
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-06-19 05:28:02


01 我喜欢的少年打天上来,他无意掀翻烛火,点燃我双眸盛满的暮色。

I like the boy fighting in the sky, he has no intention to turn over the candle fire and light the dusk full of my eyes.

02 每天憋着一点小高兴,像只松鼠攒着满腮帮子的果仁。

Holding a little happiness every day, like a squirrel with nuts full of gills.

03 —你是东半球,我是西半球,我们在一起,就是整个地球。

04 —你是天上星,我翻山越岭只为看你眨眼睛

05 你是踩碎星光落入我梦境的一袋幻想

You"re a bag of fantasies falling into my dream.

06 无论过多久,你不用回头,我在你身后,比春天温柔

No matter how long, you don"t have to look back, I"m behind you, softer than spring.

07 十七日尾,灯火万家长不灭。想你是三分泉水七分月,把青山浩渺看遍,你独天下奇绝。

08 我涉旷野丛林而来,你撑船渡我,入灿灿花海。

09 在生活里,我们生命中碰到的一切美好的东西都是以秒计算的。

In life, all the good things we encounter in our lives are measured in seconds.

10 喜欢是什么,是人间幸事,是久违欢喜,是想起你来嘴角微翘,只有你朝我走来。

Like is what, is a blessing in the world, is a long time away happy, is to think of you to the corner of the mouth slightly cocked, only you come to me.

11 地球正一点点的疏离月亮 , 据说每一百万年就会陌生一秒,早在25亿年前,我们便开始了漫长的别离。

The earth is a little bit alienated from the moon. It is said that every one million years we will be unfamiliar with one second. As early as 2.5 billion years ago, we began a long separation.

12 希望你生活的地方,天空足够蓝,阳光足够好,街边的小店干净又好吃,回家的灯总是亮的。

I hope you live in a place where the sky is blue enough, the sun is good enough, the shops on the street are clean and delicious, and the lights are always on when you go home.

13 有时候挺讨厌自己的,不会说话,太过善良,没什么心眼,还这么可爱。

Sometimes I hate myself very much. I can"t speak. I"m too kind and have no heart and eyes. I"m so cute.




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