
日记大全 > 句子大全

有感而发的短句子 现实入心(值得细品)

句子大全 2023-06-25 06:13:01


A sudden temper is often a long accumulated grievance.

2.在乎你的 ,舍不得伤害你, 不在乎你的强求也无用 。

Those who care about you are reluctant to hurt you, and those who don"t care about you are useless.

3.人在无端微笑时 ,不是百无聊赖,就是痛苦难当。

When people smile for no reason, they are either bored or miserable.

4.习惯了不该习惯的习惯, 执着于不该执着的执着 。

Get used to the habit you shouldn"t get used to, and stick to the habit you shouldn"t stick to.

5.不要期待 ,不要假想, 不要强求 。

Don"t expect, don"t imagine, don"t demand

6.感情不将就,不勉强 ,深则长久 ,浅则不留 。

Feelings don"t make do with, don"t force, deep is long, shallow is not stay.

7.活了半辈子才明白 ,最好的关系是相处。

It took half a lifetime to understand that the best relationship is to get along with each other

8.没有勾心斗角 ,不用互相防备。

No intrigue, no defense.

9.不必察言观色,不用提心吊胆 。

You don"t have to be observant, you don"t have to worry.

10.不算计 ,不欺骗 ,不隐瞒 ,不假装, 不伪装, 不逞强 。

Don"t calculate, don"t cheat, don"t hide, don"t pretend, don"t pretend, don"t show off.

11.没有过不去的经历, 只有走不出的自己。

There is no experience you can"t go through, only you can"t go out.

12.故事人人都有 ,我们都是生活中的俗人。Everyone has a story. We are all laymen in life.

13.我事事如意那就不叫生活, 睡前原谅一切 ,醒来不问过往 。

If everything goes well with me, it"s not life. Forgive everything before going to bed and don"t ask about the past when I wake up.

