
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-06-22 04:43:02


一.第二部分 单项选择(10分)从下列各小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共10小题,每小题1分)

1.(1分)—Did you watch _________ show Chinese Poetry Conference(诗词大会)yesterday evening?

—Yes.It was really _________ great success.

A.the,a B.the,不填 C.a,a D.a,不填

2.(1分)My grandma can use WeChat(微信).She learns it all by _________.

A.she B.herself C.her D.hers

3.(1分)—Mike,_________ play football in the street next time.It"s dangerous.

—OK,I won"t do that again,mom.

A.mustn"t B.must C.don"t D.do

4.(1分)I joined the book club last month and I _________ five books already.

A.am reading B.have read C.will read D.read

5.(1分)—Our Party"s 100th birthday is coming.

—Oh,great!We will have many activities to _________ celebrate it.

A.wisely B.warmly C.simply D.lovely

6.(1分)_________ smart the driverless car is!

A.What a B.How a C.What D.How

7.(1分)No matter how many difficulties we have,I believe all the problems can _________ in the end.

A.solve B.be solved

C.answer D.be answered

8.(1分)My brother Bob is _________ hard﹣working than me,but I am _________ than him.

A.most;funnier B.most;funniest

C.more;fun D.more;funnier

9.(1分)Great changes have taken place here.Everything _________ comes into my eyes is so new to me.

A.that B.which C.who D.whom

10.(1分)—Sam,what do you want to have for dinner?

—_________.Anything will be OK for me.

A.My pleasure B.Good idea

C.I don"t mind D.Beef,please

二.第三部分 完形填空(15分)阅读下列短文,从短文后各小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项(共1小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)

11.(15分)The famous Chinese scientist,Yuan Longping,died of illness at the age of 91 in May 2021.Yuan Longping is not only a(1) scientist in agriculture(农业),but also a romantic(浪漫的)husband and a caring grandfather.He is known as(2) of Hybrid Rice(杂交水稻)which pulled countless people out of(3) .

A documentary(纪录片)(4) some of his life stories.In the opening parts,Yuan"s three granddaughters recalled(回忆)stories(5) their grandfather and said that he mostly cared about their English and math studies.

The grandkids recalled that(6) Yuan travelled to Hong Kong with his family,he tried to(7) a new watch for his wife,but he didn"t,because it was too(8) ,and he fed his wife with a candy.

Hundreds of people attended Yuan"s 90th birthday celebration.This is a heartwarming moment(时刻):Yuan cut the first(9) of cake and gave it to his wife at once.

The documentary also found that Yuan developed an "exercise program",to play mahjong(麻将)with friends for an hour at 8 p.m.every evening to(10) his brain,though he was quite busy.When his seawater rice research was successful,he was very excited,quack,quack"(池塘).

三.第四部分 阅读理解(40分)阅读短文。根据短文内容从短文后各小题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(共3小题,每小题10分,满分30分)


*You can enjoy dinner at our restaurant under the water from 6:00 to 6:30.

*You can"t eat anything while you are watching the sea animals.

*You cannot spend time with all four kinds of sea animals in one tour.

*Each tour costs 15 yuan.You can buy the tickets at the gate of the aquarium.

*You can decide which tour you will join after you arrive at the aquarium.

(1)If you want to play with the seals,which tour should you choose?

A.Tour A.

B.Tour B.

C.Tour C.

D.Tour D.

(2)If you want to enjoy 4 tours,how much will you pay for them?

A.15 yuan.

B.30 yuan.

C.45 yuan.

D.60 yuan.

(3)What can"t you do while you are watching the sea animals?

A.Feed the fish.

B.Walk with the penguins.

C.Eat food.

D.Take pictures.

(4)How long can you enjoy the activities at the aquarium at most in one night?

A.Half an hour.

B.One hour.

C.One and a half hour.

D.Two hours.

(5)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.You can go to the aquarium to see sea animals on Sunday night.

B.You can decide which tour you will join after you arrive at the aquarium.

C.You cannot spend time with all four kinds of sea animals in one tour.

D.You can have dinner at their restaurant under the water from 6:00 to 6:30.

13.(10分)Naomi was thinking about her vacation report.She visited her friend,Grace and got some ideas.

"What should I write about?"she thought again on her way home.Near a shrine(圣地),she found a beautiful bird singing on a big stone.She looked at the stone and saw some letters on it. "What is this stone for?" she wondered.Naomi talked about the stone to her grandpa.

"That is a stone monument which has a long history," her grandpa said.Naomi also told her grandpa about her report. "I think it is a good idea to write about it.Go and visit my friend Sam," said Naomi"s grandpa.

The next day,Naomi went to see Sam. " We have more stone monuments around here.The one you saw was built about two hundred years ago.People around here thought that trees had souls(灵魂).

But they had to cut and use the trees for their own lives.They made the stone monuments to thank the trees," Sam said. "We should live with nature.However,we can remember that," Sam said.

"This is a part of our local culture,and young people like me have to learn about this." Naomi thought.

The new term started. "Your report is great.You worked hard to write it," Naomi"s teacher said.The teacher"s words made Naomi so happy.Passing the stone again,Naomi said to the bird

(1)What was Naomi worrying about during the summer vacation?

A.Her grandpa.

B.Her trip.

C.Her health.

D.Her report.

(2)What does the underlined word "monument" mean in Chinese?





(3)Which of the following can be put in " "?

A.I"m sorry you don"t like the monument.

B.I don"t think you want to know about it.

C.I am glad you are interested in the monument.

D.I"m sure you"ll invite me to dinner.

(4)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.People there thought that trees had souls.

B.They made the monuments to thank the trees.

C.They built the monuments for people to remember the trees.

D.They built the monuments for the birds to sing on.

(5)What does the story mainly tell us?

A.It tells us how Naomi worked for her report.

B.It tells us how Naomi found the monument.

C.It tells us how Naomi visited Sam.

D.It tells us how Naomi found the bird.

14.(10分)Tianwen 1 is China"s first Mars probe(火星探测器).Where does the name come from?Do you still remember Qu Yuan,a famous poet in ancient China?He loved his motherland very much.His long poem "Heavenly Questions(天问),which is quite cultural and beautiful.

On July 14,2020.Tianwen 1 arrived at the Wenchang Space Launch Site(发射站)in Hainan Province.The space probe Tianwen 1 based off(发射升空),2020,carrying a Long March 5 carrier rocket(长征5号运载火箭)

The China"s Mars rover(火星车),Zhurong moved from is landing platform(平台)onto the surface of the Red Planet at 10:40 a.m.on May 15th,2021,starting is exploration(探险旅程)around the landing site.

The 240﹣kilogram robot was sent into the sky to survey Mars" landforms,geography situation,and something about water,environment and other physical fields.

Before Tianwen l,no country had ever tried o send an orbiter(运行器),a lander and a rover in one single expedition(考察)

(1)Which country is Tianwen 1 Mars probe from?





(2)Why was the first Mars probe here given the name,Tianwen 1?

A.Because of a book written by Li Bai.

B.Because of a poem written by Qu Yuan.

C.Because of a famous scientist.

D.Because of a well﹣known engineer.

(3)When was Tianwen 1 sent into the space?

A.On June 23,2020.

B.On June 24,2020

C.on July 23,2020.

D.On July24,2020.

(4)How long did it take Tianwen 1 to travel to Mars?

A.About 3 months.

B.About 5 months.

C.About 7 months.

D.About 9 months.

(5)What does the Mars rover,Zhurong survey on Mars?

A.Landforms and geography situation.

B.Something about water,ice and environment.

C.Other physical fields.

D.All of the above.



What should China be proud of?(1)

A foreign girl living in China tells us what she has heard and seen in China.

Jenny is from England.(2) Ai Hua loves China and Chinese.Six years ago,she came to China to study at Tsinghua University.(3) The following is what China is like in her eyes:

I"m interested in not only China"s history and culture,but also its traditional festivals.(4) There are a lot of places of interest in China.And the food in China is amazing.(5) What"s more,it"s not difficult for you to find a new job in China.

五.第五部分 情景交际(10分)根据对话内容,从方框中所给的五个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。每个选项只能选一次。(共1小题,每小题10分,满分10分)



B:I don"t feel like eating these days.I"m afraid I"ve had the COVID 19.


B:Since last Friday,I think.


B:Yes,I got vaccinated last week.


B:No,my temperature is okay.

A:Don"t worry.There is nothing serious.


A:Have a good rest.You"ll get well soon.

六.第六部分 短文改错(15分)阅读短文。判断标有题号的每一行画线部分和漏字符号(∧)处是否有错误。如无,在该行右边横线上画一个“√”;如有(每行只有一个),则按下列情况改正(共1小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分):画线部分为多余的词:把该词写在该行右边的横线上并画上斜线(\)。画线部分为错词:在该行右边横线上写出一个正确的词。有漏字符号(∧)处缺一个词:在该词右边横线上写出所缺的词。


Recently the problem between parents and children has became more and (1)

more serious.We can often read reports about it on newspapers.Some (2)

children can easy get angry with their parents,and some children even go (3)

away ∧ home!I think the main reason is that parents and children seldom (4)

have a talk with each other.Parents now spend more time work hard,so they (5)

don"t have much times to stay with their children.As time goes by,they both (6)

feel that they don"t have the same topics(话题)to talk about.In order to have (7)

a better understanding of each other,parents should be the more patient with (8)

your children,get to know them but love them.And for children,your parents (9)

are the people which love you and care about you most.So show your feelings (10)

to them and tell them what you are thinking about.

七.第七部分 书面表达(30分)书面表达分为A、B两部分,A部分文中不能出现本人及所在学校、乡(镇)、县(区)的相关信息,凡抄袭试卷上原句的不给分。


I"m going to a senior high school(高中)soon.What will it be like?I will try my best to work harder than before.In class,I will...

19.(20分)假如你叫李华,将参加由中国慈善机构组织的在新西兰语言学校举办的"暑期英语培训"New Zealand Summer English Training (NZSET),请你仔细阅读学校寄给你的课程选择表






Dear Sir or Madam,

Thank you for inviting me to New Zealand Summer English Training._____________


Li Hua




2.解答:she 人称代词主格,她;herself 反身代词;her 人称代词宾格,她的,她的。她____学的,句子运用固定短语"by oneself 靠自己或独自"作状语。




4.解答:I joined the book club last month 我上个月加入了读书俱乐部;结合关键词already可知此题为现在完成时态。句意为:我已经读了五本书。


5.解答:A项wisely,明智地,温暖地,简单地,可爱的 will many to celebrate ,可知,意为热烈庆祝。






8.解答:根据题干和语境"我弟弟鲍勃比我____,但我比他____,句子应用了比较级;funny的比较级是funnier,意为乐趣;funny 滑稽的,常用来指人。




10.解答:A.My pleasure我很荣幸 .Good idea好主意 .I don"t mind我不介意 .Beef。根据Anything be for 。推出"我不介意。"










(9)C.介词辨析。A.bit有点;C.piece块。a piece of cake一块蛋糕。故选C。




(2)D.根据文中Each tour costs 15 yuan.可知每个观光点是15元,那么参观4个观光点一共是60元。

(3)C.根据文中You can"t eat anything while you are watching the sea animals.可知当你在观看海洋动物的时候,那你不能吃任何东西。

(4)D.根据文中Time:6:30 p.m.~2:30 p.m.Saturday可知海洋馆的开放时间是2个小时,因此夜晚你在海洋馆最多可以待2个小时来欣赏这些观光点。

(5)A.根据文中Time:5:30 p.m.~8:30 p.m.Saturday可知海洋馆是周六晚上开放,所以周日晚上你是不能去海洋馆看海洋动物的。

13.解答:(1)D.细节理解题。根据"Naomi thinking her report"可知。故选D。

(2)D.词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句"That is a stone monument which has a long history"可推知。所以monument的意思是"纪念碑"。

(3)C.推理判断题。根据后文"We more monuments here.The you was about hundred ago.People here that had they to and the for own made stone to the ," Sam "We live nature.However sometimes that thing.When see stone ,we remember 。


(4)D.推理判断题。根据"People here that had they to and the for own made stone to the ," Sam "We live nature.However sometimes that thing.When see stone ,we remember 。


(5)B.主旨大意题。根据"Naomi thinking her report.She her ,Grace got ideas"娜欧米在想她的假期报告,并得到了一些想法,本文主要介绍了娜欧米是如何找到石碑并完成自己的报告的经历,故选B。


(1)A.根据Tianwen 1 is first probe(火星探测器).天问1号是中国第一个火星探测器。故选A。

(2)B.根据Where does name from you remember Yuan,a poet ancient ?He his very long "Heavenly expresses continual work the spirit the nation science.That why 6 was named is cultural beautiful.这个名字从何而来?他非常热爱他的祖国。这就是天问1号被正式命名的原因。可知名字来自于屈原。

(3)C.根据The space Tianwen 1 off(发射升空)at p.m.on 23,carrying a March 3 rocket(长征5号运载火箭).太空探测器天问1号在2020年3月23日中午12时41分发射升空。故选C。

(4)C.根据It took 1 about months travel Mars.天问一号花了大约七个月的时间去火星旅行。

(5)D.根据 The 240﹣kilogram was into sky survey landforms situation something water,environment other fields.这个240公斤重的机器人被送入天空、地理情况、冰、环境和其他物理领域的事情。故选D。


(1)B.根据前句"What should be of?可知说的是问题的回答,应说不同的人有不同的想法。

(2)D.根据后句"Ai Hua China Chinese.爱华喜欢中国和中国人,结合选项。故选D。

(3)A.根据前句"Six years ,she to to at University.六年前,在清华大学学习,结合选项。故选A。

(4)G.根据前句"I"m interested not China"s and ,but its festivals.我不仅对中国的历史和文化感兴趣。"可知说的是节日,应说我最喜欢中国的春节。

(5)F.根据前句"And the in is 。"可知说的是食物,应说我喜欢北京的烤鸭和四川的火锅。

16.解答:(1)E.根据下文B回答说他这几天的状况"don"t fell like eating "可知,A是在问他怎么了。

(2)C.根据下文B的回答是从上周五开始"Since last Friday" 可以知道A是在问他持续多长时间了,故选C。

(3)D.根据下文"Yes,I got vaccinated"是的,故选D OK "不我的体温正常可知A问B有没有发烧。(5)B.联系上下文A说你没有什么大碍,故选B。





(5)working.考查固定搭配。spend time doing sth"花费时间做某事"。



(8)the.考查冠词。more patient是形容词比较级,不用加the。


(10)who.考查关系词。先行词是the people,且关系词在定语从句中作主语。故填who。

18.解答:I"m going a senior school(高中)soon.What it like?I try best work than class,I ,I will actively answer the teacher"s questions.I will review carefully after class.If I can

19.解答:Dear Sir Madam,

Thank for me New Summer Training.(表示感谢) I am a 15﹣year﹣old junior high school student.I am good at English,the time of this course is just right for me.I like"A visit to the glowworms" best

This course is very helpful for me.It can improve my English level,and it is also good for my English reading.But I think this activity can last a little longer


Li Hua
