Everyone should go to the (牙医)every three months.

8.(1分)Who is your favorite (作者)?

9.(1分)My best friend often makes me (笑).

10.(1分)I saw a movie yesterday,and it really made me (无聊的)to death.

11.(1分)My cousin fell down from the tree and (损坏)his left leg.

12.(1分)I always (想知道)why she can get better grades than me.

13.(1分)He spoke so (大声地) that everyone in the room can heard him clearly.

14.(1分)We all know that the best way to relax is t exercise.

15.(1分)Tina and Bill are good friends.They often study (一起) after school.

16.(1分)Did you buy anything for (你自己)?



Sports are very popular all over the world.They are good for our(1) ,and most people in the world like sports.In different seasons we can play different sports,and sometimes we play in the rooms and sometimes we play outside the rooms.

Li Xue ,a middle school student,likes(2) ping﹣pong very much.She plays it with her twin sister(3) a week.She often watches sports programs(4) TV,and she likes Ding Ning best.And Maybe Li Xue will become a ping﹣pong player like Ding Ning one day.What about you?Do you like sports?How(5) do you play sports?Every day?


18.(10分)What is a friend?For me,a good friend is(1) a mirror in my life.We should be similar(2) each other.My best friend is Larry.Both of (3) (we) are outgoing and talented(4) sports.We have many things(5) (talk) about and many things to do .I also think(6) good friend should stay with you both in good time(7) in bad time.A friend shouldn"t laugh at you when you make a mistake.A friend is someone you can depend on and he should try his best to help you get out of difficulties.A friend can always remember you in(8) (he) heart and you can remember him,too.A friend shouldn"t ask you(9) (do)bad things.He should make you excited when you (10) (be) sad.These are my ideas about friends.what are yours?Can we share them?


19.(20分)假如你叫Mary ,你有个好朋友叫Lisa,你们俩长的很像,留着长长的卷发,但你们也有很多不同之处。请根据下面表格中的提示



提示词:both;as ...as ,than,less hard﹣working,long straight hair,

Hello.I"m Mary.I have a good friend,Lisa.



1.【解答】(1)A 名词辨析。A书店,C电影院。根据后文He to(2)lots books his store.(可知。句意:一家书店的老板向他的邻居求助。

(2)B 动词辨析。A卖,C付费,根据后文The wanted finish moving in a 。可知。句意:他不得不把许多书搬到他的新书店。

(3)D 连词辨析。A当...时,C如果,结合语境可知,应用Although引导让步状语从句,但这并不是一件容易的事。

(4)B 形容词辨析。A健康的,C流行的,据后文He up a said store some help.可知,说明搬书并不是一件容易的事,但这并不是一件容易的事。

(5)A 名词辨析。A主意,C测试,根据后文He up a said store some(6).And people come help."可知。句意:然而。故选A。

(6)A 名词辨析。A帮手,C学生,根据And all people could come and help.可知。句意:上面写着:"我的商店需要一些帮手。"故选A。

(7)D 代词辨析。A我,C你,此处指代The boss,应用宾格代词him作take的宾语。故选D。

(8)C 动词辨析。A跳,C跑,根据后文They taking old to new by person formed a chain(组成人链).可知,因为人少,也就意味着10个人都在旧店和新店之间奔跑,只有10个人在旧店和新店之间奔跑。

(9)C 形容词辨析。A足够的,C不同的。从前面的只有10个人帮忙,说明情况不一样了,情况就不一样了。

(10)A 副词辨析。A快速地,C不开心地,从前面的只有10个人帮忙,说明很多人迅速赶来帮忙。故选A。

(11)D 形容词辨析。A疲倦的,C害怕的。从前面的只有10个人帮忙,可知老板对邻居们的支持感到惊讶,老板感到很惊讶。

(12)C 名词辨析。A结果,C方式,根据后文They taking old to new by person可知。句意:所以他决定改变搬书的方式。

(13)D 介词辨析。A在...面,C向,到。from...to..从..到...。句意:他们不再一个人把东西从旧商店搬到新商店。故选D。

(14)B 名词辨析。A链条,C电影。根据前文可知。句意:然后他们只需要把那些书从一个人传递到另一个人。故选B。

(15)C 动词辨析。A睡觉,C工作。此处指老板也加入到搬书的工作中。故选C。

2.【解答】(1)C.推理计算题。根据文中"Prices ,000 ;children:4 RMB"价格:成人(成人):5000元,计算可得14 RMB。

(2)D.细节理解题。根据文中Place visit下边可以知道能去的地方有:Pura Ayun Ulun Bratan Lot ,Celuck ,MAS 和Lake ,共六个地方。


3.【解答】(1)C.细节判断题。根据Hundreds of people joined the premiere(首映) of the movie My People,people sang My People,I was filled with excitement and hope at that moment.9月30日。电影开始时,一起唱起了《我和我的祖国》,那一刻我充满了兴奋和希望,他们可能会有兴奋感觉。

(2)B.细节理解题。根据...who saw the return of Hong Kong from British rule to China in 1997.他在1997看到香港从英国统治回到中国。故选B。

(3)D.推理判断题。根据Simon Yam plays the actor himself has experienced the historical moment himself. "On the day of Hong Kong"s return,but the return of hearts,I was filled with excitement and hope at that moment.I felt like,Simon Yam 饰演的演员自己也经历过历史时刻,我觉得这不仅仅是回归祖国,"他告诉中国网当国旗升起时。我感觉‘我们在家。"所以根据文章,表达是正确的。

(4)B.细节判断题。根据根据Simon Yam plays the actor himself has experienced the historical moment himself. "On the day of Hong Kong"s return,but the return of hearts,I was filled with excitement and hope at that moment.I felt like,Simon Yam 饰演的演员自己也经历过历史时刻,我觉得这不仅仅是回归祖国,"他告诉中国网当国旗升起时。我感觉:"我们在家。"所以作者是通过举例说明介绍这部电影。

4.【解答】(1)C 推理判断题。根据文章第二段的第一句"After listening to her story,听了她的故事,并给她叫了一辆出租车让她回家。故选:C。

(2)B 推理判断题。根据文章第三段This the trick(把戏) sure is at !我肯定她在嘲笑你,Mike觉得这是一场骗局,那个女孩并不是真的需要钱。

(3)C 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段However week ,Mike me a ,那个女孩最终给我寄了感谢信,与Mike认为的这是一场骗局,因此C项"尴尬的"。故选:C。

(4)D 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段She me the and me I would a money three later.可知,并把钱还了回来,截然相反。故选:D。

5.【解答】(1)B.词义猜测题。根据How do you like your sibling,personality and habits.Sharing a bedroom with your siblings may be something good.你觉得你的兄弟姐妹怎么样,因为他们的年龄。和你的兄弟姐妹共用一间卧室可能是件好事。故选B


(3)B.句子填空题。根据Sometimes in the same bedroom you can make two smaller "rooms"with curtains or tall bookcases but those aren" t always enough because...That makes you feelless comfortable.有时在同一间卧室里,但这还不够。所以是什么会让你不舒服。你的兄弟姐妹仍然在你身边。


6.【解答】(1)E.根据Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.可知,没有什么是困难的。也就是世上无难事只怕有心人。

(2)A.根据Where there is a will ,there is a way.可知。故选A。

(3)D.根据Love me ,love my dog.可知,爱我的狗。故选D。

(4)C.根据A friend in need is a friend indeed.可知患难中的朋友才是真正的朋友。也就是患难见真情。

(5)B.根据A faithful friend is hard to find.可知,忠实的朋友很难找到。故选B。

7.【解答】根据提示"牙医"可知,go to the dentist"去看牙医"固定搭配。




9.【解答】make sb do sth"让某人做某事"固定搭配。根据提示"笑"可知。


10.【解答】make sb+形容词"让某人......"固定搭配。根据提示"无聊的"可知。






















(4)in.考查介词.根据句意,我们俩都很外向。be talented in...在……方面有天赋。故答案为:in。

(5)to talk.考查动词.根据句意,我们有很多事情要谈。由下文many to ,可知上文也对应。故答案为:to talk。

(6)a.考查冠词.根据句意,我也认为一个好朋友应该和你们在一起。a good friend,固定表达。

(7)and.考查连词.根据句意,我也认为一个好朋友应该和你们在一起。good time和bad time是并列关系。故答案为:and。


(9)to do.考查动词.根据句意,朋友不应该要求你做坏事,固定搭配。


19.【解答】Hello.I"m Mary.I a good ,Lisa.We look both straight ,but I am less ,so she is very shy.She doesn"t like sports.She hardly does sports.She is smart and studies hard.(Lisa的不同之处)
