
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-06-04 06:43:01

一,开始很美 过程很累 结局很悲 清醒很难.

It"s a beautiful start, it"s a tiring process, it"s a sad ending, it"s hard to wake up.


We always use the most indifferent attitude to say the most disobedient words.


What you care too much about is always bothering you

四,我没事 只是心累了 睡一觉 所有的伤口就都愈合了

I"m fine. I"m just tired. Get some sleep and all the wounds will heal

五,我想的不是你 是曾经掏心掏肺的自己.

I"m not thinking about you. I"m thinking about yourself.

六,遇见了就热烈欢迎 分开了就坦然接受

If you meet me, give me a warm welcome. If you leave me, just accept it


I just want to see you end up not belonging to me.


Pay more, after all, is missed

九,挤不进去的世界就不要挤了 碍了别人的眼 累了自己的心

Do not squeeze into the world do not squeeze in the eyes of others tired of their own hearts

十,什么都别说坐着陪我吹吹风 我没有烟没有酒听我说说孤独

Don"t say anything. Sit and blow me. I don"t have any cigarettes, I don"t have any alcohol. Listen to me. Lonely

十一,糖就是我的生活 它甜的时候很幸福 它苦的时候生活很累

Sugar is my life. It"s happy when it"s sweet. It"s tired when it"s bitter

十二,仙人掌做不了花 没办法让人捧在手心里

Cactus can"t make flowers. There"s no way to hold them in your hand

十三,很羡慕刺猬的爱情 不管伤多深都会在一起

Envy hedgehog love no matter how deep the injury will be together


The sense of security comes from a full cell phone

十五,别指望着一切都会维持原样 任何事情都会变化的 人更是如此

Don"t expect everything to stay the same, especially people who change everything

十六,一个连我废话都不会忽略的男孩子 才是我最想要的

A boy who won"t even ignore my bullshit is what I want most

十七,在无数个瞬间我都在想 你在就好了结果还是我一个人难过了所有的这个时刻

For countless moments, I was thinking, I wish you were here, and I"m still sad all by myself

十八,梦是个很可怕的东西 总在你毫无防备的时候 让你想记起你费尽心思想要忘记的人

Dreams are a terrible thing. They always remind you of someone you"ve been trying so hard to forget when you"re unprepared
