
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-06-25 05:29:01



代理公证、商标、专利、版权、房地产、工商登记 agency for notarization, trademark, patent, copyright, and registration of real estate and incorporations

代理仲裁 agency for arbitration

代写文书 drafting of legal instruments

待决案件 pending case

当事人陈述 statement of the parties

第三人 third party

吊销执业证 revocation of lawyer license

调查笔录 investigative record

调查取证 investigation and gathering for evidence

调解 mediation

调解书 mediation

二审案件 case of trial of second instance

发送电子邮件 send e-mail

法律顾问 legal consultants

法律意见书 legal opinions

法律援助 legal aid

法律咨询 legal counseling

法庭 division; tribunal

法学博士学位 LL.D (Doctor of Laws)

法学会 law society

法学课程 legal courses

法学硕士学位 LL.M (Master of Laws)

法学系 faculty of law; department of law

法学学士学位 LL.B (Bachelor of Laws)J.D ( juris doctor缩写,美国法学学士)

法学院 law school

法院公告 court announcement

反诉状 counterclaim

房地产律师 real estate lawyer; real property lawyer

非合伙律师 associate lawyer

非诉讼业务 non-litigation practice

高级合伙人 senior partner

高级律师 senior lawyer

各类协议和合同 agreements and contracts

公安局 Public Security Bureau

公司上市 company listing

公诉案件 public-prosecuting case

公证书 notarial certificate

国办律师事务所 state-run law office

国际贸易 international trade

国际诉讼 international litigation

国内诉讼 domestic litigation

合伙律师 partner lawyer

合伙制律师事务所 law office in partner-ship; cooperating law ofice

合同审查、草拟、修改 contract review, drafting and revision

会见当事人 interview a client

会见犯罪嫌疑人 interview a criminal suspect

兼职律师 part-time lawyer

监狱 prison; jai

l鉴定结论 expert conclusion

缴纳会费 membership dues

举证责任 burden of proof; onus probandi

决定书 decision

勘验笔录 record of request

看守所 detention house

抗诉书 protest

控告人 accuser; complainant

跨国诉讼 transnational litigation

劳动争议 labor disputes

劳动争议仲裁委员会 arbitration committee for labor disputes

劳改场 reform-through-labor farm; prison farm

利害关系人 interested party; party in interest

律管处处长 director of lawyer control department

律师 lawyer attorney; attorney at law

律师惩戒 lawyer discipline

律师法 Lawyer Law

律师费 lawyer fee

律师函 lawyer’s letter

律师见证 lawyer attestation/authentication

律师见证书 lawyer certification/authentication/witness

律师卷宗 lawyer’s docile; file

律师刊物 lawyer’s journal

律师联系电话 contact phone number of a lawyer

律师事务所 law office; law firm

律师收费 billing by lawyer

律师网站 lawyer website

律师协会 National Bar (Lawyer) Association

律师协会会员 member of Lawyer Association

律师协会秘书长 secretary general of Bar (Lawyer) Association

律师协会章程 Articles of Lawyer Assocition

律师业务室 lawyer’s office

律师执业证 lawyer license

律师助理 assistant lawyer

律师资格考试 bar exam; lawyer qualification exam

律师资格证 lawyer qualification certificate

民事案件 civil case

民事调解 civil mediation

民事诉讼 civil litigation


1.Divine‘s punishments, though slow, are always sure.天网恢恢,疏而不漏。

2.An act is not a crime unless the law says it is one.法无明文规定者不为罪。

3.This contract is made of one original and two duplicate originals, all of which are of the same effect.本合同一式三份,具有同等效力。

4. The law does not concern itself about family trifles.法律难断家务事。

5.This document is legally binding.该文件具有法律约束力。

6. This law is in abeyance.此法暂缓执行。

7. This law has become a dead letter.此法已成为一纸空文。

8. This law will go into effect on the day of its promulgation.本法自公布之日起施行。

9 The court dismissed the action.法院驳回诉讼。

10. The court ordered the case to be retried.法院命令重审此案……

11.Giving the killer what he deserves.予杀人者以应得之罪。12. Hate the sin but not the sinner.可恨的是罪行而非罪人。

13.Everyone has the right to freedom of expression.每个人都享有言论自由。

14. Everyone is equal before the law.法律面前人人平等。

15. First in time, first in right.先在权利优先。

16. No rights can rest on one person without a corresponding duty resting on some other person or persons.没有无义务的权利。

17. In most civil contexts it does not matter whether negligence is “gross” or “slight”.在多数民事事项环境中,过失行为是否“严重”或“轻微”并不关紧要。

18. Traditionally, firm referred to a partnership, as opposed to a company.按惯例,firm是指合伙企业,与公司相对。

19.A transaction between two parties ought not to operate to the disadvantage of a third.合约不约束第三人。

20. An acceptance once given cannot be revoked unless the offeror consents.除非要约人同意,承诺一经即不得撤回。
