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让人瞬间泪崩的爱情句子 伤感扎心(哪句说出了你的心声)

句子大全 2023-06-26 02:04:01


In fact, if a relationship for a long time, after a sudden separation, you will not know exactly because you like reluctant, or because of obsession and reluctant.


In this relationship, I think I pay no less than you, although I know we have a lot of inappropriate places, but I still choose to hold your hand tightly, but finally why do you have to let go of my hand again and again?


Later we eventually broke off contact, at the beginning of the separation, said good to often contact, now communication clearly so developed, but you and I still in the crowd after all interrupt contact.


Put down!Maybe that person doesn"t even care how you"re doing right now? All he cares about is how the girl he"s holding is doing. And how about you? After all, it became the past that he would never mention again. So ah, love is like this, once the other party does not love, you can only helplessly watch him go, watching him like someone else, but you have no way.

我始终觉得,那些分开后,始终还关心着,惦记着对方的两个人 根本就不应该没有结果,不是吗?

I always think, after those separate, always still care about, thinking about each other"s two people should not have no result, is it?


Later we are too busy, busy mutual suspicion, busy accusing each other, busy hurt each other, so busy busy, they forget the original commitment, forget the first time of beauty, forget to say never separate oath.


I want a person to leave quietly, and then cut off all contact, this should be all the farewell in the most courageous bar!


We are all adults, if you do not love, just a little, do not use very busy, as an excuse, in fact, have you ever thought, you are so secretive consumption, but is a waste of everyone"s time. Anyway, I won"t stop you from going to someone better than me!


Later think, we seem to have no big conflict, but gradually no topic, no contact, and then one day, suddenly decided not to participate in each other"s future life.


