
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-06-05 02:26:01


第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A. 19.15. B. 9. 18. C. 9.15. .答案是C。

1.(1.5分)What was the original price of the jacket?




2.(1.5分)What are the speakers talking about?

A.How to go to school.

B.Whether to repair the car.

C.Where to take the bus.

3.(1.5分)Where will the speakers meet?

A.In the parking lot.

B.Inside the main gate.

C.In the woman"s office.

4.(1.5分)Who will begin the lecture now?

A. Dr. White.

B. Dr. Sally.

C. Prof. Williams.

5.(1.5分)What does the woman think of the man"s eating habit?

A. Unhealthy.

B. Unusual.

C. Uninteresting.

第二节(共 15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A.B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

6.(3分)(1)Why is the man leaving work?

A. To get a better job.

B. To have higher education.

C. To start his own company.

(2)What"s the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Colleagues.

B. Schoolmates.

C. Friends.

7.(4.5分)(1)What did the woman forget to do this morning?

A.To turn off her radio.

B.To talk with her neighbor.

C.To give her dad a message.

(2)When does the woman wake up every morning?

A.At four.

B. At four thirty.

C. At five.

(3)Why does the woman feel tired?

A.She can"t sleep well because of the noise.

B.Her father is always angry with her.

C.She is very busy with her work.

8.(4.5分)(1)When did the man use to listen to the song Dancing Queen?

A. Before he took an exam.

B. After he finished the exams.

C. When he was taking the subway.

(2)What is the man"s favorite music?

A. Dancing Queen.

B. The show.

C. Angels.

(3)What"s the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Interviewee and interviewer.

B. Teacher and student.

C. Singer and fan.

9.(6分)(1)Why is Carol going to America?

A. To attend a training program.

B. To carry out some research.

C. To take a vacation.

(2)How long will Carol stay in America?

A. A few days.

B. Two weeks.

C. Three months.

(3)What does Carol think of her apartment?

A. It"s expensive.

B. It"s good.

C. It"s inconvenient.

(4)What does Bill offer to do for Carol?

A. Recommend her apartment to Jim.

B. Find a new apartment for her.

C. Take care of her apartment.

10.(4.5分)(1)How did the speaker gain useful information about fashion?

A. From the teachers.

B. From the magazines.

C. From the websites.

(2)How long did the audience need to wear hats at the show?

A. For half an hour.

B. The whole evening.

C. For fifteen minutes.

(3)What is included in the ticket price?

A. Soft drinks.

B. Programs.

C. Food.

第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 40分)第一节(共4小题;每小题6分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

11.(6分)Here are some of the best apps that can help to push you into a more beneficial way of living.


Habitica turns the goal of forming good habits into a game,with its own characters and scoring.It"s a lot of fun,and the app also lets you build habits with friends and family.In addition to regular repeating habits,and the rewards you get can be customized too﹣you could treat yourself to a meal out or an extra hour of games.

Smoke Free

If you"ve got a specific habit in mind,then you"ll usually find specific apps to help,like Smoke Free.If you"re determined to give up smoking,charts showing how your health is improving,day﹣by﹣day encouragement

My Fitness Pal

You can find a ton of health and fitness apps for your phone,but My Fitness Pal stands out not just because it is easy to use,but because it makes practical suggestions for you.It can take in a host of data,and offer reports on calorie consumption and macro nutrient (大量营养素)breakdown.

(1)What does Smoke Free provide users with?

A.A general to﹣do list.

B.Advice on healthy dieting.

C.Week﹣by﹣week encouragement.

D.Charts about the health condition.

(2)What can My Fitness Pal help you do?

A.Develop a good habit.

B.Win a tough game easily.

C.Know how much calorie you have consumed.

D.Order nutritious meals from a fancy restaurant.

(3)What do the three apps have in common?

A.Being free of charge.

B.Offering some advice to the users.

C.Providing interesting games.

D.Helping users develop a healthy lifestyle.

12.(8分)Ever since Earth formed roughly 4.5 billion years ago,its climate has gone through a number of incredible changes.

All you have to do is look at images of the Jurassic Period(侏罗纪时期)to know that at one time,much of our planet was covered in extremely hot and humid jungle.Skip ahead a couple million years and you get to an ice age event,others successfully adapted,and some are even still with us today.

Now,scientists are eager to find out how the world"s species will react.The idea was highlighted in a study published on April 6 in the journal PNAS,which showed that between 1970 and 2010,sea temperatures in those regions had risen by roughly 0.2°C.

The lower numbers aren"t a sign of all the sea creatures dying off though.In fact,the scientists found some of them outside of their traditional habitats,meaning that if a species can migrate to cooler waters and adapt in a new environment

However,those movements aren"t always a good thing;species that can"t move,which is fixed to the seabed,rely on the fish and other sea creatures to contribute to the natural food chain and stay healthy.Additionally,it threatens to disrupt the ecosystem that already exists there.

Depending on the species,it can take anywhere from one generation to thousands and thousands of years to properly adapt,so the changes that have occurred in just the last 40 years are very troubling for scientists.As Sebastian Ferse,Germany,explained,this has occurred in the blink (眨眼)of an eye.To see such changes occurring so rapidly is something quite alarming."

(1)What can we infer from Paragraph 2?

A.Some species that adapted to the climate changes survived.

B.Most species were able to deal with the changing climate patterns.

C.Global temperature experienced a huge drop during Jurassic Period.

D.Much of our planet was covered in humid jungle during ice age event.

(2)How did some sea creatures survived climate changes according to the scientists?

A.By changing their food chain.

B.By adjusting their own temperature.

C.By moving to other places and adapted.

D.By human beings" protecting.

(3)What does the underlined word "disrupt" in Paragraph 4 mean?





(4)Which word best describes scientists" attitudes to the migration of species?





13.(8分)Time for people to pick up their boom boxes(音箱)and dust off their sneakers.Breaking,or competitive break dancingthe gold.

On Dec 7,the International Olympic Committee (IOC)announced that breaking would be an Olympic sport at the 2024 Paris Summer Olympics.It will be the latest modern sport to be added to the Games.

IOC President Thomas Bach said that the new addition of breaking could help the Olympics event be "more youthful". "We had a clear priority(优先事项)," Bach said."And also to take into consideration the urbanization (城市化)of sport."

Breaking was originally part of early hip﹣hop culture in New York in the 1970s.In the decades since,it has spread globally,enjoying huge popularity beyond the US and particularly across Europe and Asia.Though breaking is often categorized as a style of street dance

"Back in the Bronx in New York,when it first started,it was always neighborhoods of kids just battling each other

"Breaking competitions typically consist of one﹣on﹣one battles in which one competitor challenges his or her rival with different moves and the other responds.It"s a sport/art just as physically demanding as high﹣intensity dancing and acrobatics(杂技)",Montalvo added.

But as an art,breaking also features coordination and creativity.Some combinations of moves can be practiced,but much of a round is improvised(即兴的),breaking is accepted by young dancers across the world who are motivated by the prospect of representing their countries at the world"s biggest sporting event.

(1)What does the underlined words "the gold" in Paragraph 1 refer to?

A.The coins made of gold.

B.The gold medal.

C.Great wealth.

D.The deep yellow color.

(2)Why can breaking help the Olympics be more youthful?

A.It has a short history.

B.It reflects the urbanization of sport.

C.It is a new addition to the Olympics.

D.It is popular with the younger generation.

(3)What might be the most challenging for breakers according to the author?


B.High intensity.

C.Physical coordination.

D.Dancing techniques.

(4)What"s the purpose of the text?

A.To stress the importance of breaking.

B.To introduce a new Olympic event﹣breaking.

C.To throw light on the rules of breaking.

D.To make a brief historical overview of breaking.

14.(8分)China has many different dialects.For example,people call grandmas "laolao" in northern China,while people from southern China use the word "waipo".But surprisingly

According to National Geographic,a scientist at Aarhus University in Denmark spent six years studying sperm whales(抹香鲸),which communicate through very loud clicks.The scientist,found that sperm whales in the Caribbean ocean had different clicks from those in the Pacific ocean.

Gero even "translated" the clicks from a group of Caribbean sperm whales,believing them to say,"I"m from the Caribbean,reported National Geographic.As well as being used for communication,the clicks also allow whales to bond with one another

Apart from sperm whales,other animals like birds,apes and wolves all have different regional accents.In order to figure out the reason behind this(猕猴)and two Japanese macaques,to be raised by each other"s respective parents.After observing the young animals for some time,The Washington Post reported.

"In most species,communication appears to have a genetic basis," Columbia University professor Darcy Kelley explained in The Washington Post.Nevertheless,animals can learn from others and develop their own accents.

Fruit flies are a good example.According to Science Daily,they send messages through their wing movements.Scientists found that fruit flies can only communicate efficiently with others of the same species.However,they can learn new dialects by spending time around other species.

"A proper accent is crucial to mating (交配)and warning of the coming of enemies,which is the basis of survival

(1)What do we know from Gero"s study?

A.Sperm whales have the same accent as apes.

B.Sperm whales communicate through loud clicks.

C.Caribbean and Pacific sperm whales have different clicks.

D.Caribbean sperm whales are more active than Pacific sperm whales.

(2)What does Seyfarth"s experiment imply?

A.Animals have their unique accents.

B.The same species still keep their own dialects.

C.Many animals can learn other new accents.

D.Rhesus and Japan macaques share the same accent.

(3)What effect do dialects have on animals?

A.Having a better chance of survival.

B.Fighting with the other species for food.

C.Better communicating with other species.

D.Passing on information to the next generation.

(4)What can be the best title for the text?

A.Animals" communication

B.Dialects and survival

C.Regional dialects

D.Dialects of animals


15.(10分)What springs to mind when you think of kung fu,also known as wushu?Maybe the image of Shaolin monks striking fierce poses with a serious look in his eyes,or popular children"s movies like Kung Fu Panda.(1)

Recently,Laurence J.Brahm,a documentary filmmaker from the United States,Brahm travelled to cities in China and the US in search of the origin and value of kung fu.

Around a decade ago,Brahm was unable to use one of his legs for about two years and had to walk with crutches and a cane. (2) Now kung fu has become a daily routine for him.

"Martial arts can help us connect our body,connect our neural system,connect our blood flow. (3) " Brahm said.

(4) Nonviolence is one of these values,which is shown both in the name and the practice.Wu,consists of two characters﹣ge(匕首)and zhi,meaning "to stop".(5) Kung fu artists always salute with baoquan.This lets each person know that there are no hidden weapons and shows trust.

A.Brahm"s appreciation of kung fu is obvious.

B.Still others find additional values in the practice.

C.Chinese kung fu is a mirror of Chinese culture.

D.But do they really reveal the meaning of kung fu?

E.Besides,it can also connect us into our environment to increase our awareness.

F.But by practicing martial arts slowly,he was able to recover step by step.

G.So,the meaning of kung fu in Chinese is the art of stopping fighting,the art of nonviolence.


16.(30分)Dear Dale,

I have a crush(喜欢)on a girl in my class,but I haven"t told her.I know being at high school isn"t the best time to start a relationship(1) myself.


Dear Li,

Being a(n)(2) is normally the time when we begin to think about(3) ,and everyone always remembers their first(4) .

However,there are a few things you should(5) .

First,you must remember that a senior student"s top priority is to study as(6) as possible.This means that if two students were to(7) a relationship with one another,they may get distracted(分散注意力)from their(8) .

And (9) it might be nice to have a boyfriend or girlfriend to(10) your life with,high school relationships don"t normally(11) forever﹣ your final grade will,(12)

Second,you should consider your school"s(13) .Many schools don"t allow their students to have relationships,so keep that in(14) .

That said,there"s no(15) that you can"t make friends with a person you have a crush on.(16) ,the other girl or boy may not even feel the same way about you﹣but that doesn"t mean you can"t be good(17) .

In the meantime,(18) on your studies more than your love life﹣ at least until you graduate from senior high school.

It may seem like you have no(19) to do what you want right now.But once all the hard work of being a senior is over,you"ll be free to(20) whoever you like.


第二节(共1小题;每小题 1.5分,满分15分)阅读下列材料,在空白处填人1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

17.(15分)After travelling more than seven months in space,Tianwen 1 is one step(1) (close)to Mars!Tianwen 1,China"s first Mars probe,(2) (enter)Mars orbit in February successfully.It will stay in in orbit for about three months before landing on the red planet.

A small step on the red planet is a big step for human beings.Humans(3) (launch)46 Mars exploration missions since October 1960,(4) only 19 of them have been successful.It"s China"s first spacecraft to Mars,and the missions are rather(5) (ambition).

Tianwen 1 aims(6) (achieve)"orbiting,landing, (7) will make the country the world"s first to accomplish all three goals with one probe.

Among the three tasks,touchdown on the red planet is the most difficult.The result:mainly depends(8) the "breathtaking seven minutes," which will involve multiple cutting﹣edge(9) (technology)and accurate timing of each action,(10) (include)the burning of engines and opening of parachutes (降落伞)to ensure a safe landing.

第四部分写作(共两节,满分 35分)第一节短文改错(共 10小题;每小题10分,满分10分)







We held a class meeting last Saturday,which main topic was "Motherland in My Heart".It lasted about two hour.Many students spoke at a meeting.We sing the praises of our motherland.We spoke of the brightly future of our country and expressed our determination to studying hard.As a result,we can make our country even good.Our class meeting was a great success

第二节书面表达(满分 25分)



















11.解答:(1)D.细节理解题。根据第三段中"The ability to see your progress over time,day﹣by﹣day encouragement,图表显示你的健康状况如何改善,以及一些关于戒烟技术的建议)"可知。故选D.

(2)C.细节理解题。根据第四段中"It can take in a host of data,and offer reports on calorie consumption and macro nutrient breakdown.(它可以接收大量数据,并提供卡路里消耗和宏观营养分解的报告)"可知。故选C.

(3)D.细节理解题。根据第一段"Here are some of the best apps that can help to push you into a more beneficial way of living.(这里有一些最好的应用程序,三款软件都有助于培养良好的生活方式

12.解答:(1)A.推理判断题。根据第二段中While species not to with changing patterns sccessfullyadapted some even with today,但其他物种成功地适应了。)可推知。故选A.

(2)C.细节理解题。根据第三段中In ,the found of outside their habitats that a species migrate cooler and in a environment will.事实上,这意味着如果一个物种可以迁移到更冷的水域并适应新环境。)可知,故选C.

(3)C.词句猜测题。根据第四段中However movements always a thing that t move as ,which fixed the ,rely the and sea to to natural chain stay ,这些运动并不总是一件好事,比如固定在海底的珊瑚。)以及画线词上文" ,when a native moves a new ,it to"可知,它会威胁并打扰到已经存在的生态系统。A.Improve.改善;C.Disturb.打扰。故选C.

(4)B.观点态度题。根据最后一段中Depending on the species thousands of years to properly adapt scientists.(根据物种的不同,所以仅仅在过去40年里发生的变化让科学家感到非常不安,科学家们对此持有否定的态度;B.Negative消极的;D.Indifferent漠不关心的

13.解答:(1)B.词句猜测题。根据第二段中"On 7,the Olympic (I0 announced breaking be sport the Paris Olympics.( ,国际奥委会宣布2024年巴黎夏季奥运会将霹雳舞列为奥运会项目)"可知,这句话的意思是"霹雳舞(选手们)将会争夺(奥运会)金牌"。故选B.

(2)D.细节理解题。根据第二段中"We a cdlear ,and was introduce particularly among youngergeneration(我们有一个明确的优先事项 欢迎的运动)"可知。故选D.

(3)A.推理判断题。根据最后一段"But an ,breaking features and combinations moves practiced much a round improvised.Combining and ,breaking accepted young acrossthe who motivated the of their at world"s sporting ,霹雳舞也具有协调性和创造性 ,但大部分动作都是即兴的,被世界各地的年轻舞者所接受,作者认为对霹雳舞者来说最具挑战性的是创造力

(4)B.推理判断题。根据第二段中"On 5,the Olympic (IOC) that would an Olympic at 2024 Summer ,国际奥委会宣布2024年巴黎夏季奥运会将霹雳舞列为奥运会项目)"结合介绍了这一举措背后的原因以及霹雳舞的相关知识和挑战 ,故选B.

14.解答:(1)C.细节理解题。根据第二段中Shane Gero found that sperm whales in the Caribbean Sea had different clicks from those in the Pacific Ocean(Shane Gero发现加勒比海的抹香鲸与太平洋的抹香鲸有不同的声音)可知。C.Caribbean and Pacific sperm whales have different clicks.(加勒比海和太平洋抹香鲸的声音不同)正确

(2)B.推理判断题。根据第五段中it was found that they still "spoke" their own dialect(发现他们仍然"说"自己的方言)可推知。B.The same species still keep their own dialects.(同样的物种仍然保留着他们自己的方言)正确

(3)A.推理判断题。根据最后一段中A proper accent is crucial to mating (交配) and warning of the coming of enemies,这是生存的基础)可知方言能帮助动物更有机会生存。故选A.

(4)D.标题判断题。根据第一段中But surprisingly,方言甚至可以在动物世界中找到,这篇文章主要介绍了研究人员发现很多动物都可以用自己的方言进行交流。故选D.

15.解答:(1)D.推理判断题。根据后文内容"Recently,a documentary filmmaker from the United States,美国纪录片导演劳伦斯J布拉姆在《功夫的搜索》中探讨了这个问题,后文中的"this question"应是与设空句相呼应的,即。选项D"But do they really reveal the meaning of kung fu?)"为疑问句,且"But"与前文构成转折关系,前后衔接紧密。故选D项。

(2)F.推理判断题。前文"Around a decade ago,布拉姆的一条腿不能使用大约两年。)"提到他的腿出现了问题。)"提到功夫成为了他的日常,以使前后衔接,he was able to recover step by step.(但通过慢慢地练习武术。)"提到了功夫/武术帮助他恢复。故选F项。

(3)E.推理判断题。根据前文"Martial arts can help us connect our body,connect our blood flow.(武术可以帮助我们连接身体,连接我们的血液流动,布拉姆在讲述功夫/武术对于人的积极作用,设空句应承接此话题。选项E"Besides,它还可以把我们连接到我们的环境。)"讲述了其有利影响。故选E项。

(4)B.推理判断题。设空句为该段首句。根据后文"Nonviolence is one of these values,它体现在名义和实践上,本段在讲述"武术"在名称和实践上的带来的其他价值观。)"合理概括该段中心内容。故选B项。

(5)G.细节理解题。根据前文"Wu,meaning "dragger﹣ax" and zhi,意为"拖斧",意为"停止",因此,总结武术的价值意义,the meaning of kung fu in Chinese is the art of stopping fighting,功夫在中国的意思是停止战斗的艺术。)"总结了武术的价值意义。故选G项。




(4)C.考查名词及语境理解。A.lesson课程;C.love爱情。结合句意:青少年时期通常是我们开始想浪漫的时候。根据前文"Being a(n)_ (2)_ is normally the time when we begin to think about_(3)_ (青少年时期通常是我们开始考虑浪漫(爱情)的时候)"肯定了青少年情窦初开,因此,该句应是进一步解释与恋爱有关的话题,"初恋" 。故选C项。

(5)A.考查词动词及语境理解。A.consider考虑;B.worry担心;D.present.交给。结合句意:然而。与后文"you must remember(你必须记住)"以及"you should consider(你应该考虑)"中"remember" ,此处应是A项"consider" 。故选A项。


(7)D.考查动词及语境理解。A.end结束;C.perform表演;D.develop发展,如果两个学生谈恋爱。根据后文宾语为"relationship" ,应是"发展(恋爱)关系"。

(8)A.考查名词及语境理解。A.schoolwork课业;B.relation关系;D.trouble麻烦,如果两个学生谈恋爱。根据前文"First study as ,你必须记住。)"在强调"努力学习"的重要性,谈恋爱会分散精力而不能专注于学习,应是A项"schoolwork".故选A项。

(9)B.考查连词及语境理解。A.when.时候,尽管;C.unless 除非;D.since自从。结合句意:虽然有一个可以分享高中生活的男朋友或女朋友是件好事,你的最终成绩会持续下去,"And _ (9)_ it might be nice to have a boyfriend or girlfriend to_(10)_ your life with.(有一个可以分享高中生活的男朋友或女朋友是件好事。)之间为让步转折关系。

(10)C.考查动词及语境理解。A.tell告诉, ...有联系,分享,使相连,但高中恋情通常不会永远持续下去一然而。与后文介词"with"构成固定短语,用在句子中表达"分担。故选C项。

(11)B.考查动词及语境理解。A.prove证明是;C.reach到达。结合句意:虽然有一个可以分享高中生活的男朋友或女朋友是件好事。然而。根据后文的副词"forever" , "last forever"。故选B项。

(12)A.考查连词/副词及语境理解。A.however然而;C.therefore因此,还。结合句意:虽然有一个可以分享高中生活的男朋友或女朋友是件好事,你的最终成绩会持续下去,"your 。)"与前文"high school relationships don"t normally_(11)_forever.(高中恋情通常不会长久,位于句尾。故选A项。

(13)A.考查名词及语境理解。A.rules规则;B.requests请求;C.demands需求;D.situations情况。根据后文"Many schools don"t alow their students to have relationships.(许多学校不允许学生谈恋爱。故选A项。

(14)C.考查名词及语境理解。A.record记录,界线,心思。结合句意:很多学校不允许学生谈恋爱。 "keep sth in mind" ,意为"牢记某事"。

(15)D.考查名词及语境理解。A.doubt怀疑;C.report报告。结合句意:也就是说。根据语境和常识。"there"s no reason that.." 意为"没有理由....."符合语境。

(16)B.考查短语及语境理解。A.Above ,最重要的是;C.In all总之;D.First of all首先,其他女孩或男孩可能对你的感觉都不一样﹣﹣但这并不意味着你们不能成为好朋友 feel the same way about you.(其他女孩或男孩可能对你的感觉都不一样,后文在讲述其他女孩或男孩可能并不(像你喜欢他/她一样)喜欢"你",there"s no_(15)_that you can"t make friends with a person you have a crush on.(也就是说。)"之间为转折关系。选项B"After all"意为"毕竟"。故选B项。

(17)A.考查名词及语境理解。A.friends朋友;C.students学生。结合句意:毕竟。根据前文"the other girl or boy may not even feel the same way 。)"表达其他女孩或男孩可能并不(像你喜欢他/她一样)喜欢"你" ,因此。可以理解为"虽然不能成为恋人但可以成为好朋友"。

(18)D.考查动词及语境理解。A.rely依靠;B.decide决定;D.focus集中,至少在你高中毕业之前,而不是爱情生活上。)"可知, "focus on" 意为"集中精力于。故选D项。

(19)C.考查名词及语境理解。A.right权利;空间;D.time时间。分析可知,因此"have no_(19)_ "应是 与后文中"be free"相呼应 freedom".故选C项。

(20)D.考查动词及语境理解。A.battle奋斗;B.tolerate容忍;D.date约会,一旦充满艰辛的高中生活结束了。根据后文宾语为"whoever you like.(你喜欢的任何人,应是指与喜欢的人谈恋爱约会。






(6)toachieve.考查不定式。句意:"天问一号"的目标是实现"在轨、漫游"。aim to do sth.旨在做某事


(8)on.考查介词。句意:结果:主要取决于"惊险的七分钟",包括燃烧引擎和打开降落伞。depend on依靠,故填on.



18.解答:We held a meeting Saturday,which main topic "Motherland My lasted two hour.Many students at a meeting.We sing the praises our spoke the brightly future of country expressed determination studying hard.As a result can our even good.

Our class was a success we a lot of from it.We deepened love their motherland.We have our mind to work and honour our









8.去掉of.考查介词。句意:我们的班会开得很成功。a lot of后面加名词,a lot表示"许多",此处表示"许多",故去掉of.


10.made后加up.考查固定搭配。句意:我们决心努力工作。固定搭配make up one"s mind to do表示"下定决心做某事"符合句意

19.解答:Dear Mr.Wang,

I"m Li Hua,a high school student.I am writing to apply to be an English interpreter for winter vacation that Anhui Provincial Museum is recruiting.【高分句型一】(表达想成为讲解员的意愿)

First of all,having studied English for about 10 years,I"m convinced that I have no difficulty in communicating with foreign guests.Furthermore,I"m familiar with the history and traditions of Hunan Province and I have a strong affection for them.More importantly,confident and outgoing boy

1 would deeply appreciate it if you could give me the precious chance to serve as an interpreter.Looking forward to your early reply.(恳请获得尝试的机会)

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua
