
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-06-19 06:38:01

1.不要为了迎合所有人, 把自己过得那么累, 费尽心思让所有人开心 ,你会忘了自己该怎么笑。

Don"t make yourself so tired and try your best to make everyone happy in order to cater to everyone. You will forget how to laugh.


As long as the ending is a comedy, I can cry as much as you want, happiness can come more slowly, as long as it is true, if we can be together in the end, I really don"t care later.


Love is to spend that period of freshness and live an ordinary life. Give each other a little surprise once in a while. Let"s get old together.


The wind blows in which direction, the grass falls in which direction. In which direction did you run and which direction did I chase? in the end, not only did no one catch you, but I lost myself instead.


I won"t forget what kind of child I was, and I won"t forget what kind of adult I want to be.

6.现在你不努力去过上自己想要的生活 ,那以后你就会想尽办法去应付你不想要的生活。

Now you don"t try to live the life you want, then you will try your best to deal with the life you don"t want.

7.你不理我的时候我绝不打扰你 ,你冷落我时, 我也会慢慢冷落你 ,任何关系只要你想陌生 ,我绝不会多看你一眼。

When you ignore me, I will never disturb you, when you snub me, I will slowly snub you, any relationship as long as you want to be strange, I will never look at you again.


In the end, you will find that you are not needed, which is why you work hard.


No matter how hard the road ahead is, as long as you go in the right direction, no matter how rugged it is, it is closer to happiness than standing in the same place.


A person"s maturity, not in the performance of how many achievements, but in the face of those disgusted people and things, do not cater to also do not resist, only indifferent smile to it.
