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感叹生活的现实句子 句句蕴含哲理(值得收藏)

句子大全 2023-06-30 02:40:01

一、若当初不识不知不爱不恋,岂会这般患得患失贪得无厌 。还有什么东西比感情还要脆弱的,一击就碎。整个人伤心到崩溃。自从和你分开以后,我就想离开这座城市,离开这个伤心的地方。因为这里,处处有你的影子。If we had not known, not loved or loved, how could we be so greedy with gain and loss? What else is more fragile than emotion, breaking up at a blow. The whole man was so sad that he collapsed. Since I left you, I want to leave this city and this sad place. Because here, everywhere you shadow.

二、不是所有女孩都梦想赚大钱,也不是所有女孩都想做女强人,当你经济独立自我创造安全感,你学会潇洒地笑,潇洒的活,你会发现,自己爱自己,比别人来爱你更有意义!早安[玫瑰][玫瑰]Not all girls dream of making big money, nor do all girls want to be strong women. When you create a sense of security independently and economically, you learn to laugh smartly and live smartly, you will find that it is more meaningful to love yourself than others. Good morning [Rose] [Rose]

三、一个人的成熟,并不表现在获得了多少成就上,而是面对那些厌恶的人和事,不迎合也不抵触,只淡然一笑对之。现在的我,每天还是会忘记昨天发生的事。但我还记得,你曾经爱我,我也曾经爱你。A person"s maturity is not manifested in how many achievements he has made, but in the face of those disgusting people and things, he does not cater to or resist them, just laughs at them indifferently. Now I still forget what happened yesterday every day. But I still remember that you loved me and I loved you too.

四、卑微的讨好别人,只会换来别人的无视,这世界只有自身的强大,才能换来别人对你的重视,只有平等的对待,才能换来真正的尊重。每当看到有人很辛苦的做着自己根本不擅长的事,却还在每天给自己打鸡血,我就觉得既敬佩又心疼。敬佩其勤奋,心疼其青春。The humble flattery of others will only be exchanged for the ignorance of others. Only when the world is strong, can it be exchanged for the attention of others. Only when treated equally, can it be exchanged for real respect. I feel both admiration and distress whenever I see someone who works very hard to do something he is not good at, but still beats chicken blood for himself every day. I admire his diligence and love his youth.

五、所谓长大,就是把原本看重的东西看轻一点,原本看轻的东西看重一点。有些事,不是努力就可以改变的,五十元的人民币设计的再好看,也没有一百元的招人喜欢。The so-called growing up means to take things that were valued lightly and things that were valued lightly. Some things can"t be changed by hard work. No matter how beautiful the design of 50 yuan RMB is, it"s not as attractive as 100 yuan RMB.

六、有时候,选择与某人保持距离,不是因为不在乎,而是因为清楚的知道,他不属于你~~Sometimes, you choose to keep a distance with someone not because you don"t care, but because you know clearly that he doesn"t belong to you.~~

七、不要去追一匹马,用追马的时间种草,待到春暖花开时会有一群骏马任你挑选,不用刻意去结交一个人,用这时间提升自己的能力,待到时机成熟时,会有一大群朋友与你同行,丰富自己比依附他人更有力量!Don"t chase a horse, plant grass in the time of chasing a horse. When spring blossoms, there will be a group of horses for you to choose. Don"t make a person deliberately. Use this time to improve your ability. When the time is ripe, there will be a large group of friends with you. Enriching yourself is more powerful than depending on others.

八、人生,有时就在半梦半醒之间!真实的生活是,认真做好每一天你分内的事情。不纠缠于多余情绪和评断。不去妄想,不在其中自我沉醉。不伤害,不与自己和他人为敌。不表演,也不相信他人的表演。Life, sometimes between half dream and half awake! The real life is to do your part every day. Don"t dwell on superfluous emotions and judgments. No delusion, no self-indulgence. No harm, no enemy to oneself and others. No performance, no trust in other people"s performance.

九、真正的感情,没有谁比谁优秀,没有谁比谁高人一等,两个人势均力敌感情才能更为长久。Real feelings, no one is better than who, no one is superior to who, two people can be more long-term feelings of equal power.

十、成长就是你哪怕难过的快死掉了,但你第二天还是照常去上课上班。没有人知道你发生了什么,也没有人在意你发生了什么。关于你的未来,只有你自己才知道。既然解释不清,那就不要去解释。没有人在意你的青春,也别让别人左右了你的青春。Growing up means that you go to class the next day even if you are sad and dying. Nobody knows what happened to you and nobody cares what happened to you. Only you know about your future. Since you can"t explain clearly, don"t explain. Nobody cares about your youth, and don"t let others control your youth.

十一、一见钟情浪漫,但不一定长久;日久生情很难,却更难分开。越缓慢地爱上一个人,就爱得越长久。喜欢可以一瞬间,深爱却要很多年。你对每个人都真心,对每件事都努力,无论何时你总是选择相信相信,然后有一天,你发现其实在对方心里你没那么重要,有的事努力了也没结果,一直相信的东西早就悄悄变了模样。Love at first sight is romantic, but not necessarily long-term; it"s hard to live with each other for a long time, but harder to separate. The slower you fall in love with someone, the longer you stay in love. Like can be instantaneous, but deep love takes many years. You are sincere to everyone and try hard to do everything. Whenever you choose to believe, then one day, you find that you are not so important in the other"s heart. Something you try hard has no result. What you have always believed has changed quietly for a long time.

十二、如果对喜欢的事情,没有办法放弃,那就要更努力地让别人看到自己的存在!If you can"t give up what you like, you should try harder to let others see your existence.

十三、存在于他的天性中的那些渴望,离群索居的思想,不得不藏在一幅面具后不漏声色,如果不小心,一次装腔作势或弄虚作假,就会扭曲应有的纯真,只有在那尚未出名,尚未得宠于世的初学者身上才能找到这种不带伪装、不含杂质的纯真。Those desires and thoughts of isolation in his nature had to hide behind a mask without losing their voice and expression. If he was not careful, he would distort his innocence by pretending or falsifying at once. Only in the unknown beginners who had not been spoiled by the world could he find this innocence without disguise and impurities.

十四、任何时候,应该清醒的知道,别人的想法,与你没多大关联,而你自己的想法,是决定你一生的关键。我们永远不要期待别人的拯救,只有自己才能升华自己。自己已准备好了多少容量,方能吸引对等的人与我们相遇,否则再美好的人出现、再动人的事情降临身边,我们也没有能量去理解与珍惜,终将擦肩而过。At any time, you should be aware that other people"s ideas have little to do with you, and your own ideas are the key to your life. We should never expect the salvation of others, only ourselves can sublimate ourselves. How much capacity we have prepared to attract our peers to meet us, otherwise we will not have the energy to understand and cherish the beautiful people and the touching things that will come to us, and we will pass by in the end.

十五、 有些人一旦错过了,就是一辈子不再主动联系,不愿打扰你的生活,连偶尔的寒暄都没有,成长就是这样的,不断的告别不断的遇见。过要留长发,可还是熬不过夏天,就像说过要一直喜欢,却敌不过时间。Some people, once missed, will never take the initiative to contact, do not want to disturb your life, even occasional greetings do not exist, growth is such, constantly farewell to meet. If you want to have long hair, you can"t survive the summer. It"s like saying you want to like it all the time, but you can"t beat the time.

十六、 人的一生需要走走、停停、看看、想想,没有反思的人生,只是一次没有意义的旅行,来了也白来。我们从地狱到天堂路过人间,不要太在乎结果,老天自有安排,好好享受过程吧!A person"s life needs to walk, stop, look and think. Life without reflection is just a meaningless journey, and it comes in vain. We pass through the world from hell to heaven, don"t care too much about the results, God has its own arrangements, enjoy the process well!

十七、没有永生,再美好的东西也是镜花水月啊。存在的价值,不过是刹那的芳华罢了。There is no eternal life, no matter how beautiful things are. The value of existence is just a flash of fanghua.

十八、这世界上最不缺的就是,随处可见的漂亮妞,遍地都是的有钱人和日渐泛滥的爱情,却唯独缺少了爱情里本不该缺失的,那份责任感,安全感还有忠诚。The most indispensable thing in the world is that beautiful girls can be seen everywhere, rich people everywhere and the growing love, but only the lack of love should not be missing, that sense of responsibility, security and loyalty.

十九、 每个人都要学会好心分手,默默退出对方的生活,不要纠缠、不要干涉、再想他也不要喝酒了。人生最大的不幸就是没有认清自己,在沾沾自喜或者自怨自艾中成为被真实生活遗忘的人。Everyone should learn to break up with good intentions, quit each other"s life silently, don"t entanglement, don"t interfere, and think about him again, don"t drink. The greatest misfortune in life is not to recognize oneself and become forgotten by real life in complacency or self-pity.

二十、只有在落魄时才懂,愿意拉你一把的人何其少。只有在最穷时才懂,再好的感情也难敌现实。Only when you are down can you understand how few people are willing to pull you. Only when the poorest understand, no good feelings can rival reality.
