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句子大全 2023-06-03 05:57:01



1.(15分)Books have magical power.They make people wiser and(1) .And between the pages,book readers can (2) anywhere imaginable and become just about anyone.(3) ,many children all over the world don"t have a chance to read.

For several years,Maria Keller,(4) teenager from Minneapolis,Minnesota,has been trying to change that.When she was(5) ,Maria already loved reading.She was surprised to find that classmates didn"t read as much as she did.She asked her mother:"(6) is that?

"That"s probably because they were not able to buy books (7) .Books are too expensive for them."said her mother.So she decided(8) it.

(9) her mother"s help,Maria created an organization to collect and send books to children in need.At the beginning,Maria set the goal(目标)(10) to collect and send 1,000,000 books in 10 years.(11) didn"t take long to reach that goal.So far,she has collected over 2,400

She said:"As I continue my work,I have learned that (12) kids have no books.So I just can"t give up,even after(13) my goal."

She recently set a new goal to send books to kids in every state in the US,and every country in the world.(14) her hard work,many children have changed their life.Hopefully,more people(15) to pass on her kindness.


2.(15分)As a child,I was easy to get angry and wasn"t good at communicating with people I still remember it was in early (1) .Some leaves started to turn yellow and the weather became cool.One day,as I was getting ready for school,my mother hurried to my room and (2) handed me my father"s vest(背心).At that time,I had a (3) size than my father,so when I put on the vest,

I felt as if I wasn"t able to breathe!I realized that it was a small (4) made by my mother,but somehow the breathless feeling made me very angry.My mother said sorry with a smile,but I (5) her without thinking much.I took it off so wildly that I made a hole in it.I put on my own vest and (6) out of the house before my mother could stop me.I just couldn"t stay there for one more second!

Later,my mother shared her(7) feelings with my father,"See what your son has done!.."Instead of speaking angrily about me or saying he would beat me,my father(8) asked my mother to mend the vest.

Later when my mother told me about my father"s response(反应),I felt terribly(9) for what I had done.My father"s gentle kindness taught me a lesson which I would never forget.

From that day on,I have learned to(10) myself.Of course,there are times when I am angry.Whenever that happens,I will try to remember my father"s vest.It always reminds me to think about others and be kind to others.

三、阅读(共两节,满分22分)第一节 阅读理解(共3小题;每小题6分,满分22分)阅读下列短文,从26-36各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

3.(6分) Me:Hello,Television viewers,welcome to Alien X !I am Aziza Bellamy.I want to thank you,for coming to our interview on television.Now,I understand that you are from a planet called Zadernol.

Bertha:Just call me Miss Bertha or Bertha,please,but not "Ms."

Me:Okay,sorry about that.So,you"ve been on Earth for about a week now.What have been your biggest difficulties up to now?

Bertha:It"s the worst planet I"ve ever been to.The aliens﹣oops,I mean humans,have been unkind,for example,were nice at first.

But now they" re not interested in any of my stories.Worst of al1,they make me wash my own dishes and bathe myself.They" re so rude .

Me:Oh,um...wow.That"s just....

Bertha:I have stayed with kings on other planets.And they all respected me and asked me not to leave.But I gave this ordinary family a chance to host me.I mean,really,they should be thankful that I chose them.They should help me wash my clothes and cook my meals.

Me:Well,what you" re saying is surprising,Bertha.Do you think it"s possible that this family just wants you to do something

Bertha:It"s strange to me that you" re not agreeing with me.If you are smarter,you will agree with me.Everyone on Zadernol is smarter than the smartest person on Earth.Earth is below me.

Me:You know what,Bertha?I find you yourself didn"t do anything at all.I"m starting to see why you"re so unhappy here on Earth.You"re just a boastful(自夸的)alien

(1)Who is hosting the interview?

A.Aziza Bellamy.



D.Alien X

(2)Which of the following shows Aziza"s opinion on Bertha?

A.I"m starting to see why you"re so unhappy here on Earth.

B.So,you"ve been on Earth for about a week now.

C.I understand that you are from a planet called Zadernol.

D.You"re just a boastful alien,requiring everything done for you.

(3)What can we learn from the interview?

A.Bertha helped Aziza know much about Zadernol.

B.It was a pleasant interview because Bertha was polite.

C.Bertha always thought about herself instead of others.

D.Bertha was welcomed on other planets as she was very clever.

4.(8分)A horse fair is an interesting place.There were young and beautiful horses from the country,but there were also a lot of poor,thin horses

At the horse fair,a man with a gentle voice and kind grey eyes,offered 23 pounds for me,but he walked off.Then the grey﹣eyed man came back again and said:

"I"ll give 24 for him."

"Done,"said the salesman."He"s an excellent horse,and if you want him for cab(出租马车),he"s a bargain.You"ll get paid a lot more from its work.

Half an hour later we went for London,along country roads,until we came to that great city.We went into one of the small streets,old houses.My owner stopped at a house.The door opened,and a woman,came out.

"Is he gentle,father?"

"Yes,Dolly,as gentle as a little cat

Dolly patted my shoulder without fear.It felt so good!They led me into a comfortable,clean stable,and after a delicious meal I lay down to sleep

My new owner Jerry and his wife Polly had two children,Harry and Dolly.The next morning they came to see me.I loved it when they patted me and spoke in gentle voices

"Let"s call him Jack,after the old horse,shall we

"OK"said Harry.

The first week of my life as Jack,the London cab horse,was very hard.The noise,and that helped a lot.Jerry soon found that I was ready to work hard and do my best,and he didn"t hit me.He kept me very clean

(1)A horse fair is a place for .

A.people to learn to ride horses

B.horses to learn living skills

C.people to sell and buy horses

D.horses to have a rest from hard work

(2)What did the salesman mean by saying "he is a bargain"?

A.The buyer is giving a good price.

B.The horse is well worth the price.

C.The buyer is gentle and hard﹣working.

D.The horse is gentle and good﹣looking.

(3)What is the right order of the following events?

a.The horse first slept in the comfortable stable.

b.The horse worked as the London cab horse.

c.The horse got its new name "Jack".

d.The horse got to London.

e.A grey﹣eyed man bought the horse





(4)Living and working in London with Jerry"s family,Jack felt .

A.relaxed and helpless

B.cheerful but impatient

C.tired and afraid

D.challenged but satisfied

5.(8分) When you hear of penguins,you may connect them with white snow.Have you heard one kind of penguin that doesn"t love snow but warmer weather?For many people,it may sound strange

African penguins live on the coast and islands of southern Africa.They make sounds to communicate.They can dive under water for up to 2.5 minutes while tying to catch small fish.They may also eat other sea animals.

The African penguin is about 60 cm tall and weighs up to 3.6 kg.Their short tails and wings help them swim in the water,while their feet help push them forward.

Covered in feathers,white on the belly and black on the back,African penguins can keep off water and keep dry.

African penguins do not travel to give birth.The penguins nest in holes out of their own excrement(粪便),called guano,or they nest in areas under bushes.People now take away the guano for fertilizer(肥料).

It has made the penguins change their habits and they have to nest mainly under bushes.Their nests protect eggs and baby penguins from the sun and from animals like cats and seabirds.Both parents also give food to the newly born babies.

African penguins can live for about 10﹣15 years,but many do not reach their full life age,and the number of them has been reducing.African penguins are losing their nesting places.As the weather changes,African penguins are now ir great danger of dying out.So we should try to help them,like volunteering or raising money for them.

(1)In Paragraph 1,the writer mainly wants to .

A.compare two kinds of penguins

B.raise people"s interest in African penguins

C.check people"s knowledge about African penguins

D.give detailed descriptions about two kinds of penguins

(2)According to Paragraph 2﹣3,which of the following about African penguins is NOT true?

A.They can communicate by making sounds.

B.They use tails,wings and feet when they swim.

C.They are black on the belly and white on the back.

D.They live on sea creatures,such as little fish.

(3)The underlined word "it" in Paragraph 4 refers to " ".

A.nesting in holes


C.taking away the guano


(4)According to the last paragraph,there are fewer and fewer African penguins because .

①the weather changes

②African penguins change their habits

③people catch too many fish

④the sea is polluted

⑤penguin parents don"t look after their babies





第二节 阅读填空(共1小题;每小题5分,满分5分)阅读短文及文后A-E选项,选出可以填入37-41各题空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

6.(5分)Have you ever found yourself waiting at the bus stop,and a stranger may ask you a common question?(1) This is a small talk,and it"s actually a big part of daily life.

(2) But it"s a natural way for people to connect.It may seem like a waste of time,but it plays an important role in our communication.In fact,we spend lots of our time making small talks.(3) But the good point of small talks is that it can make us happy and improve our lives.

(4) It can be as simple as saying something nice about one"s shirt,asking about their day or discussing about the traffic.A small talk is an act of politeness.Our small talk at our first meeting is a chance to show who we are .

Who knows where this can lead?(5) You might find someone who share the same interest,or maybe even someone who turns out to be your close friend.There is one thing for sure:small talks can make our days bright.

So next time take the minute to look up and talk to someone around you.After all it takes a small connection to lead to a larger one.

A.How does one start making a small talk?

B.Small talks may not seem necessary.

C.Besides,we find ourselves making small talks just with the same people.

D.Or you may want to ask the person next to you about the weather.

E.Nowadays,making small talks can lead to big results.

四、写作(共三节,满分5分)第一节 语篇填词(共1小题;每小题5分,满分5分)根据短文的内容及首字母提示写出文中所缺单词。

7.(5分)Dogs are excellent pets,friendly and smart.Most dogs are good with people.Some dogs,like watch dogs(1) to warn people that strangers are coming close.Some bark to e(2) their feelings,such as loneliness and happiness .

Many people wonder how to f(3) their dogs.In fact,dogs eat almost anything!Their m(4) includes meat,rice,biscuits,especially in summer.

Remember that dogs need exercise.Don"t keep your dog inside all day.It will feel b(5) .You should take it for a daily walk to cheer it up.Remember,big dogs need longer walks than small ones.



Dad in the early morning yesterday.


a good way to show your politeness.


The poor dog met a kind girl and well by her.


I wonder how to people animals.


Mum my birthday party when I home yesterday.


Xiaoming to tell his parents the truth.


They to wait for the police to save them at that time.

第三节 书面表达(共1小题;满分15分)





Hello,everyone.I would like to share my ideas of our future life.________.

That"s all.Thanks for listening.


1.解答:(1)B.形容词辨析 wiser ,and是并列关系,句意:读书能让人聪明和强壮。

(2)C.动词辨析,读者可以被带到任何可以想象的地方,主语是动作的承受者,构成是be done。


(4)A.冠词辨析,用于首字母发音是辅音音素前,用于首字母发音是元音音素前,D不填,来自明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯的青少年Maria 。泛指,故选A。


(6)C.疑问词辨析,B什么,D哪个 probably they not to books她的妈妈告诉她是因为也许他们买不起书 ,故选C。






(12)B.数词辨析 of数百万是固定短语。




2.解答:(1)C.名词辨析。A.春季;C.秋季。根据后文Some started turn and weather cool.一些树叶开始变黄。可知是秋天。


(3)C.形容词辨析。A.较薄的;C.较大的。根据后文so I put the ,I felt if I able breathe所以当我穿上马甲时。可知我的尺寸较大。故选C。


(5)B.动词辨析。A.嘲笑;C.与...交谈。根据上文the feeling me angry这种喘不过气来的感觉让我很生气,因为生气所以朝母亲大声喊叫。


(7)B.形容词辨析。A.好的;C.无聊的。根据下文See your has !看看你儿子做了什么,因为我的行为使得母亲心情不好。


(9)D.形容词辨析。A.生气的;C.紧张的。根据下文My gentle taught a lesson I would forget我父亲的温柔善良给了我一个我永远不会忘记的教训。故选D。

(10)C.动词辨析。A.放松;C.控制。根据下文Of ,there times I am that ,I will to my vest.当然。每当这种情况发生时。可知我开始学习控制自己。

3.解答:(1)A.细节理解题。根据"Hello viewers to X !I am Bellamy"电视观众们,欢迎来到外星人X 。可知 Bellamy。

(2)D.细节判断题。根据"You"re a boastful(自夸的)alien everything for ,什么事都要别人为你做,该句显示了Aziza对Bertha的看法。

(3)C.细节推理题。根据"they be that I them.They help wash clothes cook meals"他们应该感谢我选择了他们。以及"You"re a boastful(自夸的)alien everything for ,什么事都要别人为你做,Bertha很自私总是想到自己而不是别人。

4.解答:(1)C.细节理解题。根据第一段"A fair an place.There young beautiful from country there also a of ,thin ,tired hard 。有许多来自乡下又年轻又漂亮的马,它们因为辛苦工作而疲惫不堪 the fair,a with a voice kind eyes 23 for ,but refused"在马市上、有着一双和蔼的灰眼睛的人出价23英镑要买我。可知。故选C。

(2)B.句意理解题。根据前句"He"s excellent ,and you him cab(出租马车)work"它是匹好马。以及后句"You"ll paid a more its 。可推知 is a 。故选B。

(3)A.文章顺序题。根据"Then grey﹣eyed came again said: give for "Done the 。"成交"推销员说;根据"Half hour we for ,along roads we to great ,沿着乡间小路。可知"马到了伦敦"是第二件事 led into a ,clean ,and a delicious I lay to ,美餐一顿后。

可知"马第一次睡在舒适的马厩里"是第三件事 call Jack the horse we?"said "OK"said ,用那匹老马的名字,哈里。"OK"哈利说;根据"The week my as ,the cab ,was hard"我成为杰克在伦敦拉出租马车生活的第一个星期非常辛苦。综上所述。

(4)D.细节推理题。根据最后一段"The week my as ,the cab ,was hard.The ,the and traffic the scared 。街上的噪音。以及"He me clean gave as food I wanted.But best was I had off"他让我保持干净。但最棒的是。可推知,杰克感到有挑战。故选D。

5.解答:(1)B.推理判断题。根据When hear penguins may them white you one of that love but weather,你可能会把它们和白雪联系起来?可知作者说出非洲企鹅不同于其他企鹅的特点是为了引起读者的兴趣。

(2)C.理解判断题。根据Covered feathers on belly black the ,African can off and dry.非洲企鹅全身长满羽毛,背部黑色,保持干燥。故选C。

(3)C.词义猜测题。根据前文People take the for 。可知是这件事导致企鹅改变习惯。故选C。

(4)D.细节理解题。根据African are their places.As weather ,fewer are their is enough a result overfishing pollution.As ,African are ir danger dying 。随着天气的变化。由于过度捕捞和污染。可知包括①③④。


(1)D.根据前句"Have you ever found yourself waiting at the bus stop,and a stranger may ask you a common question,一个陌生人可能会问你一个共同的问题,结合选项。故选D。

(2)B.根据后句"But it"s a natural way for people to connect.It may seem like a waste of time,but it plays an important role in our communication."但这是一种自然的沟通方式,但在我们的交流中起着重要的作用,结合选项。故选B。

(3)C.根据前句"In fact,we spend lots of our time making small talks."事实上。可知说的是很多人都在闲聊,应说此外。故选C。

(4)A.根据后句"It can be as simple as saying something nice about one"s shirt,比如对自己的衬衫说点好话。可知说的是如何开始,应说一个人如何开始闲聊呢。

(5)E.根据前句"Who knows where this can lead?谁知道这会导致什么后果,结合选项,闲聊可以带来大的结果。


(2)express ..考查动词.句意:有些狗吠叫以表达他们的感觉。express表达

(3)feed ..考查动词.句意:许多人好奇如何给狗喂食。how to do sth.故答案为feed.

(4)meals.考查名词.句意:它们的食物包括肉、饼干等等。由meat,biscuits so


8.解答:根据题干,可知考查:set out出发。

故答案为set out.

9.解答:根据题干,可知考查:shak hands握手,时态是一般现在时

故答案为Shaking hands is.

10.解答:根据题干,可知考查:be looked after被……照顾,用动词过去式。

故答案为was looked after.

11.解答:根据题干,可知考查:stop...from doing sth阻止某人做某事。how to do sth如做某事。

故答案为stop;from killing.

12.解答:根据题干,可知考查:prepa for为……做准备。由句意可知主句时态是过去进行时,接was+doing。

故答案为was preparing for;got.

13.解答:根据题干,可知考查:It"s brave of sb to do sth某人做某事是勇敢的。

故答案为It"s brave of.

14.解答:根据题干,可知考查:have no choice but to do sth除了做某事别无选择。

故答案为had no choice but.

15.解答:Hello,everyone.I would like to share my ideas of future life.(点题)

We will lead a healthy,green,why not try a round and soft eatable bubble,they will be in the shape of spaceships with electrical appliances.They will use solar power and be controlled by computers.Smart and green?When it comes to travelling,it will take you anywhere anytime safely and conveniently.How amazing it is

I believe these great changes will make our life much more interesting and comfortable.I am looking forward to it .(总结全文)
