
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-06-10 07:44:01

如果说有些人见面要坐飞机,那么我和你见面恐怕要坐时光机了。If some people meet to fly, then I"m afraid I"ll take a time plane when I meet you.

从来不会考虑我的感受 是你的不理解认为什么都是错的 是你对我说的所有话.

Never think about my feelings, you don"t understand that everything is wrong, it"s everything you say to me.



异地恋真的很难熬 在我发烧的时候只能自己去医院,但是我想要的只有他 所以不管多久 我都会等他荣归故里回来的那天

What"s it like to miss someone? It has been described as if the world had been pressed the pause button, the trees around it, the wind blowing, and you were about to leave, all fixed in the memory,

I know I can"t go back and I can"t hug you anymore, but I just can"t help thinking, if you"re still there, how good it would be.

Off-site love is really hard to get through when I have a fever and I have to go to the hospital on my own, but all I want is him, so no matter how long I wait for him to come back from his home.




I met a very good man who made me think he deserved all the good things and a happy ending. I hope he will do everything right and be carefree.

Look at him, look at him all right.

I want to see him wait until someone who loves him so much that he rushes out of the dawn and towards the coastline that will rise.

这辈子要有多幸运才能遇到一个温柔的人 做错事情不会对我大吼大叫 不会和我吵架 不会只跟我讲道理,除了不爱我他什么都做得很好。

你熬不下去了 就像海水一直冲击腐蚀着礁岸 人们却只能看到它崩塌的瞬间

How lucky you will be to meet a gentle person in my life, do the wrong thing will not yell at me will not quarrel with me will not just reason with me, except do not love me he did everything well.

You can"t get through it, it"s like the water keeps pounding the reef and people can only see the moment it collapses.

愿望越来越大 日子也越来越难过 回头想想 已经买得起很多棒棒糖了 但棒棒糖再也不是高兴的理由了


The wishes are getting bigger and harder, and looking back, you can afford a lot of lollipops, but lollipops are no longer a reason to be happy.

I send you a message in the morning, share the video for you at noon, you go back to me after a long time, sometimes not even back, in fact, the truth I understand, I do not like people like the same.





