
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-06-15 07:33:01

1. Tomorrow is ____ Teacher"s Day and we"ll make ____ card for our

English teacher.

A. the; / B. /; the

C. a; the D. /; a

解析: D. 本题考查专有名词前冠词的用法。在表示节日、季节、月份、星期几的名词前不用冠词。

2. ____old lady in brown is ____university professor.

A. An; a B. An; /

C. The; an D. The; a

解析:D. 在本句中“老妇人”有后置关系代词in brown修饰,因此其前用the。a与an都表示可数名词的“一个”,但a用在以辅音开头的单词前,an用在以元音开头的词前。

3. Mike eats ____ apple a day.

A. a B. an

C. the

解析:B 本题考查名词前冠词的用法,判断单词前用a还是用an,是看元音字母,还是辅音字母(指发音)。

4. Here"s ____ exercise book. Is it ____?

A. a; his B. an; her

C. a; mine D. an; yours

解析:D 本题考查名词前冠词的用法以及所有格代词的用法,yours代替 your exercise book。

5. Tom is ____ boy. He is ____ American.

A. an; the B. a; an

C. the; an D. an; an

解析:B 名词American以元音开头, 其前要用不定冠词an。本句的两个不定冠词都说明名词所指的人属于哪一类。

6. We had dinner at ____ very nice restaurant. Now I can"t remember

____ name.

A. a; a B. a; the

C. the; a D. the; an

解析:B 在本句中the name是上文提到的那个餐厅的名字,表示特定;而第一次提到时要用不定冠词。

7. There is ____ pencil on the desk.

A. aB. an

C. the D. /

解析:A 名词前用不定冠词表示数量。

8. Here is ____ basket. ____ mine.

A. a; It"sB. an; It"s

C. an; Its D. the; Its

解析:A 该题的第二句中的mine是所有格代词,作形容词,其前面要用主语和系动词句子才完整。It"s等于 It is。

9. This is ____ orange. It is ____ small one.

A. an; an B. / ; a

C. an; a D. / ; an

解析:C 名词orange以元音开头,其前用不定冠词an。

10. Tuesday is ____ third day of the week.

A. theB. a

C. / D. an

解析:A 本题考查定冠词在序数词前的用法。序数前要加the。

11. ____ Browns arrived there yesterday evening.

A. / B. A

C. TheD. An

解析:C 用在姓氏的复数专有名词前,表示某某一家人。

12. Did you enter for ____ high jump or ____ 4000-meter race?

A. a; a B. a; the

C. the; a D. the; the

解析:D 本题考查定冠词表示说话双方都知道的某种事物的用法。

13. There is ____ egg on the plate. ____ egg is for you.

A. a; A B. an; An

C. an; The D. the; An

解析:C an用在以元音开头的单词前,第二句中的the egg上句已提到。

14. -Is there ____ map of Taiwan on the wall?

-Yes, there is.

A. a B. an

C. the

解析:A a在本句中表示泛指“一张台湾地图”。

15. -Have you had ____ lunch yet?

-No, not yet.

A. / B. a

C. the D. an

解析:A 在表示三餐的名词前不用冠词。

16. -What can you see by the lake?

-I can see ____ old man sitting on the chair.

A. a B. an

C. the D. /

解析:B old以元音开头,所以其前要用不定冠词an。

17. There is a tall building in ____ west.

A. a B. an

C. theD. /

解析:C the用在表示方向的名词之前。

