
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-06-18 05:34:01


It is never taken for granted to be taken to heart by a person. No matter who that person is, whether he is a family member or a friend, it is very rare and should be treasured.


"Remember, if you like something, don"t ask others if they are good-looking. Liking is better than all the reasons. Principles are not equal to my willingness."


When the sunset falls into the water, I will carry you on my back and find a pool of stars.


The person who really likes you will not let you speculate or suspect. He will "crush" his heart and put it in front of you so that you can know for sure that you are loved.



You"re used to saying "I"m fine, you don"t have to worry about me."Everyone said, "Be careful then."Suddenly there was a man who said, "I don"t care how you do it."He smashed it on your head,Break your heart soft.

-Netease"s Cloud Hot Comment on "One Thousand Years Later"


In fact, irascible people are easy to coax, but those who are gentle are hard to coax. They have the cruelest reason in the world and the warmth that is easy to indulge.


I hope everyone in their twenties is carrying a sword in the Jianghu. The days should be like four distinct seasons. Grab a handful of peanuts along the road and stroll along. The companions and monsters you meet at each pass are cherished.

每个人都有属于自己的一片森林,也许我们从来不曾去过,但它一直在那里,总会在那里。 迷失的人迷失了,相逢的人会再相逢。


Everyone has his own forest. Maybe we have never been there before, but it is always there, always there. Lost people are lost, and those who meet will meet again.

-Haruki Murakami



"I brewed a great sadness, but could not shed a few lines of tears. I fully exposed my weakness, beat my chest and stamped my feet. I was unreasonable like a clown, but everything turned a deaf ear. I have spoken countless times about my loneliness and the loneliness of thousands of people. The more I talk about it, the more embarrassed I am. Standing on the earth alone, I can"t end it. "

-Li Juan



If you,Slowly raise your hand to the top.Then suddenly open five fingers,Well, congratulations,You just set yourself a firework.

-Yang Yiwu"s "Up to Two at a Time"


