
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-06-08 06:15:01

1: 我不想去讨好你了,换句话说,我不想浪费时间去感动自己了。

I don"t want to please you, in other words, I don"t want to waste time touching myself.

2: 其实你知道,任何一份需要你花尽心思去讨好的感情都不会撑得太久,毕竟感情是互补的,一个人主动久了也会累的。

In fact, you know, any one needs you to spend all your heart to please the feelings will not last too long, after all, feelings are complementary, a person will be tired of taking the initiative for a long time.

3: 如果有一天,你不再频繁地发微博和朋友圈、不再写状态,我猜,那时候的你一定很幸福,因为想说话的人都在身边。

If one day, you no longer frequently tweet and circle friends, no longer write state, I guess, then you must be very happy, because people who want to talk around.

4: 哪有什么天生一对最般配,只是一个懂得包容迁就,另一个懂得适可而止。

What is born a pair of the most like match, just one knows how to accommodate, the other knows how to stop.

5" 谎言和誓言的区别就是,一个是听的人当真了,一个是说的人当真了。

The difference between a lie and an oath is that one is the person who listens to it, the one who tells it.

6: 以前以为人在绝望时会撕心裂肺的痛苦,后来才知道目光空洞沉默不语才是真的心死。

Previously thought that people in despair will tear the pain of the heart and lungs, and later learned that the empty eyes silent is really heart death.

7: 放弃一个很爱你的人并不痛苦;放弃一个你很爱的人,那才痛苦。爱上一个不爱你的人,那是同样痛苦。

It"s not painful to give up someone who loves you very much; It"s just as painful to fall in love with someone who doesn"t love you.

8: 后来,我遇见很多人,像你的发,像你的眼,却不是你的脸。

Later, I met a lot of people, like your hair, like your eyes, but not your face.

9: 能开口说出的委屈,便不是委屈。能离开的人,便不算是爱人。

A grievance that can be said is not a grievance. A person who can leave is not a lover.

10: 后来我发现,原来真的会有两个人,互相喜欢,互相惦念,互相忘不掉,却没有在一起。

Later I found out that there would really be two people, like each other, miss each other, can not forget each other, but not together.

11: 不是所有努力都会有改变,就像我对你再好,你还是会假装看不见。

Not all efforts will change, just as I am good to you, you will still pretend not to see.

