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适宜在忧伤时看的暖心短句 满满的爱意(能解人心)

句子大全 2023-06-09 03:28:01

My heart is really tired. If I never contact you again, will you miss me?


Nostalgia is a very emotional word for me. I have to admit, I still have a lot of people and things I can"t let go of. I had to wait in place, nostalgia in place.


In order to wait for a friend, I waited for several hours, but I didn"t arrive. Instead, it rained that day, and I got caught in the rain for three hours. When I get home, I send it instead.


Some people say that foreign love is very bitter, and they are waiting for someone in the best years. Waiting itself is a kind of torment, which endures our patience and temperament. When hugging becomes a luxury, when missing begins to drown out life, I am in this half of the earth, while you are in that half. This is a bitter drama with unknown ending, which is really romantic and helpless.


Knowing that it"s impossible for you to leave his world, I"m still waiting for the day when a miracle appears.


Every road is an understanding, and I will wait for the perfect lover who belongs to me.


Because it is you, I am willing to wait. Because of you, it makes my waiting meaningful. Even if you let me know, waiting can be beautiful. I"m waiting for you.


How many times have flowers blossomed and how many times have fallen into the UK? How many times the branches are flourishing, and how many times the yellow leaves fall; How many times the spring rain is raining and how many times the winter snow is fluttering; How many times the grass grows, and how many times the grass grows again and again; I"ve been waiting, waiting quietly and patiently, because I believe that you will appear in the end.


I foolishly thought that a long-distance relationship would bear fruit. After two years" waiting, what did I get?


The reason why others are waiting for separation is because he went to be a soldier and was also a soldier. Why am I waiting on my own wishful thinking?

