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2021冀教版八年级英语下册Lesson 21Books(or Computers教学设计)

句子大全 2023-06-27 02:25:01

Lesson 21Books or Computers ? 教学设计 【教学目标】1.Master the new words and phrases, understand the meaning of text. 2.Let the students learn to speak in English about the development of book. 【教学重难点】重点 : 掌握 本课相关 词汇 ,短语和句型 . 难点: 让学生 用英语说说书的发展历程并了解印刷术和网络的重要性 . 【课时安排】 1课时 【 授 课时 间 】 2021 年 ( )月 ( )日星期 ( ) 【 教学过程 】 一、导入环节( 2分钟) (一) 导入新课,板书课题 导入语: Good morning, class. How are you? Today, we are going to learn : Lesson 21Books or Computers ? (二) 出示学习目标 过渡语 :First ,let ’sread the learning goals together. 1.我要 掌握 单词和短语: appear, modern, electronic ,--- pass on, by hand, --- 2.通过学习 学会用英语说出书的发展历程并了解印刷术和网络的重要性 . 过渡语 :Ibelieve everyone can achieve your goal? Can you ?Let ’sbegin . 二、先学环节 ( 15 分钟) 过渡语 :First look at the guides carefully and then finish the tasks step by step. (一) 出示 自学指导 1.熟记单词, 完成 自学检测 2.读课文,完成 Let ’sdo it (二)自学检测 反馈 I. 背 写本课生词(英语、词性、汉语意思) ( 1) ____________________ ( 2) _____________________ ( 3) __________________ ( 4) ____________________ ( 5) _____________________ ( 6) __________________ Ⅱ .读课文,找出本课短语并翻译: 1.pass on 传递;前进 2.change the world 改变世界 3.keep on 继续 4.by hand 用手;手工 5.printing press 印刷机 6. no matter 无论、不管 III.Please use proper words to fill them. 1.Some new phones (appear) last week. 2.Can you tell her how (do) it. 3.The children are (sell)toys for fun in the park. 4.The fish always keeps on (swim). 5.There are many benefits of (read) books. 【 Keys 】 1.appeared 2.to do 3.selling 4.swimming 5.reading (三) 质疑问难 过渡语 :After learning ,do you have any questions? If you have some questions, put up your hands. 请你把自学过程中的问题提出来,然后在班内解决。 -------- 三 、后教环节 ( 15 分钟 )过渡语 :Next ,let ’slearn and discuss some important language points. 学法指导:先独立思考合作探究当中的问题,然后注意结合例句,小组讨论本 课语法知识点,不理解的提交班内解决。

科目:英语 年级: 八年级 教学设计:王新强 时间: 2021-04-1 编号: 21 Students asthe main body, teachers asthe leading, training asthe main line 学生为主体,教师为主导,训练为主线 2 探究 一 :Listening (Listen to the tape with your book closed and fill in the blanks. ) 1.If we just abook,it may take along time. 2.With modern ,it was possible to print books quickly. 3.E-books can change people ’sreading . 【 Keys 】 1.write 2.technology 3.habits 探究 二 :Reading 1.Read the text and answer the following questions. (1)How did people pass on their knowledge in ancient times? (2)What isthe advantages of using the printing press? (3)How many ways can you tell to read books? 【 Keys 】 1.(1)By telling stories. (2)It was possible to print books quickly. (3)Five ways. 2.Read the text again and fill in the blanks. 1.In ancient time,there were no books and people passed on their knowledge by telling stories. . 2.Later, people learned how to write and make paper. With paper ,people began to write down their stories. 3.Then, the printing press appeared and changed the world. With modern technology ,itwas possible to print books quickly. It was also possible for common people to read books. 4.Recently, computers and the Internet changed the world again. E-books are quickly changing people ’sreading habits. 探究 三 :Language points 1.how to do sth 是由 “ 特殊疑问词 + 动词不定式 ”构成的短语 ,how 引导的不定式短语作 前面 learned 的宾语。除了 how 之外 ,其他的特殊疑问词 (what,who,which,when,where 等 ) 也都可以与动词不定式连用 ,通常在句中作宾语、主语或者表语等。 (1) 作宾语。 She doesn ’tmake sure where to take avacation. 她不确定去哪儿度假。 (2) 作主语。 When to go to school isup to you. 什么时候去上学 ,你说了算。 (3) 作表语。 The biggest problem ishow to make money. 最大的问题是怎么去赚钱。 2.【辨析】 take,pay,spend,cost (1)take 构成 “Ittakes sb +时间 /精力 +to do sth. ”结构 ,意思 是 “做某事花费了某人的时间或精力 ”。Ittook her two hours to finish the homework. 她花了 两个小时写完作业 。(2)pay 构成 “Sb +pay+ 金钱 +for sth. ”结构 ,意思是 “某人花了多少金钱 去买某物 ”。 Ipaid 10 yuan for this pen. 我买这支钢笔花了十元钱。 (3)spend 构成 “Sb+spend+ 时间 /金钱 +on sth/in doing sth. ”结构 ,意思是 “某人花时间或金钱做某事或者某 人在某物之上花费了多少时间或金钱 ”。 Ispend one hour doing sports every day. 我每天花 一小时做运动。 (4)cost 构成 “Sth +cost+ sb + 金钱 .”结构 ,意思是 “某物花费了某人多少金 钱 ”。 The new bike cost me much money. 这辆新自行车花了我许多钱。

科目:英语 年级: 八年级 教学设计:王新强 时间: 2021-04-1 编号: 21 Students asthe main body, teachers asthe leading, training asthe main line 学生为主体,教师为主导,训练为主线 3 3.【辨析】 travel,journey,trip (1)travel 通常指从一个地方到另一个地方的旅行 ,是不 可数名词。 Air travel isvery expensive for us. 乘飞机旅行对我们而言太贵了。 (2)journe y 通常表示长途旅行或者经常性的旅行。 It’salong journey to cross the whole country. 跨越 整个国家是一个很长的旅程。 (3)trip 一般指短途往返的旅行 ,或者指的是不常有的旅行 , 强调目的地或者原因。 They want to take atrip to the beach. 他们想去海边旅行。 四、训练环节( 13 分钟) I.Find the following sentences in text. 1.人们通过讲故事来传播知识。 People passed on their knowledge by telling stories. 2.他们用手来写每个单词。 They wrote each word by hand. 3.印刷机出现了并改变了世界。 The printing press appeared and changed the world. 4.现代技术的运用使得快速印刷书变得可能。With modern technology , itwas possible to print books quickly. Ⅱ .根据汉语意思完成句子 1.后来 ,人们理解了如何写及如何造纸 。Later,people learned . 2.花费很长的时间只写了一本书。 write just one book. 3.他们用手写每一个字。 They wrote . 4.信息传播得更快、更远了。 Information travels . 5.电子书改变了人们的读书习惯。 E-books change . 【 Keys 】 1.how to write and make paper 2.It took along time to 3.each word by hand 4.faster and farther 5.people ’sreading habits 课堂总结: OK ! Let ’smake asummary. Let students show :What have you learned in this class? Think about the difficulties in this lesson. 附:板书设计 Lesson 21Books or Computers ? 1.how to do sth 2.【辨析】 take,pay,spend,cost 3.【辨析】 travel,journey,trip 【教学反思】
