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句子大全 2023-06-25 05:17:01


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An article shedding light on China"s food deliverymen became highly circulated on Chinese social media app WeChat on Tuesday. Titled "Food deliverymen, stuck in the system", the article caused widespread concern by showing the worsening conditions faced by the country"s deliverymen.


shed/ed/ shed light 表示“ 〔通过提供新信息等〕使〔某事物〕清楚些(易于理解)(to make something easier to understand, by providing new or better information)”

[+ on ]

Recent research has shed light on the causes of the disease. 最近的研究使人们对这种疾病的成因有了更多的了解。


New data from America’s Department of Education, released on November 20th, help shed light on this question. 美国教育部 11 月 20 日公布的新数据帮我们回答了这个问题。

circulate/"skjlet/ 表示“ 流传; 传播; 散布(if information, facts, ideas etc circulate, they become known by many people)”

Rumours began circulating that the Prime Minister was seriously ill.开始有谣言在传,说首相病情严重。

worsen/"ws()n/ 表示“ (使)变得更差;(使)恶化(to become worse or make something worse)”

反义词 improve

A lot of teachers expect the situation to worsen over the next few years许多老师认为接下来的几年情形会更糟。

According to the article, deliverymen are facing physical and mental pressure and even risks of traffic accidents due to competing algorithms and time limits set by food delivery apps.


compete/km"pit/ 表示“争夺,竞争( to try to gain something and stop someone else from having it or having as much of it)”

[+ for ]

She and her sister are always competing for attention. 她和姐姐老是争宠。

algorithm/"lgr()m/ 表示“演算法,计算程序(a set of instructions that are followed in a fixed order and used for solving a mathematical problem, making a computer program etc)”


A-level and GCSE students in England will be given grades estimated by their teachers, rather than by an algorithm, after a government U-turn.政府考试政策发生重大转变:英格兰学生的GCSE和A-level(分别相当于国内中考和高考)成绩不再由算法得出,改由教师来评估。

Based on narratives of a mixed group of food delivery service workers (especially deliveryman) and scholars, the article concludes food delivery is becoming one of the most high-risk occupations. Data to this end is cited by the article, which shows injuries and deaths of deliverymen were reported every 2.5 days on average in the first half of 2017 in Shanghai.


narrative/"nrtv/ 表示“叙述,记叙(a description of events in a story, especially in a novel)”

At several points in the narrative the two stories cross. 叙述中有几处地方两个故事互相交织。

conclude表示“断定,推断出( to decide that something is true after considering all the information you have)”

conclude that

The report concluded that the school should be closed immediately. 报告的结论是这所学校应该立刻关闭。

occupation/kj"pe()n/ 可数名词,表示“ 工作,职业(a job or profession)”

To hedge against the stock-like returns of his occupation, Simon should own bonds.为了对冲如股票般的工作回报,西蒙应该持有债券。


occupation还可以表示“〔尤指军队的〕占领,控制(when a large group of people enter a place and take control of it, especially by military force)”

Japanese firms have got better at dealing with Chinese grievances over Japan’s failure to atone for its wartime occupation of parts of China,



cite/sat/ “引证,援引(to mention something as an example, especially one that supports, proves, or explains an idea or situation)”

cite sth as sth

Several factors have been cited as the cause of the unrest. 好几个因素被引证为这次动乱的起因。

In the comment section of the article, netizens call for more understanding and tolerance for deliverymen. "While we are enjoying the convenience of food delivery, the deliveryman"s safety is at risk," wrote liyu, one commenter.


学习句型:xxx call for more understanding and tolerance for


tolerance/"tl()r()ns/ 表示“忍受,容忍; 宽容(willingness to allow people to do, say, or believe what they want without criticizing or punishing them)”

反义词 intolerance

[+ of / towards / for ]

tolerance towards religious minorities 对宗教少数派的包容


But this solution was criticized, as users thought it shirked responsibility by "passing the knife” to consumers. One top-rated comment said, "Rather than keep consumers waiting, the platform should optimize the system and rationalize the delivery time."


shirk/k/ 表示“〔因懒惰而〕逃避(工作)( to deliberately avoid doing something you should do, because you are lazy)”

积累搭配:shirk your responsibilities / duties / obligations

parents who shirk their responsibilities towards their children 逃避教养子女的责任的父母

optimize/ptmaz/ 表示“使最优化,使尽可能完善,使尽量有效(to improve the way that something is done or used so that it is as effective as possible)”

They need to optimize the use of available resources. 他们需要充分利用可获得的资源。

rationalize/rnlaz/ 表示“(为不当行为)找出辩解理由( if you rationalize behaviour that is wrong, you invent an explanation for it so that it does not seem as bad)”

When he fouls up, Glen always finds a way to rationalize what he"s done.格伦把事情搞砸的时候,总能找出辩解理由。

