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句子大全 2023-06-30 03:44:01

There are lots of ways to raise awareness for a cause. Usually, the 36 the idea is, the more it gets noticed. And that’s precisely why one 37 Frenchman has caught our attention.

36. A. cleverer B. older C. stranger D. simpler

37. A. garbage-eating B. sports-loving C. food-wasting D. law-breaking

raise awareness, gets noticed 和 caught our attention 这三个表达是同意替换,阅读的时候最好翻译成一个意思:引起注意。



37题:A 承接上一句的信息,继续细化:这位法国人得是一个古怪的法国人,才能吸引人。四个选项中,也就吃垃圾最为古怪了。当然,如果不确定这个选项对不对,可以先看下文。

Baptiste Dubanchet is biking across Europe,surviving 38 on discarded(丢弃)food. The three-month, 1,900-mile journey from Paris to Warsaw is Dubanchet’s 39 of raising awareness of food waste in Europe and throughout the world.

38. A. secretly B. finally C. entirely D. probably

39. A. purpose B. way C. opinion D. dream

第二段是对第一段信息的具体细化,把这位古怪的法国人在什么地方做了什么古怪的事儿做了交代。同时,照应第一段的“吸引人”的信息,重复使用了“raising awareness”,并且这个表达前面还有一空,根据这个结构,在第一段中找到对应信息,就很容易找到39题的答案。



As you can 40 , the trip is no piece of cake. While restaurants 41 tons of food each year, much of it remains inaccessible because of 42 garbage containers, health regulations, or business policies. Only about one in ten places 43 him food that would otherwise be discarded.

40. A. observe B. imagine C. suggest D. remember

41. A. store B. cook C. shop for D. throw away

42. A. locked B. damaged C. connected D. abandoned

43. A. bought B. offered C. ordered D. sold




41题D 全篇讲的既然是浪费食物的问题,41空自然也应该是和这个主题相关的信息。

42题A 浪费的食物无法获得,自然得是锁着的垃圾箱才可能导致的结果。


For legal 44 , most restaurants have a policy against 45 food waste. "Some people have even 46 their jobs by giving me food," Dubanchet said.

44. A. reasons B. rights C. fees D. aids

45. A. begging for B. giving away C. hiding D. causing

46. A. did B. kept C. accepted D. risked


44题 A,法律上的原因比较合适,rights 权利,fees 费用 或者aids帮助都不符合上下文。

45题 B,对应下文的giving me food,如果45空中的giving away是抽象信息的话,下一句话中的giving me food就是具体信息了,因为里面有“me”,带入了具体的语境。

46题 D,上文说法律规定不允许这么做,下文中这些人还要这么做,那自然有可能会丢了工作。所以是“冒着丢工作的风险”。

What"s 47 interesting is the attitude various cities have toward Dubanchet’s cause. Berlin has been the 48 while the most difficult was the Czech town of Pilsen. There, he had to 49 at some different stores or restaurants before finding food. The50 is all the more serious when you consider the 51 exercise required to bike from France to Poland.

47. A. hardly B. usually C. particularly D. merely

48. A. easiest B. nearest C. biggest D. richest

49. A. work B. shout C. ask D. jump

50. A. competition B. conversation C. conflict D. challenge

51. A. adequate B. rewarding C. demanding D. suitable

第三个困难:有的地方态度不友好。看到while我们知道又要对比了,柏林和捷克的城市Pilsen做对比,既然后者是最高级的the most difficult,前者就应该是它的反面。49空所在的句子举例说明在Pilsen的困境。

47题 C,尤其有趣的是……这个是承接上文的,这里的有趣其实就是他遇到的各种困难中比较有趣的。

48题 A

49题 C,这道题比较难的点在于,ask表示的意思是“询问并获得许可”。

50题 D,话题已经到了第四个困难了:体能的消耗。既然是困难,也就challenge更合适了。

51题 C,从法国到波兰骑自行车势必非常消耗体力,这里需要有一个词来表示消耗体力的程度,demanding正好有这个意思:要求及严苛的。

"I have to get food 52 because after all the biking I am tired and I need the 53 ,"Dubanchet explained. "Is my 54 full or empty? That is the most important thing, not what I am eating."

He aims to 55 his journey by mid-July. With any luck, he’ll turn a few more heads in the process.

52. A. again B. alone C. later D. fast

53. A. spirit B. energy C. time D. effort

54. A. stomach B. hand C. pocket D. basket

55. A. arrange B. restart C. report D. finish




