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可爱又撩人的小句子 撩到你了吗(你脸红了吗)

句子大全 2023-06-21 03:35:01

1. 我原来是叼着烟开拖拉机的,自从遇见你,开始留意橱窗里的裙子。

It turned out that I was driving a tractor with a cigarette. Since I met you, I began to pay attention to the skirt in the window.

2. 我来考考你的数学,请问你的电话号码数字是多少?

I"m going to test your math. What"s your phone number, please?

3. 头可断,血可流,我可遇不可求。

If there"s no blood, I can"t ask for it.

4. 世事如书,我偏爱你这一句,愿做个逗号,待在你脚边。

The world is like a book, I prefer you this sentence is willing to do a comma, stay at your feet.

5. 白白胖胖,充满希望。

Fat and full of hope.

6. 就喜欢你看不惯我,却又不得不和我一起建设中国特色主义的样子。

I like the way you don"t like me, but you have to build Chinese characteristics with me.

7. 我是个俗气至顶的人,见山是山,见海是海,见花便是花。唯独见了你,云海开始翻涌,江潮开始澎湃,昆虫的小触须挠着全世界的痒。你无需开口,我和天地万物便通通奔向你。

I am a tacky person, see the mountain is the mountain, see the sea is the sea, see the flower is the flower, only to see you. The sea of clouds began to surge, the river tide began to smash the small tentacles of insects scratching the world"s itching, you do not need to open, I and the heavens and the earth will all run to you.

8. 我想要套小房子,能做你的小妻子,一起提着菜篮子,穿过门前小巷子。饭后要你洗盘子,我来负责抹桌子。要个胖胖的小孩子,可爱的就像个小丸子。你长出白胡须,坐在家中老椅子,会记得这好日子,和我美丽花裙子。

I want a small house, can be your little wife, together with a basket through the alley in front of the door, after dinner you wash the dishes, I am responsible for scolding the author. A fat little child, cute as a meatball, you find a white beard sitting in an old chair at home will remember this good day and my beautiful flowered skirt.

9. 你是哪块奥利奥,那么难泡。

Which Oreo is so hard to soak?

10. 你被捕了,因为你涉嫌喜欢我。

You"re under arrest for allegedly liking me.

11. 鸡蛋鸭蛋荷包蛋,不爱我的是小笨蛋。

Egg, duck, egg. poached egg doesn"t love me. It"s the little idiot.

12. 你摸摸我的衣服,看看我是不是做你女朋友的料子。

You feel my clothes and see if I"m your girlfriend"s material.

13. 那天太热了,我想找个人冷战。

It"s too hot, I want to find someone to cold war.

14. 收闲置宝贝吗?反正我闲着也是闲着。

Do you accept idle baby? I"m idle anyway.

15. 我问风扇我丑不丑,结果它摇了一晚上的头。

I asked the fan if I was ugly, and it shook its head all night.

16. 每天醒来的第一件事,就是想睡觉。

The first thing I wake up every day is to want to sleep.

17. 你好,在吗?在干嘛?几岁了?想我了吗?你多高?有对象吗?你吃了吗?喜欢什么音乐?你开心吗?你玩什么游戏?有什么特别喜欢的吗?你喜欢我吗?

Hello, are you there? What are you doing? How old are you? Did you miss me? How tall are you? Are you seeing anyone? Did you eat it? What kind of music do you like? Are you happy? What game do you play? Is there anything in particular you like? Do you like me?

18. 你想一夜暴富吗?你想身家过亿吗?你想衣食无忧吗?你想生活不愁吗?那就跟我在一起,我们两个一起想。

Do you want to get rich overnight? Do you want to be worth over 100 million? Do you want to be well-fed? Do you want to live without worry? Then stay with me, both of us.

19. 我是一个微商,贩卖我的悲伤,每天只卖一次,一次52元,请问有人买走我的悲伤吗?

It is a micro-business to sell my sadness, only sell once a day, 52 yuan at a time. Excuse me, did someone buy my sadness?

20. 我是得了多动症吗?一见到你,我的心就咚咚咚直跳。

Do you have ADHD? My heart beats when I see you.
